Zac Levi at Nerd HQ: Panel Recap and Photos

Zac Levi and his partners at The Nerd Machine once again brought us the experience known as  Nerd HQ during Comic Con. Like last year, the festivities were held in Petco Park, a few blocks from the convention center, in the heart of the San Diego’s Gaslamp District. This year’s activities included a number of video game demos, photo booths, trivia competitions (is it a hideous skin disease, or a Harry Potter character?) a fan dance party, and celebrity photo ops and panels to benefit Operation Smile.

I had the opportunity to sit in on the first panel this year, a let’s-get-this-business-started-already panel with Zac on Thursday morning. I live tweeted the panel and it can be viewed below for those who would like to watch it in its entirety.

Note: The panel started late, so fast forward to the 15 minute point of the video below!

Some of the highlights:

  • Zac is a big fan of the Muppets. Despite his video with Burt earlier this year, Grover would be his sidekick if Chuck characters were replaced by Muppets (he wasn’t willing to pick specific Muppets for specific characters, though!). The Count would be the villain, of course.
  • He loved being on Broadway, but it was a challenge because he had to perform the same show every day for 6 months and try to make it fresh and fun each time. The experience helped him grow as a man and an actor. He also loved meeting fans outside the stage door (including me, in the pouring rain in December).
  • He would love to do another TV series because he loves the atmosphere on set, but he’d also be happy doing Broadway or films as well
  • He wants to do a Chuck movie, but it’s complicated. He doesn’t know how to make it happen, but if things fall into place, he’ll definitely be involved.
  • He’s thrilled that people are just discovering [easyazon_link asin=”B009GYS73S” locale=”US” new_window=”default” nofollow=”default” tag=”NONE”]Chuck[/easyazon_link] now. Several people in the audience never saw Chuck while it was airing live. He reminds us that he and Josh Gomez WERE Chuck and Morgan
  • He’s very thankful for all the fan support, and all the Nerd HQ volunteers

I was able to snap a few photos, enjoy!






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About Cay

Cay's family thinks that her obsession with pop culture is "not normal". Yeah, well, normal is boring!

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