Ausiello at EW has the scoop and it's good! Gary Coleman, who I'll always remember as Papa Brady in those awful Brady Bunch movies, has been cast in a guest starring role on Chuck. His identity is spoilery, so don't read if you don't want to know!

Gary Cole to Guest Star on Chuck (SPOILERS AHEAD!)

Ausiello at EW has the scoop and it’s good! Gary Cole, who I’ll always remember as Papa Brady in those awful Brady Bunch movies, has been cast as Sarah Walker’s dad! He’ll appear in episode 2.10 (spoilers) as Sarah’s con-man father and we’ll see him try to pull a con with his former partner, daughter Sarah. Cole is a busy guy this fall: he’s also guest starring on an episode of Psych!

Ausiello also reports that he’s watched the first two episodes of the season, and says, “Believe the hype.” As a certain Chuckster would say, “Awesome!”

ETA: Gary COLE, not Gary COLEMAN! Thanks for proofreading for me, KR1221! 😀

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  1. Gary Cole was in an episode in season 2 as Sarah’s father-for what it is worth he did an outstanding job as did Sarah Walker–nice episode –probably around the upper third of the episodes as far as the degree to which I liked it–showed a lot of what Sarah had to put up with when growing up–a really beautiful young lady starred as young Sarah Walker (Jenny). Some but not a lot of angst which I liked (the less angst the better)

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