The fast overnight ratings are in, and Chuck‘s numbers are a mixed bag. Approximately 6.05 million people watched “Chuck vs. the Colonel” last night, down from about 6.25 million last week. However, the 18-49 demo share held steady at 2.3, which is the number the network and advertisers pay attention to the most. Expect the the total viewer numbers to go up slightly when the finals are released.
Just one more episode to go this season, and the ratings are going to be very important. Will you be awesome? Join the Watch/Buy/Share/Write campaign!
It’s a relief to hear that the 2.3 demo number held steady. I am beginning to think, however, that it’s too late in the game to expect/hope that the Nielsen numbers are going to change much. Too many people are already “invested” in shows like DWTS and/or HOUSE on Monday night. So even if they normally watch HOUSE, if HOUSE isn’t on, what alternative are they going to turn to? DWTS (which they’ve probably seen in the past and which is very heavily advertised/promoted – not to mention talked about in pop culture, magazines, the work place, etc) or CHUCK (which they’ve probably NOT seen or have heard about from friends, etc.). It’s more likely that they’ll switch to DWTS, not CHUCK. So if on one particular Monday night either DWTS or HOUSE isn’t on, I still wouldn’t expect CHUCK’s ratings to change much. If we do, we’re setting ourselves up for disappointment. What we have to HOPE is that NBC realizes what a great show this is – but that it’s just NOT going to grow in the Monday night time slot. Hopefully they renew it, and then put it on a different night/time. Either that, or they remain content with the current Nielsen ratings because of the additional revenue from all the “hits” they get from loyal CHUCK fans who watch/re-watch the show on NBC.COM or HULU – and who purchase the DVDs, “CHUCK” merchandise, etc. DWTS may have alot of Nielsen viewers, but I doubt people buy DVDS of the show (if they even exist). And the point that Alan made in his letter to NBC execs about “product placement” opportunities on CHUCK is another way that NBC makes more $$. How many times did we hear about “Call to Duty,” or see “Guitar Hero,” or of course, Subway featured on CHUCK. So, Chuck fans, keep doing everything you can to tell other people about the show. Keep writing the letters to the NBC execs. Keep signing the online petition. Keep purchasing Season 1 and now pre-order Season 2 on DVD from AMAZON. Keep buying the CHUCK tee shirts, hats, coffee mugs for yourself or for friends from the NBC.COM store. Buy a footlong or 2 or 3 from Subway next Monday night as part of the season finale. Keep rewatching the shows on NBC.COM – that’s all more ad revenue for NBC over and above what Nielsen numbers produce. Just don’t be too disappointed if you don’t see the ratings numbers change upward very much at this point. We have to be somewhat happy that CHUCK is holding relatively steady against such great odds. We just need to keep doing all the things CHUCKTV.NET is suggesting we do to help save CHUCK and we may just be able to do it!! Keep up the GREAT work. KEEP CHUCK ALIVE! We CAN do it!! Thanks again CHUCKTV.NET!!! If CHUCK does get renewed (please God, please!), I’ll be toasting you and your efforts all summer long!!
I came to Chuck mid-first season and loved it immediately. I’ve never cared so much about whether a show was canceled or renewed, and I’ve probably never cared about a show as much period. I’m batting 1500% in getting friends addicted: I’ve shared it with 4 friends who now love the show and two of them have passed the bug on to another person. I can only imagine that ratings will climb slowly but steadily if Chuck gets season 3 and the premise of the show, together with the magic of the writing and cast, doesn’t stray too far from the seasons 1 & 2 tree.
Oops, that was supposed to be “batting 1.500 (or 150%)”….
Do they only look at the original numbers? What about the DVR numbers? What about people that watch on hulu? Chuck might lose viewers to things like House (or Bones for this week) but I know some people watch the episodes on hulu (I personally watch it live and then again on hulu the next day… and again before the new episodes on monday) does that factor into ratings at all?
I really wish that networks would also look at things like torrents and illegal downloads. Sure those usually cut out commercials but its still viewers.
I feel so helpless. You know that people with Neilson boxes in their homes are probably not going out and campaigning for the show. Therefore, I wonder how much of our recruiting is really mattering. Oh well, I like this show enough that I am going to do my part. Viva La Buymore!!!
Seriously what does chuck have to do to get viewers. Last nights episode was brilliant. I was really depressed before this episode started due to chuck possibly finishing for ever =(…… aaaaand then this episode comes on and had me laughing the whole way through the bottom line is quantity does not mean quality 😉 I dont think chucks numbers are going to go up a massive amount since most people probably dont want to start watching a show at the end. PLEASE GIVE US SEASON 3!! Ive never cared if a show gets cancelled before but i will seriously be depressed if this one does.
Final Numbers are out
– 6.113 million viewers
– 3.6/6 HH
– 2.4/7 A18-49
SAVE CHUCK!!!!! Chuck is not only the best show on TV now, but it is arguably one of the best shows ever. The critical acclaim for Chuck is outstanding every week yet the Nielsen numbers are low. My concern with the numbers problem isn’t with Chuck’s lack of fans it is instead with the Nielsen Ratings System. I’m certain Chuck has many more viewers than this system claims. I would like to pose a question. Has anyone ever known someone who has this system in there home? I know I haven’t and its ridicules that great shows like Chuck are in jeopardy of cancellation based on an outdated ratings system. Its the 21st century we shouldn’t be using an archaic cable ratings system. Oh and PLEASE SAVE CHUCK!!!!!!!
Here’s a tip for those who want to drive up online ratings: What I’m doing right now on my computer is I have about 15-20 windows open, all playing Chuck simultaneously on Whenever I am not seriously using my computer (because having so many videos running slows down the comp) I am going to start playing all the videos at once and let them play. If we all do this kind of thing when our computers are not in use, we can make an at least somewhat significant impact on online viewership numbers (think about it, in the next 40 minutes I will have essentially represented 20 viewers/customers to NBC). So just do whatever you can.
@Neo – Online viewership is tracked by IP address, so running multiple sessions on one computer will still only read as one viewer. Save your poor computer. 🙂
@Dennis – Ah, but the commercials are the most important part to the advertisers, who pay the network, which airs the show. So no, they aren’t going to count illegal downloads (nor do we condone them). Watch legitimately on or for the biggest impact.
@fanatic – Thanks for posting the finals. Nice to see the demo went up!
@Me – Nice job getting new viewers!
I’ve commented often about the antiquated and very biased Nielsen system but there’s no other viable alternative at this time to base numbers on. I’ve come to peace within myself to stop worrying about whether or not NBC will renew Chuck because it’s a no brainer. NBC has slipped badly from the days of must see TV and must stay with proven winners to remain competetive. This wouldn’t even be an issue if they hadn’t given Jay Leno 5 hours of programming (a mistake of monumental proportions) for next season. I’m afraid that NBC is about to find that Leno isn’t quite as popular as they thought. He did well in the slot he was in because you didn’t have a lot of competition in that format. A lot of people don’t care for Letterman’s annoying interview methods (God, just let them finish a sentence) and watch Leno for that reason. I’m afraid that 5 nights of Leno will send NBC even farther into the ratings tank and further reduce their status among the networks. Someone at NBC will show a little common sense and realize that they’ve got to stick with their proven winners. No matter what anyone thinks a show that averages around 6 million viewers per week in the most competetive time slot on television is a winner. PLEASE SAVE CHUCK FOR YOUR OWN GOOD !!!!
Ah damn it, that sucks.
Mel – Sounds like you know what you’re talking about. Thanks for the info. But I have a question. Once I tried what Neo was talking about – opening up a couple of different “windows” and running an episode of CHUCK simultaneously (not illegally downloading or anything like that, just interested in seeing what would happen). One thing I noticed is that the advertisers are not always the same when you’re running an episode simultaneously on two open windows. So how do would the site factor that in if they’re only counting “one viewer/view” based on the IP address? Thanks for the info! And CHUCK fans, there’s nothing wrong with watching the episodes multiple times on NBC.COM or HULU.COM – just apparently don’t try watching them ALL AT THE SAME TIME because if what Mel says is right, it doesn’t make a difference. Keep up the great work, everybody. Participate in all the campaigns – letter writing, Subway, online petition, pre-ordering Season 2 on AMAZON, buying CHUCK STUFF from the NBC.COM store, etc. For a show “on the bubble,” all these things can make a difference, especially if the network execs are choosing between two shows with similar Nielsen numbers. Nothing against “Earl” or “Medium,” but I doubt that their fans are as vocal as we are – writing letters to NBC, signing online petitions, buying up the DVDs and merchandise like we are – so keep it up! Let’s make the BIG PUSH in this last 1-2 weeks to push CHUCK “over the top!!!” I still have hope that CHUCK WILL return! NBC can’t put all their eggs in the Leno basket. If he winds up “oversaturating” people being on 5 nights a week in PRIME TIME and ends up tanking, NBC has to have a back up plan. So maybe we won’t get a full season of episodes of CHUCK ordered, but 1/2 or 2/3 is better than being canceled!!! SAVE CHUCK!!!! We can do it!!!
Mel – one more question in relation to this “multiple window viewing” thing. What if someone like Neo has a half a dozen windows open and he’s viewing six different episodes concurrently? (Let’s just say he can multi-task really well!). If his viewing is counted by IP address, then which episode is counted as being viewed – and which ads are counted as being viewed (because, again, the ads will be different). Just interested in learning a little on how all this works – while of course, TRYING TO SAVE CHUCK!! Thanks, again.
The results really go as expected, it’s the end of the season and even tough Chuck is no Lost where you really can’t watch the show without watching the previous chapters, new viewers usually don’t know that and have little incentive to watch the last episodes of the season.
If the ratings had went up, it would be awesome. But the ratings held, which is a good thing since it shows its watchers are steady and devout. NBC knows this and IMO it’s one of Chuck’s biggest weapon (along with the product placement bonus, Go Subway!!) for Chuck to dodge the cancellation axe.
i’ve been trying to stream on hulu AND nbc, but the nbc page doesn’t seem to be working. anyone else having this problem??