Alan Sepinwall: An Open Letter to NBC

Critic Alan Sepinwall, an avid Chuck supporter, has posted his open letter to NBC with 6 compelling reasons to keep Chuck on the schedule. Here’s an excerpt:

4. NBC tradition. NBC as a network and you three as individuals seem to care deeply about maintaining the traditions of the Peacock, and “Chuck” is a link back to two of them. First, it’s exactly the kind of show — smart and funny but also light and versatile — that the late Brandon Tartikoff (whom Ben publicly reveres) would have scheduled on NBC in the mid-’80s.

Second, “Chuck” is the easiest, best way to continue the concept of Must-See TV. Slap it on Thursdays at 8 leading into “The Office” and “30 Rock” (maybe with “Parks and Recreation” rotating in with those two to avoid reruns) and you still have that classic blend of comedy and drama that you became so known for on Thursdays. It’s funny enough to lead into the sitcoms, but it also has action and pathos, and with Leno about to take over the old “Hill Street Blues”/”LA Law”/”ER” time slot, “Chuck” allows you to maintain the familiar balance. (And if you need another half-hour sitcom to work into the rotation, you could always spin off Scott Krinsky and Vik Sahay as Jeff and Lester — a k a Jeffster! — who are two of the most hilarious, albeit disturbing, characters in all of prime time.)

5. Yvonne Strahovski. The entire “Chuck” cast is terrific, but you’re going to especially regret losing Strahovski. As Chuck’s other handler (and sorta-real, sorta-fake girlfriend), Sarah, Strahovski’s a star in the making: not only beautiful and increasingly assured in the fight scenes but a superb dramatic actress as well. She’s the one who makes the show feel real no matter how silly it gets, who sells the high stakes and the action and the romance, and you don’t want to be known as the people who let her go while you had her on your network in a perfect role for her.

Read the whole letter here…

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  1. yahh…that’s what we all mean…Here you go Alan

  2. I agree with this guy 100%!!!!! Now the thing is to get NBC to listen! Come on NBC don’t cancel a good show!

  3. Way to go Alan! I agree 100%! I hope NBC hears you as well as the rest of us fans. We need atleast another Season! Chuck is the best show on TV. Yvonne Strahovski is the most talented actress I have ever seen and I am 44 years old. I think in time she will knock some big names right off the screen as everyone realizes just how much more talented Yvonne is compared to them. That is not to say the rest of the cast of Chuck isn’t. They are all incredibly talented and they need all of them to come back for atleast another season. Please let there be a Season 3!

  4. He hit EVERYTHING right on the head. It would be such a HUGE mistake to cancel CHUCK. There is no doubt that Yvonne Strahovski IS one of the most talented new actresses out there today. She is going to do GREAT and BIG things in the future. Like Alan said, what a mistake it would be to cancel a show in which she plays such a prominent role. In “real life” she is charming, engaging, and down to earth as evidenced by the few talk show interviews that she’s done. NBC should be promoting the heck out of her (and Zach, too). She will draw more fans – and I’m not just talking about young men – but people who appreciate real talent when it comes to acting. The problem is you talk to people today and they have no idea who she is. It’s a SHAME!!! But keep up the great work everybody. Keep watching/rewatching episodes on NBC.COM or HULU. Keep ordering “CHUCK” merchandise off of the NBC.COM gift shop. Pre-order Season 2 on DVD from Amazon – and pre-order copies that you’ll give as gifts to friends. Buy those footlongs from Subway during the finale – heck, buy a few extra to put in the fridge – they’ll keep a few days! Send in those letters QUICKLY to the NBC execs. in support of the show. Sign the online petition. And if they do make the huge mistake of canceling the show, speak out even LOUDER. Please, NBC – if you have any sense, renew this show NOW!!!

  5. I agree with Alan 100% also. I hope after NBC reads this letter and see what the fans have done to keep the show for another season i hope that they don’t cancel it. I hope to hear good news in 2 weeks.

  6. i don’t even understand why NBC hasn’t turned on the green light for Chuck’s season 3 yet! This is the most entertaining show there is. Beautiful, kickass girl with the most adorable tall, dork and handsome guy — who else can pull that off better? And Casey, my lovable Casey!

    I like to think that this dilemma is just a way for NBC to get Chuck’s ratings higher. That they actually WILL renew the show and just want viewers not to take Chuck for granted.

    I think I’m about to have an anxiety attack waiting for that season3 green light! or maybe a heart attack.. whichever gets Chuck another season!

  7. I think the whole “I am going to burn my livingroom” could seriously be true for me if they take Chuck off. I don’t think I’ll live a happy life if they take Chuck off. PLEASEE DON’T TAKE CHUCK OFF! 🙁

  8. I stay in Spain and just have seen the series and i wanna support it and i sent e-mail to my friends in USA for to see it. and i hope that in the next monday it´ll be not the final of the series. finally i wanna say, please save Chuck.

  9. I agree wholeheartedly, this is a terrific show. It should go on for years and years. They have so many more adventures in them, and we all want to see them!

  10. We’re from the Philippines and we always enjoy watching Chuck. I also know a lot of people who love watching Chuck. It’s hands down, one of the best tv series I have ever seen. Great combination of action, comedy and romance. I really hope there is at least a Season 3. Better yet, a few more seasons after that!

  11. I agree with everything Mr.Sepinwall has to say. Why cancel Chuck anyways its got to be doing better then other shows on NBC.I am a huge fan of Chuck and whould probably stop watching tv if its canceled.Its a perfect mix of comedy ,drama and action blended into one.If they cancel chuk NBC is losing loyal fans young and talented actors and actresses and geting what money?they will want Chuck back but it will be to late.Lets not let it get there send those letters,continue watching reruns online and let our voices be heard!!!!!!!DONT CANCEL CHUCK PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. I agree! im from philippines and i love watching this show…It has a good concept with Great Actors and actresses…

  13. Save it for gods sake! Put in that big ole 10-11p slot on Thursday nights, created by the now departed ER. With a 30 Rock lead in, Chuck’s ratings will rise.


  15. In a follow up to my last post I have purchased yet another 4 Season 1 DVD’s (I have lost track but since Season 1 came out until now I must have purchased somewhere near 20 of them that I have given out). While I don’t work in a electronics store I do work in a supermarket for just over 20 years. They recently announced that the store is closing and we will be transferred to other stores. The question is, which the company is not saying is, will we be transferred to one of their supermarkets nearby Or sent to ones 50 miles+ away? Anyway I used my p-touch label machine to add a couple of things onto the cover. At the very top below SEASON I stuck the website. Below that I put the website. And to the left of Chucks head I put Chuck Campaign:
    I plan on giving out two of the DVD’s to coworkers I might not see again. One to a ex coworker. And the final one I plan to present to whovever happens to be working at the Subway when I go Monday evening to pick up the Foot Long Subs I plan to order. I think I might order 6 in honor of Capt.Awesome’s Bachelor Party.

  16. Goes right along with the letter that I wrote to Ben Silverman… Maybe not as eloquent or long, but handwritten… that counts, right? SAVE CHUCK!!!

  17. keep chuck on, it is a great show and i always watch.

  18. slt tous le monde