It’s the mid-season finale and things are about to get even more interesting on Chuck. Here’s the official synopsis for “Chuck vs. Santa Claus”, airing Monday, December 15 @ 8/7c on NBC:
Christmas Eve does not go as planned when an amateur criminal on the run from the police crashes into the Buy More and takes Chuck (Zachary Levi), Ellie (Sarah Lancaster), Awesome (Ryan McPartlin) and the rest of the Buy More gang hostage. In order to protect Chuck’s cover and the safety of the other hostages, Sarah (Yvonne Strahovski) and Casey (Adam Baldwin) secretly go in to the store to remove Chuck, but the mission quickly falls apart when Chuck refuses to leave his friends and family behind. Tony Hale guest stars and Joshua Gomez, Scott Krinsky, Vik Sahay, Julia Ling and Mark Christopher Lawrence also star.
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