de·clas·si·fy: to remove or reduce the security classification of

Chuck fans, it’s time to declassify our favorite show and get more fans watching! Last year’s successful fan campaign brought us a third season of Chuck, but our show is on the bubble again. Instead of writing letters and buying sandwiches, this year we need to focus on gaining new viewers to boost our ratings. How can we do that? Simple: get the word out by placing an ad in your local classifieds! Our goal is to “declassify” the show and reveal its top secret appeal to new viewers.
Keep your ad simple and direct: be sure it includes the name of the show, the network, the day and the local time it airs.
NOTE: To prevent copyright infringement, we advise that you do not use images from the show itself, including the logo, screencaps, promotional photos, etc. Stick with text (see examples below) and spread the word!
Where To Place Your Ad
There are a variety of places you can place your ad, both online and in print, at little or no cost. This handy chart shows the biggest TV markets, if you wanted to branch out and place an ad elsewhere. Here are some ideas:
- Craigslist – Post a classified ad free on this service, targeting your local area. No muss, no fuss.
- Your Local Newspaper – For the cost of a couple of footlong subs, you can place an ad in your local newspaper. Often they have an online accompaniment as well, giving you double exposure.
- Facebook – You know those little ads on the side of your Facebook page? You can place one pretty cheaply! Link it to or so new viewers can catch up on all the info.
- Local Free Newspaper – Check with your local free paper (usually a weekly with lots of ads, recipes, coupons, etc.), sometimes they’ll run an ad for you for the cost of a recipe submission. We suggest submitting a recipe for Chuck’s Chicken Pepperoni in exchange for the ad.
You want to be creative to catch people’s attention, but at the same time, keep your ad simple and direct. Be sure to include the name of the show, the day and local time it airs, and the network.
Fan of Action?
Drama? Romance? Comedy?Watch Chuck!
Mondays at 8PM on NBC
The best show you’re not watching?
Mondays at 8PM on NBC
Win Prizes!
In addition to the good karma you’ll rack up from helping promote Chuck, we are giving away prizes to those who place an ad. Currently one (1) winner will get their choice of either the Chuck Nerd Herd Kit or the Chuck Buy More Kit. (More prizes & winners may be added later, so check back!)
Here are the details:
- Submit proof of your ad (link, scan, photo, date/title of newspaper) using the form below or directly to
- Only ads in publications like newspapers, online classifieds, etc. are eligible. Ads on forums or blogs – although welcome to spread the word – are not eligible.
- If you place more than one ad, submit them separately for more chances to win!
- Entries must be submitted by 11:59PM on Sunday, May 23, 2010, to be eligible.
- One (1) winner will be drawn at random from eligible entries and notified via email.
Error: Contact form not found.
Other Ways to Support Chuck
Don’t forget to vote in the Save One Show poll over at E! Online. Zachary Levi really wants another season of Chuck! UPDATED: We won!
Vote to Keep Chuck in USA Today’s SOS poll.
We Heart Chuck is running a poster contest through Monday, April 5.
Make sure you listen to Chuck vs. the Podcast regularly, and check daily for the latest details about the campaign.
Participate in the Chuck flash mobs.
Watch Chuck LIVE Mondays on NBC!
Use the graphics below on Twitter, forums, and your homepage and link to this page. Please download the images to your computer; do not hotlink.
Credits: Gray Jones is the brain behind Chuck: Declassified. Mel and Liz helped implement it, including creating this page. Special thanks to Chad M. for the graphics.