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Comments on: Survey Says: The Chuck Fan Survey Results The CHUCK archive Thu, 27 May 2010 16:20:59 +0000 hourly 1 By: FireZealot Thu, 27 May 2010 16:20:59 +0000 I have 2 points that I’d like to share about the survey.

1: You’ve spread out the ‘favorite things about the show’ too much. A great example is Casey and The Comedy. I dunno about you guys, but I find Casey a key side of the comedy, with his grunting and all. The show wouldnt be the same without him and his comedy…

2: It can be hard to distinguish what is your ‘least favorite part’ of the show. For example, I was very saddened by Orion’s death. That being said, it may have been necessary for the show. I cant tell if I’m making myself clear, but what I’m trying to say is that while I didnt like seeing Orion die, maybe he had to for the plot. Hence, I’m loathe to say it was my least favorite part of the show. After all, the show cant always be sunshine and butterflies…

By: pinayhekmi Mon, 14 Dec 2009 09:40:20 +0000 Mel and team, have you sent this survey results to the powers that be at NBC?

Great analysis, great survey. I think NBC could learn a lot from it.

By: lanneedakid Mon, 14 Dec 2009 00:17:49 +0000 In reply to OldDarth.

me too!

By: Mel Sun, 13 Dec 2009 16:38:51 +0000 In reply to BT.

Indeed. We noted that – this being a sample of those who visited a FANSITE – in the General Overview, but I know many may have skipped over that to get to the results.

By: Atlee Sun, 13 Dec 2009 12:46:48 +0000 I was interested in the 18% who said they’d quit the show if the C/S factor didn’t go as they wanted it to go. That number was poo-pooed by some, maybe over emphasized by others.

As for me, I can’t really put my finger on what the exact tipping point would be. What I do know is this. When Chuck ceases to entertain me, then I will drift away. I’m not sure there will be a magical moment when that occurs. It’ll probably be more of a gradual build up.

For me, the Chuck/Sarah relationship is a very large element of why I watch Chuck. Depending on how that relationship is handled will move me closer and faster to the tipping point than any thing else.

If their relationship progress in what would seem to me a reasonable and logical (which would include bumps as all relationships do) I have no problems. However, if I perceive the bumps, etc as contrived and used as just a device to create more “angst” then I would be moving towards the tipping point rather quickly.

There are other parts and characters that I also like and hope would continue to be a part of a very good show. Some of those include the humor, sometimes with the BuyMore and sometimes without, Casey’s character, the spy stories.

Of course, it’s just me, but I like the straight up spy stories such as “La Cuidad”, in season 1 more than the constant battle agains Fulcrum and now The Ring.

Here’s hoping the show continues to entertain me for years to come. If not, I’ll have DVD’s of season 1 and season 2 to occupy some of my time.

By: Atlee Sun, 13 Dec 2009 12:27:47 +0000 What’s interesting to me is the “Hero’s Journey” consistently brings up the rear of the train. I had gotten the impression form comments on the Forum boards, that Chuck was all about the Hero’s Journey” and that everything else was ancillary.

As it turns out, at least form this survey, that is the least important element to the show.

By: BT Sun, 13 Dec 2009 07:04:12 +0000 In reply to BT.

Oh, the correlation for Q3 could also be “are more emotionally invested in certain plotlines than the average fan so more likely to stop watching if it doesn’t go the way they want”

By: BT Sun, 13 Dec 2009 07:00:53 +0000 A note from someone who does this stuff for a living, especially in regards to Q3 and Q5, it’s worth remembering that this was a poll among people interested enough in the show to visit a fan website, and not among all fans of the show. Visiting a fan website may have a high correlation with living with things not going how you would like, as well as openness to spoilers. Q1 and Q2 don’t have this bias built into the sample, but we have no way of knowing how well their results would scale to the entire fanbase.

On the flip side, Chuck does seem to have a much more active fan community than most shows, and I can’t think of any way that you’d be able to find enough fans of the show that don’t visit fan sites to do the survey, other than contracting out a large, (inter)national survey at an expense that would definitely not be worth it.

By: Gord Sat, 12 Dec 2009 18:09:26 +0000 Only 18 percent. I know I am one who will not leave the show because everything doesn’t go the way I expect it to. That being said, some shows, just get stale to me and I lose interest. I haven’t watched an episode of any of the CSI shows this year. I used to enjoy them, but I am just getting bored with it.
I think Chuck has a long way to go before I feel that way about the show. It would require the writers being void of creativity and the actors to all of a sudden get really bad this season before I would give up. From the promo’s and from what I know from the past few seasons, I doubt that is going to happen. Chuck is such a unique show.
Maybe by season 10 (think positive), I will start to get bored with Chuck and give up on the show in S11.

By: Larry1234 Sat, 12 Dec 2009 16:18:09 +0000 In reply to Rich.

Mel this is probably as good a survey as you could come up with and I appreciate all of your efforts. Surveys are tough under the best of circumstances and on line surveys are even tougher. For this show to continue it has to please millions of fans that never post on any board. This probably tends to be older fans which may or may not make your age breakdown considerably more meaningful. The show’s future depends on the route F&S take during S3. Hopefully they will be wise enough to get us an S4. The market will be the final judge.
