OMG! Now What?!? (Updated)

Can you believe that finale? If we weren’t already eager for a third season of Chuck, that would have lit a fire under our collective butts! We still have a week until NBC announces its fall schedule, so now what? Keep the momentum going, Chuck fans! Here’s a handy checklist of Watch/Buy/Share/Write campaign things to do today:

  • Order Season 1 and pre-order Season 2 on DVD
  • Send letter and Subway receipt to NBC (it needs to go out Tuesday to allow time to reach NBC; addresses here)
  • Fill out the online comments form at thanking them for their support of Chuck
  • Watch the finale again on, Hulu, etc.
  • Send your photos of Finale & Footlong to
  • Send emails/email audio files/photos of finale comments and Subway stories to
  • Send a video of yourself talking about why Chuck should be renewed to CNN (details here)

The buzz on our show and our campaign is huge, Chuck fans, let’s keep it going!

Updated @9:35AM CT: NBC’s Chuck page has one spot where it refers to the finale as the series finale and another spot where it refers to it at as the season finale. This is NOT how NBC will announce Chuck’s fate. We will receive an official press release and/or news from a trusted source such as Variety or The Hollywood Reporter once the decision is announced. You can still make your voice heard!

Updated @1:30PM CT: NBC has admitted that they made a mistake when listing the finale as a series finale on their website. It has been corrected.

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  1. Chuck is AWESOME, love the fun and chemistry
    So give it a try will you????
    The show is nice so there’s something wrong with ads and the showtime .., i personally blaming on the ads
    Evry other who at least watch one episodes would AWESOMEly agree with me
    GO CHUCK 3rd SEASON!!!!

  2. Please let chuck go on, lets see season 3,4,5,6,7……….
    I’m begging all of you, all the way from South Africa.
    Let Chuck continue, because it has been a long time since I have watched a series that is as funny & action pact that will keep you at the etch of your seat like Chuck.

    Please, please, please, don’t kill the show

  3. I am waiting for the rest of the seasons, hope you gays started allready.

    & last but not least i just want to say thanks for a amazing show, called Chuck.


  5. Hey from S.A
    Love CHUCK, think I myt be addicted bt thats a good thing. Chuck Me that was an AWESOME, FANTASTIC, AMAZING, AWESOME, ‘GIVE ME SOME MORE NOW!’ episode. Rockerz dude. Don’t cancel CHUCK that would be dum, seriously. I’ll try and do my bit from South Africa to keep the best show on earth alive FOREVER and EVER (know that cant happen but that would be pretty cool). To all CHUCKSTERS keep it real. And to the cast u guyz are Fricken Awesome. HARHAR the show must go on. Love the finale ha guys, I know kung-fu. KICKASS CHUCK. Always a fan there WILL be a 3rd. Laters.

  6. Chuck is Awesome!!! About time he started kicking tail. I watched the fight at the end of the finale 3 or 4 times. Awesome!!!

  7. One of my favorite shows, I hope they bring it back next season.

  8. NBC feeling the need to replace it from saying series to season finale is a good sign, at least I HOPE!

  9. Nope Ryan, the series finale screw up adds nothing to the equation. For starters I am at least partially sure that NBC is still playing Lets Make A Deal with WB so even if they wanted to realease anything, they can’t because they have nothing to release.

    And even if they had decided to cancel it (God forbid that!), until an official press release on the matter, “Chuck Vs. The Ring” is still the season finale, not the series, so they would change it to “season finale” either way.

    Bottom line, it was either a massive screw up or if you feel like playing conspiracy theory, a petty way for NBC to get people to go to their website and maybe boost the revenue from online advertisement. If it’s the first, I sure hope whoever’s responsible is fired for almost giving me an anxiety attack. If it’s the second, I sure hope that small boost in advertisement revenue weights in NBC’s decision… hey, anything to help Chuck right?

  10. Still, if I could be face to face to the person who mixed season for series in that box, I would preety much unleash the Casey on him for throwing the Chuck community into panic. “A little consideration for our collective nerves please?”

  11. PLEASE, PLEASE renew Chuck for another season. I just got my dad hooked on the show now — it cannot be cancelled !!! RENEW !!!

  12. Andrew Jorgensen

    What better way to end the series than to quit the Buy More, kill Bryce, and upload Kung Fu into Chuck’s head? I think this makes a rare and perfect ending to an excellent show. Let Chuck go so that we can remember it at the top of it’s game. To continue into a third season now would be to reboot the series with a completely different premise. Without Chuck as the good-hearted but sometimes inept hero it wouldn’t be the same and it wouldn’t be as good.

    To be honest at first I was sad when Chuck went Matrix on us. It was a “jump the shark” moment. But when I found out that NBC was considering not renewing the series I immediately thought, “what a great way to end it!”

  13. Tournie laurent (France country)

    Hi, all i am a french chuck tv show fan in France country. i don’t understand why is USA the good tv show stop after 2 seasons or 3 chuck tv show work fine all over the globe then we want a third season.

    How french fans can help US fans for have a third season?

    thank you for your reply.

  14. @Andrew Jorgensen
    Seriously, you can’t say a series jumps the shark in the middle of a game changing event without even seeing how it plays out. You could say the series jumped the shark if say, Yvonne Strahovski left the show, that would change preety much everything and yeah, the show would jump the shark. But unless you have some intell on what’s in store for season 3, you still don’t know how the upgraded Intersect thing is going to play out so you can’t say that event alone will change the series so much that you can call it a “jump the shark” moment.
    Chris Fedak already said that Chuck won’t become a Jack Bauer so the idea that Chuck will now become all powerfull is most likely very very off the mark. It doesn’t really even sense when you think that if Chuck suddenly becomes capable of kicking anyone’s butt, Casey and Sarah loose much of their relevance for the show.
    I’ll be frank with you. I did raise an eyebrown when I saw Chuck going Chuck Lee on those rogue spies because, let’s be frank here, that’s not how it works. But yet, there’s one thing that we must all remember: This was decided by the very same people who write the wonderful script for this wonderful show, and I say they have done a marvelous job so far, so I say whatever they do, they al the very least deserve the benefit of the doubt from the Chuck fanbase. If by the first few episodes of the third season (positive thinking!!) you feel the same about the changes, then it’s all fine and your opinion is as valid as anyone’s. But please, jump the shark accusations at this point are way too early and show lack of trust in the wonderfull writers.

    Sorry for the rant >_>

    @Tournie Laurent
    Well, as a European to another European, I say that the only real thing we can do is buy the Season DVD’s and get our friends to watch the show (expecially if we have friends in the US). Sadly tough, the season is over and nothing you or anyone does by this point can seriously change anything in the upcoming decision by NBC and WB. A lot has been done, now it’s the time to wait. But when we get Season 3 (positive thinking FTW!) we’ll still need more promotion of the show so as I said above, buy the Season DVD’s and get your friends to watch the show, simple as that.

    P.S. On a side note I have to say Zachary is preety damn hilarious on a fight scene, I seriously think he was trying to hold back is laughter when they shot that, just look at those moves XD

  15. Fantastic!! Just the way I thought ot should set up season 3. Bryce is killed, Chuck has the intersect reboot and he saves Sara. Renew Chuck Put it into a new time spot. How about Saturdays. Move it to USA. Put it back. Do short seasons. Do a real finale. NBC loves the show Fans like the show. I like the show. Chuck is headed in a new direction and it is really good.

  16. I love Chuck. It’s a sincere show with great heart and morals, lots of good witty fun. PLEASE renew. Do what you’ve got to do to keep it please.

  17. Well I went to the Subway in Princeton Junction NJ last night and picked up 6 Footlongs in honor of Capt Awesomes Bachelor Party where they were supposed to have 6 of them, but only had 5 because Jeff ate 1. Anyway I will finish the last 2 footlongs tomorrow. I also presented the two people working at the Subway with a Season 1 DVD of Chuck with this website (which of course is the best of the Chuck fan sites) address P-touched labelled with the smallest font size, so not to take away from the cover. I also put the NBC Chuck web adddress and the Watch/Buy/Share phrase. My letters went out yesterday and I submitted a comment at Subway’s Website. I am quite hopeful that it will be renewed and we will have a Season 3, however let me be the first to stay that even if it gets renewed our tireless work is not over and in fact we will have to redouble our efforts if the show is to continue. We have a long struggle ahead of us to keep Chuck on the air, but I know we can do it. Chuck just has to continue! Two possible ideas that I thought of: how about a new catch phrase, Instead of Monday Night Football, How about Monday Night Footlong? Second idea, Hey Mel about some Bumper Stickers we could buy off this website promoting this website? Also T Shirts would work also..there’s another idea.

  18. I’m not sure if anyone mentioned this already, but I just realized something

    The two weddings were…

    Ellie and Awesome and….

    Ellie and Awesome. Literally….LOL!!!

    I’m probably extremely late in mentioning this, but there was just so much other stuff going on in this episode, that I completely forgot about that part. LMAO. Was is just me?

    Making us think that there were two sets of couples getting married. HAHA!!

    genius…tricky… but GENIUS!!

  19. LOVE the show….please keep this great show on TV….we set our DVR so we don’t miss it….GREAT TV all the way around…Thanks!

  20. PLEASE SAVE CHUCK!!!!!!!!


  21. The 2 weddings thing was real genius and I was completely fooled. I was kinda expecting Morgan to propose to Anna or Big Mike to Ms. Grimes but alas, I was really off XD.

    Another thing that maybe went unnoticed is that Orion aka Papa Bartowski took out Roark/Chevy with his left hand while Scott Bakula is a righty. Maybe it has something to do with the wrist computer thingy?

  22. Chuck’s always really been spot on with the writing formula. It has great geeky moments and really channels an old 80s movie called Gotcha with Anthony Edwards. They did a great job with the end… sure… it was a little over the top but on the same note, Bryce and Orion were seemingly very very concerned about what programming changes had been made to the new intersect. Dont think for a second its all going to be fun and games. The show has a habit of keeping things that are serious for its characters still seemingly amusing which is part of the show’s charm. As well I really liked that after two years of fighting being a spy and wanting to be an ordinary guy that they built it all up to the death of his best friend and with so many revelations about Chuck’s past and just how deep down the rabbit hole this whole spy thing goes in his life that he made the clear and conscious decision to take it back. Well done indeed.

  23. I dont know if this has already been mentioned, but for all those twitter addicts out there…. tag all your twitter posts with #savechuck lets see if we can get it onto the top of the trending topics.

  24. imdb is polling its users today to see which show they want renewed. chuck is in third place and those tscc goons are outvoting us again. somebody stop them! and where have all these scrubs supporters come from?

    vote for chuck here:


    This show is just the best. I need next season!!!

  26. Awesome! I loved it. I really wanted to see Sarah and Chuck say I love you to one another but Chuck knows Kung fu so that us awesome I really can’t wait till the third season. Come on NBC don’t think just play more CHUCK!!!!

  27. waiting for the results will kill me…I will burn the world if not…

  28. Noooooo! They shouldn’t cancel Chuck!

    I’m also thinking how they would pull it off. Chuck knows kung fu now, which means he’s not the nerd-in-distress that Sarah and Casey need to save every single time.

    They sort of like, killed off Bryce and then merged him into Chuck.

    But I’m still hoping for a third season because it’s a completely fun and warm show!

  29. Chuck is awesome !

    We NEED more series..
    no life without Chuck!

  30. Iuri Cavalaria

    What an awesome season finale!!! This show just cant get an better….
    What the hell is NBC waiting to renew it for a third season.

    From Portugal

  31. WOW.The season finale was so awesome it can’t even be measured on a scale.I agree with some other’s that it should be moved to another night if NBC is having questions about season 3.They at least have to give the writers and producers an advance notice so they can tie up the loose ends and not leave the show and fans in a continued unfinished mode.Also,NOBODY better end the series until Chuck and Sarah get married.

  32. chuck! chuck! chuck! everybody just can’t get enough of chuck!!! so why stop the craze?!?! Gooooooo season 3,4,5,6…….! 😀

  33. hey! Dudes of NBC. DON’T cancel Chuck because for me it’s the most hilarious and action packed show that ever blow my mind or even our mind. Maybe i dont have the money to buy something but i just only have the fun and hope that the show brought to my habit of watching. So please NBC dont cancel CHUCK. please!

  34. I’m anxiously waiting for NBC’s decision on Chuck. I want GOOD NEWS!!! I don’t see any reason to get cable if Chuck is not on.

  35. Yowh! don’t terminate the craze! why? because we can learn somethin’ from that series….! and because the show is so exiting!! very very exiting!!! so please men! don’t terminate the CHUCK SERIES! is that a copy!?=)

  36. They are still referring to it as the Season Finale of Chuck on The website

  37. Chuck is the best!!! NBC has to keep this quality show on and give it time to develope an audience. The writers strike hurt the show last year. At the very least a third season is only fair.

  38. 5 days left before the announcement…5 DAYS LEFT…THATS THE FINAL COUNTDOWN…

  39. don’t cancel the season 3 of chuck…! please !!

  40. It is an excellent show (I watch it even over here in Thailand!)

    I really hope this series does not go the way of the greats like Firefly 🙁

    There are so many things they could introduce to keep that amazing spark alive.

    There are also many, many areas that still need resolving in the show – Ellie finding out about Chuck (like Awesome has), Sara and Chuck actually saying something to each other, finding out more of what the wrist-band does, etc.

    NBC people – please don’t lose this one. Please.

  41. They should scrap Heroes and fully develop Chuck instead!

    “Chuck me!”

  42. I’m assuming that ordering Season 1 and 2 on Blu-ray still counts. =)

  43. YOU GOTTA RENEW CHUCK its the only show me and my friends watch!!! we will buy anything just do it!

  44. Hi Chuck is the best TV show i have ever seen, it has to be renewed! for my birthday i ‘ll get the first season on blu ray disc! and later i’m gonna buy the 2nd season too!

  45. I am watching this show in Germany, some of my friends and my brother are watching it too, and they agree that it is Awesome!!

  46. There are very few shows on tv that I even care to watch anymore and Chuck is one of them. I love this show. PLEASE don’t end it now, there is so much more potential.

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