CNN is working on a story about campaigns to save shows and they’ve asked Chuck fans to submit videos of themselves telling them why Chuck should be renewed. If you’d like to participate, go to CNN’s iReport page and submit your video. The deadline is tonight!
Please remember that you could be picked as a representative of the fanbase as a whole, so be respectful and well-spoken. We recommend that you write down what you want to say ahead of time, then record it for submission. And if you get chosen, let us know!
how I wish I had a camera this very moment…
I’m tempted to try this if I can find a camera. If I can’t, I hope someone can acknowledge that yes, the ratings have slowly and consistently fallen, but at the same time the new premise will be very popular (more action, less babysitting) and the show has a built-in and dedicated audience. I’ve already talked to a few friends and family members and they all like the sound of the new direction for the show (I couldn’t get any of them to watch the show up to this point). That’s worth pointing out.
I’m hoping the decision isn’t already set in stone. Or if it is set in stone, I hope it’s renewed!
I sent them my video for the Chuck theme song. Thanks!
It’s still uploading to the CNN site, but is still available on my website as well.
I’ll work on it!!!! Save Chuck!!!!
Funny video man, it would be even cooler if someone would pick up a bass and cover the bass section of the song, maybe even with the “Save Chuck” logo hanging on the bass. It’s not a hard bass line if any bass player with a camera wants to give it a shot. I even started my bass solo with that tune in a gig the other day, I noticed some people in the audience understood the little pun and that made me smile.
I have submitted my video. Crappy quality and short, but hopefully I got to the point and I would like to see another season! I don’t know where the link is. I guess they have to review it or something but I will put the link up asap.
I posted a pretty good video (I think). I’m trying my best to keep this show going!
Please don’t cancel Chuck. There are very few shows out today that I can honestly say are well written, funny, clever, action packed and have a romantic side too. It would be a shame to see such a great show fail. There are enough reality shows and competition shows, lets stop throwing away the really great shows like Chuck for those brainless competitions. I’m tired of seeing creativity ignored because the audiences out there have no imagination left.
I love the show Chuck! They do a wonderful job on their stories, and have provided a very entertaining series. I don’t a have video camera, but am posting here to show my support for the show and I hope they do a new season next year!
There are VERY few shows nowadays that actually are worth watching. Chuck, most definitely, is one of them. Chuck (the show) has gotten better with each episode. Everyone who is a part of Chuck has done such an incredible job in putting the show together. Thank you guys! All of you deserve an award, because you honestly do great work! Each and every character has an important role that they play in the show. That is something you do not see in a lot of other shows. This show has everything you want – great plot, action, comedy, drama, romance and much more. It would be such a shame if this show is cancelled! Especially after a great season finale! We need more shows like Chuck because that is real entertainment, not some reality show. PLEASE DO NOT CANCEL CHUCK!
P.S. – I love you, Zach Levi! You really are an amazing talent. You, too, Yvonne.
just send my video on ireport!!
Save chuck!
Greeting from Brazil to every chuck fan around the globe!!
a friend and i made a vid and uploaded it as well. it should be here
i just uploaded my video to try and save chuck !!!!Hope all you guys can do this ive been working hard to save this show and frankly getting on everones nerves because its all i talk about !!!!! uploaded my vidoe i hope it helps ive been working really hard to save chuck ive put up flyers done all the pettions i hope youve all done and talked about chuck to everone!!!!
Save Chuck! I am such a fan. Gret dialogue, great story line, great characters. If anything, this show should be taken off the air after it’s 6th or 7th season when Sara and Chuck, super spies decide to get married and have kids… That is my assumptive close tactic. Did it work? Don’t CANCEL Chuck please!!! If I only had a camera…
Save Chuck! I am such a fan. Great dialogue, great story line, great characters. If anything, this show should be taken off the air after it’s 6th or 7th season when Sara and Chuck, super spies decide to get married and have kids… That is my assumptive close tactic. Did it work? Don’t CANCEL Chuck please!!! If I only had a camera… Love you Zach, Yvonne and Adam. The three of you have wonderful chemistry. Thank you for an amazing show!
I did get featured on the CNN thing and have talked with the guy from CNN and waiting for it to show up on air. Here is the video they asked me to do:
I just wanted to say I sent in a video to CNN. Wasnt the best, but, Hell, I think i got the point across
I love this website and wanted to let you know that I participated in the CNN video and was contacted by CNN for permission to use it! I hope I represented the Chuck fan base well, even though it was completely unrehearsed!
Here’s the link to my video and I can’t wait to see what they do with it!
I’ve just uploaded to rapidshare the 4 minute uncompressed version (648Mb) of Zach’s Subway trip at Starfury (the one we showed at the end of the event). Search for Chuck vs the Starfury Subway Queue if you want a copy.
Steve Riley
Head of Tech crew – Starfury.
Sorry I have no video camera to record what I have done to promote Chuck. But if CNN wants to watch video that shows why we fans are so passionate about it then they should watch Chuck Versus The Ring. As fans we have said for a long time that this show blends Comedy, Action, Romance, SciFi and Drama in an incredible never before done manner. Monday’s episode was so tightly compacted it is hard to believe it was an hour show. They weren’t kidding when they said they threw everything into this episode including the kitchen sink! I CHALLENGE ANYONE AT CNN WHO SEES THIS POSTING TO WATCH IT! WATCH AND LEARN! YOU MAY THINK YOU HAVE SEEN EVERYTHING, BUT IF YOU HAVE NEVER WATCHED CHUCK THEN YOU HAVEN’T. IF YOU SEE THIS EPISODE I AM POSITIVE YOU WILL THINK DIFFERENTLY! If any episode we should continue to press for non Chuck fans to watch it is most definately this episode. This episode really sells the show!
Check it out my daughter and I made it on cnn for “Save Chuck”
Here’s my video:
They’ve chosen my video, thanks to your site for the informatioN!
chuck is a really good show & funny
this is my vid…