Chuck’s Stunts are Emmy Worthy

The Creative Arts Emmys were held in Los Angeles on Saturday, September 13, and Chuck brought home the gold! Our show won the Emmy for Outstanding Stunt Coordination:

Chuck • Chuck Versus The Undercover Lover • NBC • From College Hill Pictures, Wonderland Sound and Vision in association with Warner Bros. Television
Merritt Yohnka, Stunt Coordinator

Congratulations Merritt and the entire stunt team!

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  1. The First Date-the Seduction (except for the final 15 seconds) and The Colonel are my 3 favorite episodes of season 2 and they were practically “angst free”. The stunts, the look on Chuck’s face, Sarahs fight scenes were great. I also enjoyed Morgan’s “Thunderdome”. This is a very well deserved win, congratulations. Without the angst we could have fun episodes like these consistently–F & S lets have more great entertainment-it is in your worthy hands. Sarah and Chuck together in a loving relationship is great, even if you have to pitch Chuck off an occassional roof. Again a very deserving win.

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