‘Chuck’ Renewed? Likely!

How’s this for a roller coaster day: Nikki Finke at Deadline Hollywood Daily is reporting that Chuck has been renewed and NBC will announce it officially on Monday (despite earlier reports that it might be another 1-2 weeks before the announcement is made). Finke never publishes definitive statements without plenty of confirmation, so we’re putting on our cautiously optimistic faces. We’ll wait for the official word from NBC before the celebration really begins, but let’s start stockpiling Footlongs and Nerds now in anticipation!

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  1. Let’s hope it’s true! It did made my day, though.

  2. I come from New Zealand and I think chuck Rules and so do a heap of my freinds,It would be awesome if they kept chuck 🙂 😛


  4. Here’s hoping NBC actually saw the light. With shows like Chuck, they could actually begin re-building the network. I won’t be 100% satisfied until the official announcement, but this certainly makes me feel better.

  5. I couldn’t be happier!! Awesome news!

  6. And here I was, trudging home after a long, weary work-day on my feet when—lo and behold—I receive this bit of news! There really is a god, people…

    Quoting Grace, I won’t be 100% satisfied either until I hear the official announcement but I’ve never known Nikki Finke jump the gun before. This news is going to help me sleep well tonight.

    Thank you, Finke! I’m going to do some cartwheels in the morning.

  7. Yeah wooo cmon chuck come back for another season or 2!

  8. OHHH please let this be true. If it is i’m gonna go grab another footlong as soon as i find out. I love this show too much to only have 2 seasons of it.

  9. Oh man i hope they do! I will be so so happy! This will make my summer a lot easy to get through.

  10. I was super happy when I read this, but a little confused. Just a couple of hours ago, we weren’t even going to hear anything for another week or 2. How accurate is this information?

    Obviously, it’s exciting news, and hopefully it’s true cause then I can stop biting my nails, but I need the official confirmation…just be sure.

  11. I am hoping this is true because Chuck is a really great show with lots of potential. Chuck is quirky and fun and can appeal to the younger generation with it’s geek elements and it’s funky soundtrack but can also appeal to the older demo with it’s spy elements and secret government agencies. The action quotient can appeal to the male demo while the Sarah/Chuck storyline can appeal to the female demo. In essence it’s a perfect combination to be a good earner for NBC if they give it the proper promotion and give it the right time slot. Chuck is more smart and more clever than stale cop shows.

  12. ohh. yayay.. yay!! YAY.. YAYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!! (erupts with joy)
    oh gosh.. Pleasee nbc don’t fail me nowww.. >.<

  13. This is GREAT news!!! NBC, please give me a reason to get cable at my new house!

  14. Ive gotmy footlongs, ive got my nerds, ive got my Jeffster cd on standby, now all i need is confirmation and im partying BuyMore style.


  16. OMG! really! (my heart just flew out of the window) that’s awesome news! (but i’ll still continue the savechuck campaign to be very sure!

  17. guys but I’m bemused cause news from different websites are much miscellaneous, chucktv says that renewal is likely but what about ausiello? or tvbynumbers? will we hear the exact announcement by tomorrow or will we wait for a couple of weeks??? if somebody has really reliable info can he/she share? I don’t feel comfortable…

  18. chuck is an awesome show…i do hope they renew it…i’m from the philippines and is wondering that if i buy nerds and subway sandwiches in the branches here on our country also help chuck or does it not count? i really love this show…please renew it…

  19. Maybe NBC actually DID make a decision re: “S**t or GET OFF THE POT!!!” Please, NBC – just announce it already – ON MONDAY – THIS MONDAY – MAY 4th! – not one or two Monday’s from now. We’re already buying up more copies of Season 1 DVDS, already ordering multiple copies of Season 2 DVDs on Amazon, already giving CHUCK more promotion than you as a network have given it. So…. renew it – then open the season with Zach and Yvonne as hosts of Saturday Night Live – put them on Leno (heck, he’s going to be on EVERY NIGHT) – and actually promote this show and it’s two amazing young and “real people-like” talents. As that one SNL alum (Rob Schneider??) always says when he shows up in Adam Sandler movies, “C’mon (NBC), YOU CAN DO IT!!!!! Thanks again, Chucktv.net for all you’ve been doing. Know that we’re doing our part, too!

  20. OMG… I really hope it is true!!!!!!

  21. NBC you better not disappoint me now when I’m hyped an all.
    Long live chuck.

  22. To quote Mike ed: “If it is I’m gonna go grab another footlong as soon as I find out”.

    There’s an interesting idea for the next stage of the “Save Chuck” Campaign – What if we told the fanbase to all go buy footlongs again the day after NBC officially announces the renewal? It would serve two purposes – thank NBC for picking up the show and Subway for supporting it, and continue to bring attention to the show to try and attract more viewers.

    What do you think?

  23. Whoo-hoo! This is where I do my Pre-happy Dance Happy Dance…

  24. I watched E!’s interview with Zack telling about the “week or two” delay in NBC’s decision. If Nikki’s prediction that NBC will announcement the renewal of Chuck on Monday is true then great! If not, here are two suggestion for continued Chuck chatter from the fans. First, what about a “Save Chuck” or “Chuck Me” marathon weekend over May 8-10 where fans are encouraged to watch the last several Chuck episodes on HULU or NBC Rewind? They could invite their friends to either watch with them or on their own. Second, what about encouraging Chuck fans to show up outside the NBC Today Show studio in NYC on Friday, May 8 or Sunday May 10 to show their support for Chuck? Chucktv.net could also make a high resolution photo of the “Save Chuck” campaign available for download which fans could take and create posters and t-shirts that they could use to send the message that Chuck is worth saving. Imagine if dozens of enthusiastic fans showed up yelling “Save Chuck”! That would get some attention.

  25. Chuck, is a link in the chain for NBC. They can use it to build the network.Or they yank on the chain and lose viewers and sink further ABC ,CBS and FOX. Eat a Footlong SAVE CHUCK!

  26. While I only celebrate when NBC says the word, at this point I’m preety much convinced that Chuck will gets its 3rd season, judging by all the reliable “inside info” stating that the renewal is a reality or at least very likely. Now the biggest question I ask myself is how many episodes will NBC order? If I had to bet I’d say 13, it seems like the most logical choice, considering the ratings. And yet I’m rooting for a 17-episodes order that would carry a big “we believe in this show” message to it. Still, the fanboy in me wishes for the full 22 episodes season, but that seems unlikely… even tough it’s NBC we’re talking about XD

    On the other hand, if by some cruel twist of fate, Chuck gets cancelled, I mark this report as a “Dewey Defeats Truman!” kind of article and it’ll be the biggest let down in many years. Let’s just hope we don’t get there.

  27. Luis (from Spain)

    I do hope that NBC realizes that Chuck is one of the most entertaining, witty, action-packed series shown on tv. I believe it will be a great error in judgment if Chuck isn´t renewed for at least 5 more seasons! Here in Spain I see it with quite a bit of lag time, but still enjoy it immensely. Please keep Chuck on tv for the world to enjoy! Saludos to all!

  28. Okay, I read some good ideas above…

    Donovan: I say that is an AWESOME idea to have some Chuck fans go to the today show studio if the renewal is not announced! I bet we could get a decent enough participation to get noticed just by tweeting if need be.

    Grace: I will probably try to eat at subway more often than before (which was never, lol) but like you said it would be fun to coordinate a thank you day too. I kind of pictured doing it on the day that season three started myself.

  29. Have you thought of having Chuck fans go to the Today show if NBC *does* pick up Chuck? You know, with big thank you signs?

    As for what NBC wants in return – remember when CBS gave more Jericho in return for the fans winning new viewers? (this should be NBC’s promo job, but I’ll take it if they won’t)

    I wish I had Chuck sampler DVDs to hand out – like thy do for new shows. Alas it’s all copyrighted. Otherwise you could stand on the street and hand them out.

    Or Flyers. Has anyone tried flyers? Not everyone is online as much as we are. Perhaps someone could do an intro to Chuck site with background, youtube clips, some good quotes, maybe a FAQ, then make a flyer with the URL and give it to people (didn’t someone say “tell people on the street”?) Chuck has a cheerier premise than Jericho, so it might work. And then a link to the eps which *are* available online, or amazon, or netflix, or whatever. (I’m watching Gilmore Girls from the library, but I’m sure no one is making money off that. Unless you’re lobbying libraries to buy season 1…) Chuck’s on iTunes? Yes? No? Networks want viewers and money.

    And, you know, maybe Subway Mondays….

  30. I’d also like a Chuck t-shirt, but I can’t afford the $28 or whatever and I’m crappy at iron on and I need a non-crew-neck. In fact, in FL, I’ll be needing a tank top. It’s May. But if you want me to be a walking billboard… My friend who still has a job bought an official Jeffster shirt (my brother notes it’s the only shirt without a CHUCK stamp on back). I want a NERD HERD (I’m a nerd, and I like the black/white and red)

  31. the main reason I watch Chuck is Agent Sarah Walker.

    I hope to see more of Agent Walker’s “hotness.”

    Mabuhay si CHUCK!!!

  32. I hope it is true like everyone else does. I read a comment or two about this being likened to Get Smart. If that is true, both Max and 99 got married while they worked together. It might not work for a Chuck and Sara wedding, but at least let their be a few condums between Chuck and Sara while Casy helps support an ass kicking Kung Foo Chuck. The finale was all I wanted it to be. Now for season 3 lets move on and play up the support a rebooted ass kicking Chuch can be to Sara and Caseys’ team.

  33. zinddestruction

    PATIENCE BUY-MORIANS! We all know this is a big shell game/ song-and-dance routine. Maybe it will be Monday, maybe not…
    I like the CHUCK-A-THON idea to show our continued support and the Subway buy-in the day after the announcement. I will wait until after the official notice to buy my Buy-More Polo shirt because it’s the only thing left I need to order. I will probably get the coffee mug as well but I think they are sold out which is a good/bad thing.
    And how about some numbers on HOW MANY JEFFSTER SHIRTS SOLD??? Now that’s a hard-core statistic I’d like to know considering they were a fresh item in their store. I ordered mine the second I heard of it’s existence.
    Also- Ever noticed how many action figures and kitsch merchandise for Heroes? It’s insane! NBC really needs to make more CHUCK stuff, but you know, like renew it first obviously. I’d pop $30 for a Sarah Walker action figure. Oh yeah.

  34. TV By Numbers is carrying the same news (from deadline hollywood daily). I note they attribute the Chuck renewal to “multiple sources” now.


  35. oh I really really hope it is true. I love Chuck and would hate to see it canceled

  36. Thank Goodness! I couldn’t be happier! I reallllllllyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy hope its renewed! Have you ever had one of those moments were you just want to sprulge and buy everything? I’m having one of those moments right now, I want a Nerd Herd Shirt, and a Jeffster shirt, and possibly a Buy More Polo. Probably will only get one of the three though. Which ones the best? Send me a message or sumthin.

  37. OMG, I was just about to head off to bed when i decided to check this site, hoping for some news about chuck. If this is true, which i hope it is, and NBC did renew it… AHH. I’ll be jumping for joy and can finally start studying.
    Can’t wait to hear if officially tomorrow. I’ll be running home from internship in hopes of the great news!
    CAN’T WAIT!!!!!! YAY CHUCK!!!

  38. GO CHUCK!! If this happens, my dreams would have come true!

  39. awesome!that’s a great news, if it’s true. I know lots of people are really looking forward to the 3rd season of Chuck, including me, and I know that the 3rd season will be very exciting and cool like the 1st and 2nd seasons.
    Three cheers for CHUCK!!

  40. I live all the way in Taiwan and my friends and I think Chuck is the most awesome show ever in the whole entire world.
    hell yeaaaaaaah!

  41. NBC just announced their “upfront” schedule today (May 4th). No mention of CHUCK. Thanks, NBC, for screwing with us! Renew Southland and Parks and Wreck (whose ratings are the same or worse as CHUCK and whose fans haven’t shown near the loyalty as we CHUCK fans), and either (1) make us wait for a decision that’s already been made, or (2) have already canceled CHUCK and be “too afraid” to announce it. Thanks, either way.

  42. I know kung fu… 😀 CHUCK your road is open….

  43. I’m super happy cuz the show is awsome…I really do hope they keep it cuz it just one of the shows or wait the only show that is awsome…. i’m gona go get a footlong!!!!!!!!!!!!

  44. wow dont belive it! Nikki Finke is a big gambler she has no credible sources and writes things that have not yet been confirmed by NBC!once again we do not know if Chuck has been renewed so dont celebrate yet, and keep those fingers crossed!!!


  46. I really hope this come true, I really love this show, and it will be a shame if they don’t renew it for a 3rd season.

  47. Ok, here’s the response of Nikki Finkle to yesterday’s letdown:

    “I’ve learned why announcements regarding the renewal fates of Chuck and My Name Is Earl have been delayed. And it involves more horsetrading than the Triple Crown. My sources tell me that NBC lowballed the Earl license fee, and the show’s owner, Twentieth Century Fox, came back with a proposal which NBC has been sitting on for a few days. As for Chuck, this gets complicated. Turns out NBC didn’t like David E Kelley’s Warner Bros pilot Legally Mad. Problem is, there’s a $2 million penalty that gets paid to WB if the network doesn’t pick up the show. So NBC is hoping to work a deal tying the renewal of Chuck, which is also a WB show, to a pass on paying that Legally Mad penalty.”

    Ok it seems a little farfetched and maybe Nikki’s just covering her hide after that fiasco, but it doesn’t sound impossible at all so… I remain optimistic.

  48. HollywoodDream

    Hmmm… still crossing my fingers…

  49. save chuck, its a great and funny show, keep it on,
    new zealand

  50. Chuck is one of the best shows on TV right now. With the season finale episode making Chuck a real bad ass now, I think they would be stupid to not renew this show.