Vote Chuck Onto the Cover of TV Guide

Chuck is the “little show that could”, garnering a super-sized season 4 despite naysayers saying it wouldn’t last beyond season 2. But keep your trophies, let’s go for something more substantial: Vote for Chuck to be on the cover of TV Guide!

The winner of this poll will claim the cover of the December 13 issue of the magazine, the first time fans have been given the opportunity to choose which show gets that exposure. Chuck has never been the cover feature in TV Guide Magazine; time to break that streak! Let’s make it happen, Chucksters!

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  1. “Thanks for voting

    Vote as many times as you want!”

    Sooo….I circled Chuck and held down the enter key while hitting submit for 5 minutes resubmitting countless times. Am I doing it right? Hopefully they don’t count based off IP addresses lol

    • @chris

      To vote multiple times you have to actually release the mouse button so that the page refreshes. Holding it down won’t count =).

      Go chuck!!!

    • It worked yesterday, but won’t work today. Whichever command I issue first, whether “enter” key or “submit” icon, triggers one vote. Maybe TV Guide saw a flaw in the system and fixed it.

  2. Lets do this Chucksters… get voting and repay NBC for the back 11 pickup!!!

    • Yep, that’s right. Let’s show NBC how thankful we are and vote Chuck on the cover.

      Another important thing is to buy the TV Guide on Dec. 13th (if the Chuck cover wins, of course), because if they realize that they sell more when Chuck is on the cover, they will put Chuck more often on the cover. Many have seen the effects of supporting Chuck, like Kristin and Ausiello, who get a lot of traffic on their websites due to chucksters.

      Well, for now let’s just vote vote vote!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      ps.: still not quite believing the extra 11. YAY!!!

  3. It’s about time the cast of Chuck has a chance to be on the cover of something! We did it with the Save the Show Poll, we can do it for this. Time to mobilize again Chucksters!

  4. Well, perfect timing for this poll. Off to click! 😉

  5. I love Chuck fans! We are just the best!

  6. I’m voting, spread the word & keep voting

  7. I voted, but if they are going to go with the picture that we voted under, I was disappointed in the choice. I would prefer a picture of the whole cast and not just Zac, no offense Zac.

    • Me too. That’s an older picture of Chuck by the looks of his haircut. (Don’t get me wrong, I still voted)

    • Chuck's hardcore fan

      I agreed. They should upload the team of chuck bartowski. or at least Chuck and Sarah Walker. They should be more sensitive. The team that make chuck series good not only one. Please reupload chuck and the team or at least with Sarah Walker. Cute Couple.

    • I’m guessing that the picture displayed for voting is not the picture they’ll use for the cover of the magazine. As a side note I’m diggin’ the short clean cut look of Zach this year on the show, the fella is lookin’ sharp!! Tho my favorite is still Skip Johnson one of the extra Nerd Herders…nothing says “Rock Star” like a huge curly afro

  8. i’m currently voting as many times as i can. =)) pls. do the same chucksters!

  9. let’s do this and we can actually show nbc that they made the right decision for giving chuck not just 9 but 11 more episodes. let’s return the favor back to nbc! let’s show our gratitude. chuck is only a click away from being the cover of this amazing magazine. if we win this it might help chuck get more viewers. more viewers the bigger the ratings, the bigger the ratings nbc will feel amazing, nbc feels amazing they’ll be comfortable to keep renewing chuck for more seasons. yeyyyy for us chuck fans! =))

  10. Don’t forget to vote each hour 15 times!

  11. I just bookmarked the site so I can go back to it every so often to vote.

  12. To maximize the number of clicks you can get in during however long you choose: Shrink the page down to 50%, place the cursor over the Chuck bubble, and then click and press enter as quickly as the page will load.

    • But don’t you have to type the security code first?

      • The security code was put in place after Jon’s post. It has to be done the tedious way. But we’re Chuck fans! We’re used to getting it done the tedious way! 😉

      • Yeah its too bad they had to get smart with the code. Oh well. I got a couple of hours i can burn today.

  13. I guess this is one of those times where getting paid to sit in a windowless room filled with computers is actually an advantage. Been voting all day.

    Let’s throw around ideas of how the cover should look: I say it should have Chuck, Sarah and Casey in full mission gear each holding a smoking SMG and standing atop a pile of bullet-riddled Nielson boxes.

  14. Like a good member of the nerd herd, I’ve written a script to vote over and over. 2000x and counting so far!

  15. I live near Chicagoland. Don’t forget that you can vote for any deceased friends and relatives, too!! 🙂

    Vote, VOTE, VOTE!! and let’s do yet another thing the nay sayers probably think isn’t possible – let’s get CHUCK on the cover of that TV Guide!!

    Do your duty as a citizen of Buymoria – and vote for CHUCK!!!

  16. Those other shows don’t stand a chance, not with Chuck fans! Besides what could be a better Christmas present than to get the cast of Chuck on a magazine cover!

  17. Hey guys,

    I have it on good authority that Chuck is facing stiff resistance on the TV guide poll…Keep voting!!!

  18. Andrew, I’m also wondering: from which one? I’ve been voting 50 times a day in increments of 10. It’s taking longer now that they put the stupid captcha on it.

    • Rumor has it it that Smallville has a pretty strong fan voting campaign going too. I’m sure we can beat them but we just have to keep at it. Keep it up guys!

      Viva the chuck!!

  19. I dont even think you need to type in the right code. I was wondering if capitaization mattered and eventually tried typing the wrong code and it accepted it. Heck i think you only need to type 1 letter and it will accept your vote. Could be wrong, but i would like someone else to verify that because if this is true… us Chucksters just found another loophole.

    • I’ve experimented with different combinations. One variant is enough to cause a choke. You’ve got to enter it as shown, although you don’t need to follow the upper-lower case letters.

  20. They changed it so you have to key in a code …..

  21. Remember guys, you have to hit the Submit button after you enter the code. Hitting the Enter key does nothing. If the vote goes through correctly, the next screen says “Thanks for Voting”.

  22. Hey guys, rumor has it that the gap between Chuck and second place is quickly closing. Don’t give up voting!! Our fans are way better than all the other shows…lets show them!

  23. Sent in a couple for “Chuck”
    It refreshes a new code below to enter so managed a few… Go Chuck!!!

  24. We’ll need every vote we can get to beat supernatural and smallville–a simple google search reveals that they both have a lot of advertising going into this vote and apparently desperately want the cover position too.

    But what fun would it be if it weren’t a challenge? =) Vote chucksters!

  25. If it wasn’t mentioned the Captcha doesn’t seem to be case sensitive, might quicken up the vote process.

    And don’t forget to select Chuck, I keep doing that when repeating my vote 😛

  26. Enter works to submit votes as well as Submit Button. Just as long as you get a Thanks for Voting message at the top of the page.