After two long weeks without a new episode of Chuck, mildly assuaged by a rerun of the stellar “Chuck vs. the Seduction” last week, “Chuck vs. the Predator” not only delivered a killer new installment in our Chucktastic saga, but it also showed a slight increase in the ratings. Not bad for an episode with little promotion. According to the fast overnights (expected to adjust up once final numbers are released), approximately 6.05 million viewers tuned in last night. That’s up from the 5.8 million final numbers for “Chuck vs. the Lethal Weapon” two weeks ago. More importantly, that all important 18-49 demo share went from 2.1 to 2.2 this week (expect that to adjust up as well). Barring further interruptions, we should see the numbers trend up like they did last Fall as we barrel toward what looks to be a sensational season finale.
If you’d like to help ensure that Chuck gets a third season, be sure to check out our Watch/Buy/Share campaign.
The guy seems less optimistic, but that’s just HIM. What we need to keep doing is watching the episodes on NBC.COM and HULU in addition to viewing on Monday nights. CHUCK is either going to make it or get axed by a razor thin margin – and the little “extras” of web site hits, Internet viewing, etc., may make all the difference when it comes down to a final decision between CHUCK and another NBC show that’s “on the bubble.” So keep spreading the word everybody. Get friends to sign the petition! Get friends to WATCH! And keep NBC.COM and HULU busy, busy, busy with viewings of CHUCK episodes. Every little bit will help. And thanks to all of you at CHUCKTV.NET for all you’re doing for the show. It’s just TOO GOOD to not be renewed. How many shows are nearly as entertaining? I can’t think of ANY. HELP SAVE CHUCK! HE’S HELPING TO SAVE YOU (at $12.50 an hour!!).
thats great news i hope viewers will tune in more in the next episodes to come last nite episode is great as always.
i am advertising it to my co warkers to twatch it every mpnday at 8pm here time.
I’ve been a big proponent of moving Chuck to a different night but I’m beginning to believe that NBC is part of the problem. I don’t know if economic times have caused the network to cut expenses to the bone or if they just don’t care about this show anymore, but they don’t promote it at all. Zachary Levi is a good looking, funny guy that could be a legitimate heartthrob to women young and old. Yvonne Strahovski is so pretty that it hurts to look at her sometimes and she’s a phenominally talented actress. She could be appealing to men young and old. Adam Baldwin is a big, funny goofball who is pleasing to everyone and the rest of the cast is funny, charming, attractive and worth selling to the masses. You are hardput to see a promotional spot on the network itself, let alone anything about the show in any other type of media. My wife insists on buying all of the more popular tabloids and I look through them for the heck of it. You will not find one picture or one story about anyone in the cast or the show itself. No spots on internet sites that promote shows (other than NBC’s site) and little of anything else. These people and this show are fully capable of selling themselves but you’ve got to promote it a little if you’re going to put it up against the competition that it has. This show is good enough to build a loyal and sizable following but it has to have a chance to find it. NBC has made some bad executive promotions over the past few years that is putting that network on course for disaster. I don’t know anything about television marketing but I know what people like and I’m pretty sure that I could do a better job than they’re doing these days.