MUSIC: Episode 2.13 Songs Added

We’ve updated the Music section with songs from episode 2.13, “Chuck vs. the Suburbs”.

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  1. I know it is a little bit off comment, but I checked the music of the 2×03 and you mentioned Wanted Dead Or Alive, do you know when appears it in the episode?


  2. Love this fansite. So well organized and so much great extra content one never gets watching the episodes first time through. The music section seems to feature only music brought in from other artists and none of the original Tim Jones stuff. That techno-y track they were playing when uploading the Fulcrum database to Chuck was TIGHT! Does anybody know how to get a hold of any of the original music from the show or was this track an import as well?

    • Scott, all of the instrumental tracks are from the amazing Tim Jones and are not, so far, available outside of the episodes themselves.

      If you’d like to hear more from Tim, check out Chuck vs. the Podcast Episode 002 for our interview with the man himself. Glad you’re enjoying the site!

  3. so agreeee with mel, i’ll do whatever tim wants to get this track !!