Zac Thanks the Fans For Supporting Chuck (Updated 4.21.09)

Looks like word of our campaign efforts are reaching the folks on Chuck. We’ve just received the following from on behalf of Zac:

Its amazing to see how many campaigns have sprung up for the sole purpose of keeping Chuck around. To know that our show evokes that kind of support within our fanbase is overwhelming. On behalf of our entire cast & crew, I personally want to thank each and every one of you who has taken up the fight. And I ask that if we are blessed enough to provide you all with another season, that you would fight just as passionately as you are now to spread the word about the show to those who haven’t given it a chance yet.

Much Love & God Bless,


Updated 4.21.09: Zac sent the following note to thanking the fans and reporting on what he’ll be ordering for the Finale and a Footlong campaign on April 27th:

As I sit and wait for news of our collective fates to be handed down, I am nothing short of amazed to see the amount, and type, of support that we are receiving from our tried and true fans out there. The ‘Finale and Footlong’ campaign is an absolutely spot on idea, and best way for you to show NBC exactly how you feel. It’s like they say, money talks. By supporting one of our major advertisers, and utilizing the opportunity to fill their suggestion boxes with your passionate thoughts, you will be making your feelings known in a real and powerful way. I’ll be right there with you, ordering a Turkey Breast on wheat with all the fixins. That is of course until they offer the Bartowski special. 😉

Love & blessings to you an yours.
Zachary ”Chuck ’Charles Carmichael’ Bartowski” Levi.

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  1. Yay! I’m glad they know. Actually, I just wrote a letter tonight to send in for the campaign (plan on mailing it tomorrow). I hope the show continues to get the support it rightfully deserves. Viva la Chuck!

  2. I wrote my letters and plan to buy some season one dvd sets as gifts next week!

  3. I ordered season 1 on DVD – and trying to get all my friends to watch it.

    Chevy Chase and Scott Bakula in the same episode needs to warrant a 3rd series!

  4. Hey, I know I’ve mentioned this a few times… but I have started a facebook group called “Renew Chuck on NBC”… PLEASE JOIN!! I’m constantly looking for new members! Also, if you don’t have facebook or after you join, tell you friends to hop on the bandwagon. I have just purchased Blu-Ray copies of Chuck (I already owned the DVDs, but am giving the out to friends to watch) Let’s keep this up! I have faith!

  5. im from the Philippines and a lot of people here are hoping for a season 3 of chuck…so,pretty please!!!we beg you…Chuck is the only reason why i love mondays….

  6. well i want to buy a dvd but its always out of stock in the stores..

  7. god i think mon.night would be so boring without chuck..pls more chuck..

  8. I Love Chuck and I think it would be a BIG mistake to cancel it. It is a clean, fun, action packed comedy and I don’t understand why we cant have more of these on TV. I am tired of the nasty crap on TV now that most of the time insults my intelligence and my beliefs. THANK YOU FOR CHUCK!!!! Please Keep Chuck on the air Plleeeeaaasssssss!!!!

  9. Write those letters to NBC. They CAN make a difference. And if you can’t find copies of Season 1 on DVD in the stores, order it from They should have it in stock – no problem. We can do this! Keep telling your friends about CHUCK. I had one friend watch for the first time the other night and she told me she couldn’t believe that they would want to cancel the show – she enjoyed it that much! So keep spreading the word, keep writing to NBC – KEEP WATCHING THE EPISODES (AGAIN) ON NBC.COM OR HULU. Get friends who don’t know about the petition to sign the petition at – Purchase CHUCK tee shirts, hats, coffee mugs from the NBC.COM store – all these things will help, especially if it comes down to a decision between cancelling CHUCK or another NBC show with similar ratings, but without the strong, loyal, dedicated fanbase that CHUCK has! KEEP CHUCK ALIVE!!!!!

  10. Eviltoejambendedonworlddomination

    Chuck rox my sox!!

  11. This show would have so many more viewers if they didn’t have to compete with the shows like House at the same time! I’m a fan of House too, but I would much rather watch Chuck. People just aren’t giving it a chance.

    This has become one of my favorite TV series of all time and definitely my favorite one by far on right now. Everyone I know that has given it a chance has loved it. It would be devastating if NBC canceled the one show they have that actually has a chance to keep them in good running!

    They think they have it locked with Heroes, but that show has been steadily losing 250,000 viewers per episode. At least Chuck has been able to maintain it’s stable ratings, even if they are only 6-7 million viewers.

    The reason for these canceled shows coming is to make room for The Jay Leno Show, and even though I do like Jay Leno, I will be furious if Chuck gets canceled for that. NBC will lose me as a viewer if they cancel this show.

  12. hey guys, “Watch with Kristen” at eonline is doing this SAVE ONE SHOW: HAVE YOUR FAVE SEE ANOTHER SEASON
    please VOTE OF CHUCK and tell more ppl about this

    here is the link

  13. Zac, Yvonne, the cast, crew, and production team,

    Thank you so much for bringing us the adventurers of CHUCK on a wekly basis. You have been an inspiration to us us all… the dream of the everyday hero will save the world and will getthe most beaautiful girl in the world at the end is a dream we all live and share.

    Best wishes for a third, fourth and fifth seson.

  14. Yes Please save Chuck! This show has a large fan base from TV and the internet it would be a shame if smart writing, comedy and suspense would not be rewarded with another season. Remember NBC also canceled Star-trek after three years.

  15. I love the show chuck i don’t get to watch it every Monday, so i watch it on with the three other show Life, Fringe, and Terminator. There all on the chopping block, and i don’t like this and if they all are canceled i think i might not watch any more tv shows again like i have this four. So please save Chuck

  16. Chuck is definitely one of the best, if not the best on network TV. Hey NBC….ABC/ABC Family has been cancelling their best shows and are losing millions of viewers for good! Dont be stupid and make same mistake! Chuck is a series that will ultimately sell many millions of DVD sets and be rerun for many more years after if it is given a chance…Like at least 5+ seasons! If Chuck is cancelled, I will stop watching NBC as I have already stopped watching ABC/ABC Family.

  17. Wow!! That is so nice and very humble, but words are just words if not followed by actions (*captain awesome* =D) Check out this vid and email it to your friends to random people…. who knows might find it and become a chuck-a-holic:

  18. I love this—not only does Chuck have the government’s database trapped inside his head, he also has his own personal army on standby. And why are we still rallying over the third season? Come on people—we have to start planning for the fourth and fifth seasons. Before you know it, 2010 is going to be upon us…

    But seriously, hopefully there won’t be another panic over the fate of our beloved show. I plan on looking back on this day some time in the future and laughing.

    God bless, “Chuck” (cast, crew and all people involved). We’re rooting for you.

  19. Yeah! Czech republic wants third season too. 🙂

  20. Please renew Chuck!! It’s one of my fave shows ever. Cleverly written and a fantastic cast. Mondays are no longer a drag.

  21. My goodness i hope our show gets a 3rd season.
    If better not be bumped for leno.
    Hell,if friday night lights can get TWO more seasons!!, surely chuck can at least get one more! Geez!.

  22. Chuck is amazing, Zac, I’ll call you Chuck 🙂 . I love the show, please do not cancel it. Cancel Heroes instead.

  23. Turkey wants third season ı love this show do not finish i can do everything for chuck

  24. We purchased the Season 1 DVD, and some goodies from the NBC Universal Store. We have also been watching the Season 2 shows online. Letters to follow real soon. We even added the campaign to our facebook page. Go Chuck!

  25. Brazil wants season 3 too!

  26. I love Chuck…..the characters, actors who play these characters, the clever writing…..It’s a real feel good show!!!! There aren’t alot of shows out there who can make you laugh….without putting people down or having stupid sexual references…..Season 3 is a must!!!! Plus Zac Levi is a yummy nerd….
    Thinking of putting Nerd Herder stickers on my Yaris!!!!xx

  27. I am blogging about why Chuck is a great show. I mentioned the blog post in my letter to NBC, so I would like more people to post and agree with me (that the show should get a Season 3).

    Please come comment!

  28. Chuck is a great show. Vik Sahay, who plays Lester, wants it to return too. He talked all about it, and Jeffster and other things, here:

  29. Please save Chuck!

    I’m French and really like the show. And it would be so unfair not too show us what’s going to happen next…
    If you look at all the other comments you can easily see how much this show is appreciated, and I do agree with all of them so please save Chuck!

  30. Zac,

    Chuck, has become one of my favorite shows…I grew up in the sixties with all the great shows, Chuck can classify itself up there with the great shows.
    I’m 54 years old and have a daughter who is 9 and we both sit there enjoying all the jokes and the conflict between Sarah, Chuck and Casey. I have to say Casey is one of my favor characters. Zac, I hope NBC make the correct decision and includes Chuck in next season lineup.

    Mark & Jess

  31. Hey guys,
    check this out:

  32. Save CHUCK! chuck is aaaaaaawwwwwwwwwsssssssssssssooooooooommmmmmmmmmmmeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

  33. Zac dont cancel chuck im 12 and my whole family watches chuck in fact we are watching now please come back next season

  34. Please save chuck!
    Here in Brazil I watch it every week!
    It’s a very good show

  35. Indonesian….Love Chuck too…
    it’s a Very Good Movie Serial….
    Awesome !!! (Captain Devon says LoL)

  36. Indonesian….Love Chuck too…
    it’s a Very Good Movie Series….
    Awesome !!! (Captain Devon says LoL)

  37. Not only 3 season ,Turkey wants more more seasons of this awesome show.I am a student in a medical school and I give up watching House(5.season become rediculous) and G.A(the most boring show about medicine oh sorry not medicine love:D) but me and most of my school mates are still a huge fan of CHUCK.Hey americans stop watching house and help chuck to increase ratings.We want to see Sarah Lancaster in many episodes 😀

  38. Hi there,

    I’m a Portuguese guy who have watched all the episodes and I want to say you that it is great serie and Chuck have a lot of fans here in Portugal.

    So, therefore and want to ask you to please make a 3rd season of Chuck.

    Here’s my thought to Chuck be an even greater serie: “Chuck is in a mission who has to use the charater Awsome and the missions went wrong and Awsome was injured and in therefore Chuck’s sister is very sad. So, chuck will work his body and learn some skills and fight tecniques to become a greater spy like Sean Connery in 007”


  39. You have GOT to be kidding me! They have cancelled ‘CHUCK?’ WHY would they cancel Chuck? It’s one of the best, cutest shows around. I LOVE the characters, the theme music, the actors, the story line, all of it!!! WHY??? “They” should look to see how many people watch Chuck on Hulu. I don’t even watch television anymore because so little is worth watching. How will we know what happens to everyone? Why leave us hanging like this? I’m sure it’s about money, most everything is.
    Chuck was one of the best shows I’ve seen in a long time, so cleverly written, so funny and entertaining. I will so miss this show, and if I can help in any way—I’m available. Just please make it stay, I am a cancer nurse, and I watch it on Hulu when getting home from work. It makes me laugh when I really feel like crying.

  40. I really do hope they make a 3rd season. I’ve bought season 1 and plan on gettign season 2 when it comes out. I’ve signed some petitions online and introduced the show to a few friends as well. I really love this show and hope it keeps on coming.

  41. Chuck is the best show on television. One of the only ones worth keeping on and the only show I absolutely look forward to every single week. What can I do to help? NBC can’t take this off the air, it would be a huge mistake and just another testament to how bad tv is getting, when they take off one of the only decent shows they’ve got.

    This isn’t just my opinion. Almost every single one of my friends that I have shared Chuck with is now hooked. C’mon NBC, get it together.

  42. Just bought the DVD set cause i couldn’t wait any longer. I love this show and with the way the storyline is headed i think we’re going to need a 3rd season.

  43. I think I’ll speak on the behalf of Australia and say that we aussies want a 3rd season! NBC just can’t let this show go just like they did with What About Brian (another Sarah Lancaster show). I’m hands on for supporting Chuck, and Yvonne Strahovski ><. Aussie aussie aussie, oi oi oi!

  44. I’m from the Philippines too and Chuck is at the top of my list of favorite shows. Me and my sisters love the show and the characters and 2 seasons is not enough. Most of my friends and the people I work with love the show… But do overseas ratings count?

    We really need a 3rd season. I hope NBC gets the message…

  45. I Will Speak On Behalf Of Ireland Saying We Want A Third Season Of Chuck!

  46. I’m a huge Chuck fan from Guam and the show is great. The show keeps getting better and better. I’ve got all my friends watching and loving it just as much. C’mon NBC, do this show justice and keep it running!! It’s got great humor, storylines are well-written and the cast is simply top notch!! Producers, writers and cast members should be recognized for a job well done!! Here’s to a 3rd season and more…

  47. Hey! I am a super big fan of Chuck. Believe it or not, I even twittered Ellen and asked if she could have Zach Levi and Yvonne Strahovski on her show. That’s how much I wanted the show. Guys, please save Cuck, let’s spread this to our friends as well. I bought the DVD and watching it all the time. So please, save Chuck have another Season. It would really be great. You could also help by voting here. 🙂

  48. Saving Chuck is not an Impossible mission! See link below! Good Luck Chuck!

  49. Chuck is the best show on television, period! We must save this show.

  50. Zachary Levi is such a cutie! This show has dedicated fans as well as actors, crew, writers (!!) and all the people who put it together. I can’t imagine my monday nights without it.