SPOILERS: Episode 2.22

We’ve just added spoilers for Chuck episode 2.22 (the season finale) to the Spoilers section.

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  1. who is sarah’s partner?

  2. Could be bryce? please don’t be bryce 🙁 She’s leaving and the series can not have a third season so what kind of an end is this? won’t chuck and sarah be together???

  3. Utku I thought Yvonne has a 6 year Contract for Chuck (If they get to 6 seasons.) (Which I hope)

  4. Or jill? just a thought. i dont think they’re bringing her back for more chuck & jill romance..

  5. Poison17 yes you’re right Yvonne has a 6 year contract so she is not leaving…but as we can see no one wants more chuck & jill romance…All we want is Chuck & Sarah romance… Have you read the latest news in the main page?? it says that season 3 is guaranteed??? Is it true?? can we finally be sure?? if so, thats great…

  6. will jill play in season finale or earlier and will writers want to destroy show with chuck&jill romance again? writers must be careful,they are damaging core of show.

  7. i’m sorry chuck and sarah cant be over… sorry it cant be .. Jill and chuck are done!!! it’s chuck and sarah turn have that reletionship. i hope you new partner would be chuck i hope or she turn down and tell them she stay with chuck no matter what that would be great!

  8. JS said that It definitely comes online and to big effect as we head toward the end of the season.
    what does that mean?

  9. iam waiting… look forward to chuck!! i love it!!!

  10. Where does it say that Chuck has be renewed for a third season, utku? I couldn’t find it anywhere on the main page.

  11. As for being renewed, the TV guide states that CHUCK is one of several NBC shows fighting for “prime-time real estate” because of Jay Leno’s upcoming 10 PM show. Let’s hope CHUCK wins the battle!! I agree with what many of you have expressed…Chuck and Sarah should finally get a true romantic relationship; ending the onset of the others (Bryce, Jill, Cole, etc), and he should be her parnter for her new “exiting” assignment.

  12. If as the coming attractions show Chuck firiing his two guns, I hope he is killing the bad guys who hold Sara hostage. It should be the defining moment that Sara realizies dam the CIA, it is tiime to truly up their cover story and move in together. how about an episode where they are forced to go to bed to fool the bugs in their room. Casey should also realize Chucks worth and start training him in the martial arts. Its television, he can learn quick


  13. Not that I thnk this is this is the answer to Sarah’s partner, it’s just an idea. Could it be… Her dad? Possibly? I mean, based on that flashback earlier this season, they were partners before and I’d say that they’re familiar enough with each other. Just throwin it out there cuz everyone’s talkin about Bryce. Or what if Sarah’s next assignment is marriage with her familiar partner Chuck? Personally, I doubt that too, but it’s a possibility.
    How come nobody’s even mentioned “the elders” yet? Who are they? (I mean other than the dark shadowy figures we’ve already seen) Does anybody think that we might already know any of these characters? I personally can’t think of anybody who could do the job without already knowing that Chuck’s the intersect, but I want to hear your guys’ theories…

  14. I bet one of the elders will be someone we have already seen to make the season finale more interesting.