Chuck Wins Save Our Show Poll, Gets CNN Coverage

Chuck won USA Today’s Save Our Show poll with a whopping 54% of people voting for a third season. USA Today reports that the number of voters in their poll was up sharply from last year’s poll. Now who could all those new voters be?

Our renewal campaign is also being featured on right now with an on air segment set for Friday, May 1 sometime between 12PM-2PM ET. Barring any breaking news bumping the story, watch for that segment and some familiar faces!

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  1. YEAH! 🙂 Great job everybody who participated in the polls and video sending to CNN. Chuck fans came thru again! I love the fans of this show almost as much as I love the show! I’m so pumped! Love you all!

  2. Yes this has been the most tremendous fan experience I have participated in.

    If NBC does not pick up Chuck than we will start writing letters to CW or whoever else appears to be interested in the show. We will keep making noise until something happens!


  3. Fans have spoken.


  4. did this ever air? I recorded CNN for 4 hours (the show blocks were 11-1 and 1-3) and didn’t see anything.

  5. If NBC doesn’t renew this show after all the grass-roots campaigns, then they ought to have their collective heads examined. Take a show with a solid base and grow it by promoting it – and it’s two amazing young stars (Zach & Yvonne), marketing it right, and putting it in the right time slot. It’s pitiful that the fans, the web sites, the bloggers, etc., have done 1,000 times more promoting of this show that NBC has! How could you NOT put Zach and Yvonne on Saturday Night Live (NBC’s own show, afterall) to get more P.R. for the show?? It doesn’t take a genius to figure this stuff out. RENEW CHUCK for cryin’ out loud. Enough playing around already. Renew it and take what the loyal fans have given to YOU, NBC – and you can make this show what it should be – a hit!

  6. This is good news. One thing that bugs me is that NBC doesn’t really promote Chuck on hulu either. Hardly ever is the current chuck episode in the main banner at the top of the page…I would think that NBC would pimp out their own shows as much as possible

  7. Love Chuck and I am soooooo estatic that it won, the show is even featured as the #1 show that TVGuide would save! C’mon how much does Ben Silverman and Angela Bromstad need for them to renew it for another 5 seasons!!! Save Chuck!!!!

  8. I sent CNN a link and a request to cover the story. I told them there weren’t enough good shows like Chuck on the air.

    Honestly, I’m exhausted from trying to save Chuck, but iot’s worth it!!! NBC should announce it’s renewal early!

  9. I sent CNN a link to the Zachary Levi Subway story on You Tube, I should say. So tired… 🙂

  10. Seriously, after all these efforts into the “Save Chuck” campaign, NBC must have a death-wish if they cut it.

  11. Beta then VHS, followed by DVD and now bluray (sorry if I miss-spelled that.) My point is we as customers have to change with the times. So why have the companies that produce products like Chuck still rely on out dated ineffective methods of gather info on what’s hot and what is not? NBC needs to get with the times and devise a method of gathering ratings. SAVE CHUCK!!!

  12. Sorry for double posting hear but I had a thought. If NBC does not renew it I plan to write SNL and see to they will do a segment I like. “Really with seth”

  13. I’m over the moon at the results. I was quietly confident us Chuck fans would pull through but never at 52%!!
    I feel privileged to be a fan of this show along with all the other passionate Chuck fans, and we should be proud for what we’ve just shown NBC…

    There was an article I read that listed all the different single elements that make this show great – cast, directing, soundtrack etc etc. But they missed out one – the die hard fans that care enough to do whatever they can to save a show that apparently doesn’t have that big a fan base. But we’re definitely the fan base with the biggest heart!
    Well done people!