It’s been a week since NBC told us nothing about Chuck‘s future, and Chuck fans have been keeping up the noise about our show. Here are the latest happenings in the campaign for a Nerd Third:
- The Have a Heart, Renew Chuck campaign has topped $5,000 in donations for the American Heart Association. We’ll be updating the amount raised as that information is available; check the ticker on the right for the latest info. For more information on how to donate, go here.
- Following last week’s successful online viewing party, we’re asking Chuck fans to join us again to watch “Chuck vs. the Ring” on either or tonight at 8PM EST or whenever Chuck would normally air in your time zone. Stop by the forum to chat with other fans and see how many new things you notice this time around!
- If you haven’t already written a letter to NBC, we encourage you do to so now. Get helpful tips and addresses here.
- ThisYearsPink lists 10 reasons why gamers should be watching Chuck in this feature article at Destructoid.
- Chuck fans in the San Diego area can catch Mark Christopher Lawrence (aka Big Mike) hosting Tuesday Night Comics at the North Coast Rep on Tuesday, May 12 @ 7PM. More info here.
What else are you doing to support Chuck while we wait for the May 19th announcement from NBC?
I am getting everyone I know shamelessly addicted to the show.
My sister’s best friend wants to try it now, there are a number of my other friends who have been talked into watching it.
I’m getting the word out as best I can.
My Facebook status is a plea to get fans to write letters, I have also personally emailed my Chuck friends begging them to write letters. This weekend I sat down with my friend’s 11 year old (he loves the action and Sarah 🙂 and helped him write a letter.
And I’m praying. A lot.
@Vee Good job bringing in new viewers!
@Holly Awww, that’s so cute that your friend’s little guy wanted to write in. I’ll bet TBTB at NBC will get a kick out of that. 🙂
In my experience it’s not very hard to convert first-time veiwers into fans–they just have to watch a few episodes. And I now have friends to whom I introduced the show who are passing the Chuck-bug on to other people. A friend I showed it to just got a couple hooked and now they stay up late to try to catch up. The other night they watched 7 episdodes from season 1 because they couldn’t help themselves!
I bought the dvds a couple months ago just to share with friends. Everyone I have lent them to has become addicted and demanded my computer so they could watch the second season. I own every episode that has come out from i-tunes. It is an amazing show and deserves a third season!
Recently sent another copy of Season 1 DVD to a friend. “Mom” informs me that the kids have already gone through it once and are now starting the second go round – the enjoy it so much. (She says, “they’re addicted! – and that’s a GOOD addiction to have!). THAT’S WHAT IT TAKES! Introducing “CHUCK” to the sooooo many people who have no idea what/who “CHUCK” is! Once they start watching, they’re hooked. So keep up the good work everybody. Invest $25 and make another household “Chuck” fans. Then the word will spread more and more! I think it will help NBC to realize how “family friendly” CHUCK is – and there aren’t a whole lot of shows out there about which you can say that! C’mon NBC – make the announcement already! Renew CHUCK!! – and run repeat episodes this summer for those who will be watching TV but have already seen all the other shows and will be willing to give CHUCK a try. Then we’ll get them!!
I’ve eaten subway and wrote a letter, the letter came back to me though, “return to sender”. Wonder if anyone else had this problem…anyways, LOVE CHUCK AND IT NEEDS A SEASON THREE, FOUR, AND FIVE!!
I use a unique strategy as it’s hard to get the people I work with into TV shows:
So basically what I do is sitting in my recording studio ahead of schedule while playing Chuck episodes I already watched (tough no ne knows that) and while the rest of the band arrives and sets up, there I am playing Chuck on my laptop. By the time they are ready and eager to start the episode isn’t finished and I ask them to let me finish… Eventually while they’re waiting for me some of them started taking some peeks at the screen, ended up liking it and are now going through Season 1, some with their kids of course 😉
Ok, to be honest, I have a feeling that a certain Australian beauty dressed in a highly stereotypical German dress has being key in keeping them interested… But hey, at least Chuck’s got new fans!… Long-haired, a bit wild and, some would say, menacing-looking fans… But still, Eyeballs (on the screen) are eyeballs right?
Nice to see the effort is still on-going. The $5000 AHA is very encouraging. I can’t wait for today’s update. ($5000 is from Friday night).
My family watched this show for a year before I even watched the Pilot. After the first 4 episodes I was more than hooked. I can’t believe NBC would cancel such an awesome show.
My family thinks I’m crazy but they’ve joined me in going to Subway and some AHA donations. All the subways I went to had no comment cards so I just wrote my note on the back of my receipt. I purchased Chuck DVD season 1 and Seasons 1+2 HD on Amazon On Demand (60gb of avi files) and a mug/tshirt (The XLs are HUGE compared to other polos). Already dropped NBC a note on their feedback page. Donated several times to the AHA…
Going to be a killer waiting till the 19th to hear anything…
Definitely going to be watching on NBC and tonight on my Verizon 3g card and on my home computer. 😛
I have two DVD sets and I only had one of them in my possession for a week. They have been in and out of the hands of anyone and everyone I think even might be remotely into the show. I was out at a minor league arena football game and proudly sporting my nerd herd shirt and got comments from several people, including a family with three young kids, girls no less who were all in love with Chuck! It was awesome.
lol I almost wore my Buy More polo to work today. I’m trying to convince myself to wear it tomorrow. 😛
I have been active in the renewal campaign, so I am glad that people are also lending out copies of the Season 1 DVD because that is going to increase viewership if the show is renewed.
I am going to buy another copy of the dvd for my sister since I want to keep mine.
Tons and tons of chatter today…
Hey if we’re Canadian and therefore cannot watch Chuck on Hulu or NBC, where can we watch instead?!
hi im from england and unable 2 watch it is their anyway in which you know that i will be able 2 watch the episode really wanna add my veiwing to the ratings?
$9,755.53 (337 total donations) on the American Heart Association page:
Woot! Almost at $10000!! Teh greatness!
For international viewers, I heard of a website called hotspot shield. I don’t know anything about how it works but a guy on another chuck thread said that with hotspot shield you can hide your location on the internet and then you can use Hulu.
@Travis Are you sure you weren’t using the Nerd Herd shirt to attract the womenfolk? 😉
@Odrep Nice technique for luring in new viewers. LOL!
@Michael Unfortunately there is not a way for you to view the episodes and have it “count” for NBC’s ratings, but we appreciate your helping get the word out and keep the buzz going.
@Kim I thought you could watch episodes on CTV’s website, but I’m not finding it there now. Any other Canadians want to help Kim out?
Well done on the AHA donations, Chucksters! Keep it going!
I’m from Canada Kim, CTV doesn’t show it online, but CityTV shows the last aired episode I believe.
As someone else mentioned I have been using Hotspot Sheild and watching it through I just started watching Chuck this year, so I bought Season 1 on Blu-Ray and then watched the rest of Season 2 on the Hotspot way. It’s just a little program you install on your PC (Spyware/Adware safe) and say connect. It proxies your IP to a US IP address and bam, videos work. I had no problem with connection speeds either.
As for the campaign, I mentioned I bought it on Blu-Ray and I did the Finale/Footlong, as well as watching shows on
Ahh, frustration! I just got my letter to Ben Silverman returned to me today that I put in the mail almost a month ago! I just compared it again to the address for Mr. Silverman given on this website and it matches perfectly. Has anyone else had that happen?
I’ve heard on other forums that letters are getting returned. I wonder if Ben is getting all the AHA notifications are being returned as well… (big frown).
How sad that some of the letters are getting returned!
Being the o.c. pain in the neck that I am….I sent mine certified/return receipt requested (so that someone would have to sign for them and I’d know the letters got there). This was about 3 weeks ago, and got the receipts back within a week with a signature on each of them. They weren’t Mr. Silverman’s or Ms. Bromstad’s signatures, but someone in their office did sign for and accept them.
Same as Rosie for me, it’s always best to request return receipt for this kind of letters, that way there’s no chance it won’t at least reach their office.
Here in Canada, City TV is showing reruns from season 2 in the regular time slot, although I am not sure if they will run all summer. Its a good thing too, because I might be close to wearing out my season 1 DVD set I have watched it so often. In fact I just watched the first disc in the set last night.
I think if NBC showed the reruns this summer, they would get a lot more people hooked. Then we would see news about ABC and CBS cancelling their Monday night shows.
I just purchased my new Jeffster shirt and Buy More ID badge!!! So excited to wear them 🙂
Ok, as a way to pass time, and get our minds alittle more into Chuck, how about you try answering this:
I go first
Altough I am a man, I see myself alot in the 2 main female characters, Sarah and Ellie, mainly Sarah. For starters, we are both skilled in martial arts (I practice muay thai, kickboxing and jujutsu for a total of 5 hours a week) and while I doubt I can take on a CIA agent, I’m actually preety good at it. Like Sarah, I am extremely devoted to my job and put my best into it. Then we’re preety even on the romantic side: not very good at relationships, sometimes even fleeing from it, and having a big tendency to get confused and let work get in the way, but nevertheless being a very sweet person when you can get pass that.
From Ellie I draw the willingness and even the desire to help people as we both have that “protective mother” stance towards the people we care about and are willing to help or listen whenever we are needed (even if that means nagging the person in question for he/she to tell me what’s wrong ^_^).
And then, based on the musical factor, I’d also have to point out Jeffster, tough I’d be the worst employee in retail and I don’t drink beer so…
I’ve been doing everything I can to help out Chuck! Writing letters, sending nerds, blogging… And, I’ve been telling everyone that I know about Chuck! My roommate watched the entire first season last week after I introduced her to the show! Now, I’m mailing out DVDs to friends. People see our enthusiasm for this show and naturally want to check it out themselves. It’s pretty awesome!
i wish they sell Nerd Herd shirts here in the Philippines!!!
Long live the Buy Moria!
To nbc:
hi im from Philippines..Doing this to support my fave U.S. Tv show! Please please save CHUCK..Please hear us fanatics out here…
I’ve given the DVD’s to others, and they’ve given them to their friends. So, in Western Kentucky we’ve got a domino effect going on when it comes to viewership. I’ll definitely keep it up. By next season Chuck Fandom will be unbeatable!
Deal Or No Deal crashed and burned in the ratings yesterday by scoring a shamefull, nay, pittyfull 1.0 in the ratings, less than half of Chuck’s averange. With these numbers they would be better off airing reruns of Chuck who would likely pull off a better score than that.
Come on NBC… ain’t it time you start opening your eyes?
oh and for anyone who is unaware of the relevance of that, Deal Or No Deal is currently airing at the slot previously occupied by Chuck… go figure
Does anyone know the success of last night’s viewimg party of “Chuck vs. the Ring”?
I’m 90% sure that neither Hulu nor reveals numbers on how many people watched the show online at a given time, so I don’t think it’s possible to rate the sucess of the viewing party by any conclusive means. The sucess is basically “the more the merrier”