Renewal Campaign Update – May 16

We’ve almost made it to the finish line, after weeks of campaigning. Do we have what it takes to push through the last few days before NBC announces their decision? I think we do! Here’s the latest in the campaign for a third season of Chuck:

  • Several outlets (Deadline Hollywood Daily, TV Week, Entertainment Weekly, The Hollywood Reporter, etc.) continue to report that they are optimistic that Chuck will return with at least an initial 13-episode order. The official word will come on Tuesday, May 19th, when NBC unveils their schedule. We’ll post here as soon as the news breaks, plus you can follow us on Twitter for immediate notification.
  • A small group of Chuck fans rallied outside of NBC’s offices in Burbank for the show. We apologize for not letting fans know ahead of time about this event; we weren’t informed it was going down. You can find a few photos here.
  • The Have a Heart – Renew Chuck campaign has raised over $14,000 for the American Heart Association and is starting to receive more media attention. Check out this news story from the Duluth, MN / Superior, WI Northland News Center.
  • We’re asking fans to continue to show their support for Chuck by watching an episode or two (or 9) on and; let’s keep those streaming numbers up!

This will probably be our last campaign update until May 19th, barring breaking news. We expect the next installment will be a message of success. As we get down to the wire, let’s keep making noise, Chuck fans!

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  1. “Please don’t suck! Save our Chuck!”
    Right on!

    And I would love to see that Have a Heart campaign going as far as $20.000, let’s hope…

  2. After hearing reports of “Dollhouse” and “Better off Ted” being renewed on other networks – shows, by the way, with much worse Nielsen numbers than CHUCK – If NBC doesn’t renew CHUCK and commit to either (a) a decent time slot, and/or (b) a full season of 22 episodes, then you HAVE to conclude that they don’t know what they’re doing. Simple as that. If they do an initial 13 episode renewal, that’s fine, as long as they give the show a chance to succeed and don’t put it in a crummy time slot. Don’t they realize what they have in this show. How many people have written or blogged saying “this is a show my entire family can watch!” There just aren’t enough shows out there like that anymore. Our families are so splintered. Everyone off doing their own thing. Maybe a good TV show like CHUCK will at least give families with kids and hour a week to sit down together and watch the same thing – not have the kids in the basement playing videogames while Mom and Dad sit upstairs watching some heavey crime or hospital drama. Let T.V. lift up our spirits again for a change and in a smart, clever way. Stupid comedies – of which there are many – don’t lift up your spirit. They only “dumb you down” to think that stupid stuff is somehow funny. CHUCK IS SO MUCH BETTER THAN THAT!! Make the right and SMART choice, NBC. Renew this show and commit to it – with either a full season upfront or a 13 episode run in a time slot where it has a chance to grow and succeed so that a back 9 episode pick up is possible. GO CHUCK! Go CHUCK! And NBC – make the right choice and re-instill a little bit of our faith in Network TV programming again!

  3. Just wanted to say this: I went online to to try and save my favorite show of the season, Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles… when I saw that it had quite a bit of competition from a show called “Chuck.” Well… I’ll be honest, the name kinda gives the show a disadvantage and I wasn’t too interested in supporting it if it meant MY SHOW would instead get canceled. That said, I’ now watched ALL of the episodes of Chuck… and OMG I LOVE IT!

    Mainly I just want to be rewarded with a full season of mad passionate kissing scenes between Chuck and Sarah… I know she’s beautiful, but she’s also… just got something about her that makes me kinda crazy!! The sexual tension just drives me nuts!! AIIIIEEEEE!!

    Love the Show!!

  4. Hi,

    Well said, Rick!

    all I can add is — I can’t wait to see us all make history this summer by multiplying the ratings in the fall. Never in history has there been a time with so many empowered by digital communication — we can capitalize on the momentum from the renewal campaign, and motivate and inspire each other to greater and greater heights.

    Even if Chuck was on Saturday or Sunday (though I think it will be Friday), we can show the networks (not just NBC) that when you have a great show, it doesn’t matter what day of the week it’s on.

    I don’t say all of this to minimize the task ahead of us — but rather to state that it is absolutely possible. Does anyone know what the highest non-Olympic Friday ratings number is? I would love to see us break it. At the very least I would love to see us pull over 9 million, which would be an NBC Friday high for at least the last year.

    We can do it!


  5. Gray

    tvbythenumbers just reported that “Farah’s Story” which just aired on Friday night pulled in the highest viewership for NBC on a Friday night in over a year – 8.9 million viewers. Just thought I’d pass that along.

    Thanks again for everything you’re doing. And you’re abosolutely right. Once we get renewed, our work has only really just started. Let’s just hope that NBC does their “fare share” and doesn’t leave EVERYTHING to us (again)!


    Fr. Rick

  6. Hi Rick,

    ha ha, that’s exactly the source I found for my 9 million number.

    I think the Kentucky Derby pulled in 15 or 16 — that would involve quite a bit of faith, but it is still in the realm of possibility.


  7. 9 million viewers would grant Chuck a 4th season in a blink of an eye for sure. Not a easy quota to achive on fridays mind you, but considering all the massive promotion us fans have made, heck, let’s be positive about it! It’s in the realm of possibility! 🙂

    I for one already scored my new Chuck fan of the week, my mom… and she was by far the toughest to get into the show, damn House fanatic she is! But now she’s watching it and enjoying so mission accomplished and let’s move onto the next target.

    I’m really looking foward for my upcoming tour this Summer. I’ll have the chance to go to quite a good number of places, meet lotsa people, try to spread some Chuck love here and there and heck, maybe throw some Short Skirt/Long Jacket in the solos if I feel like it 🙂

  8. That reminds me, any Chuck fan from Spain or France can tell me if there’s any network broadcasting Chuck (even if it’s Season 1) right now? If yes, wich one? Thanks!

  9. I am right there with you. I play in a band and wore my Nerd Herd shirt. I told the audience, about 35 people, to go the the we heart chuck campaign and watch Chuck on hulu. Three people came up and asked about the show. They said they would watch the show.

    I want good news on Tuesday about saving Chuck. Is there a podcast scheduled somewhere about the renewal for Tuesday.


  10. If I wore a Nerd Herd shirt on stage, I don’t know who would kill me first, my band mates or the audience. I’d be like a bright spot in the dark LOL.
    Now, if only they would make those Jeffster T-shirts in all black instead of White with black sleeves… wish I could get a custom one with the jeffster logo followed by a link to this site somewhere, that would be a massive way to get some attention!

    But well done Mark, on spreading the word like that, takes some guts my friend 😉

  11. Right on! If a show like Dollhouse can be renewed. ( no offince ) then CHUCK should be. We have all worked our asses of for a third season, and NBC should see that. It shouldn’t have to be this hard in the first place. CHUCK is a great show, good for the whole family. You can’t really find that any more. I have my fingers crossed, and I will be on line all day on the 19th. It can’t come soon enough.

  12. for odrep

    Chuck season 2 is on air on TF1 in France on sunday
    Episode 11 sunday may 17

  13. Hey that’s great Granilith, thanks alot!

  14. I love watching House! When House went into direct competition with CHUCK, my DVR recorded HOUSE and I watched Chuck live… I have watched all episodes since it started and I have never been disappointed. I hope it gets renewed, the finale was AWESOME!!

  15. Hey Odrep! Still want that black Jeffster t shirt? Check this out.

    Looking forward to Tuesday. I’ll have this site up on my computer all day!

  16. Agent 86 you made my day man (or woman)!! This is bloody great, gonna order mine right away, thanks alot 🙂

  17. Hey Gang! Click on this link and you can find “CHUCKAHOLIC” hats, tee shirts
    and coffee mugs. You may need to do a little searching around the site, but
    the stuff is there. The hats come in different colors. I’m not affiliated with the site, I don’t make any money off of it – but if you want to promote CHUCK and are limited by the selection at the NBC.COM store, this is a good alternative. Click on the link and then browse the site. There is some great “CHUCK” stuff that will help us promote, promote, promote our favorite show this summmer in time for the start of Season 3 in the Fall.

    My name is Rick. I’m a “Chuckaholic,” – AND PROUD OF IT!!!

  18. Question. I may be one of the last people on earth who do not own an IPOD. This may be a DUMB question, but do you have to have an IPOD in order to view/listen to the PODCASTS?? It might be an actual motivation for me to get one. I still listen to CDS – so I’m not looking to download music onto an IPOD, but if it will help me keep up with what’s going on “CHUCK-WISE,” then I’ll bite the bullet and go out and get one.

    Someone who knows for sure, please let me know. If I can view/listen to the podcasts w/o the “POD,” then I will!

    Thanks, friends! AND ROCK ON “CHUCK” Season 3!

  19. If Chuck does go to Friday against Ghost Whisper, its a no brainer. Chuck has a lot more going for it than G.H. It pulls in everyone and I think it can beat cbs on FRiday. I would watch chuck over funny videos and prison break seems to be finished. Maybe something is hopefully looking up for chuck fans

  20. Rick, no you don’t need an Ipod for the Podcasts, I don’t own one either. You can listen in mp3 format without any optional software, tough you don’t get to watch the pictures. If you want to watch in ACC where you get to see the pictures, I think you just have to install Quicktimes or Itunes, or both, it worked for me.

  21. And grcommander, Prison Break IS finished, final season is over lol! I am curious to see what competition will Chuck get in whatever slot we get.

  22. Odrep. Thanks, but I am really stupid when it comes to this stuff. I’ve heard of MP3, but have no idea how to use it, etc. So I will try downloading Quicktime and see if that works. Quicktime, Realplayer, etc., I’ve heard of. I have Realplayer on my computer, but not (yet) Quicktime. Thanks for the help my friend!

    Chuckaholics RULE!!

  23. Ausiello just confirmed Chuck’s renewal for thirteen episodes via Twitter about 15 minutes ago. You can also check out TVbytheNumbers for more information. Ausiello added, “BUT there’s a twist, and it’s a bummer” to the end of his Tweet, but one of the TVbytheNumbers commenters who appears to be in the know says that twist is possibly that the show will air on Fridays.


    -Finally, the official confirmation that NBC’s Chuck has been renewed has come. It has been renewed for 13 episodes. There is an option for a back 9, but whether or not NBC exercises it remains to be seen. Unknown still, as of this writing, but something we’ll know shortly when NBC will air it on the schedule. The rumor mill has been suggesting Fridays at 8pm. We’ll see.

  25. All we need to do now is watch it and spread the word to everyone to do likewise so the ratings are high enough to prevent Chuck being put in the bubble again.

  26. This is terrific news! I want to thank Mel and the Chuck TV team. i have been checking this site since the threat of a cancellation came up. The positive energy from the people on this site, the footlong and a finale, the petition creation, the letter campaign, as well as the podcasts with the cast has been terrific.

    I really enjoy this show. It creates a feeling that is similar to seeing your favorite musical artist for the first time and hear them play your favorite song. I say “play on!” Time to enjoy each episode like a great song. It will be tremendous this fall.

    I look forward to the podcast in the next couple of days. I understand there are some hitches to the renewal, yet the show will carry a little bit of all who have supported this campaign. In the last podcast, it was stated that the energy from the entire production was elevated. I hope this energy continues through this season with the stakes being so high. Thank you for all of your work.


  27. For someone who doesn’t know much about TV (I watch everything on my computer via DVD or Amazon On Demand). I hate commercials.

    13 episodes = half a season with the possibility for 9… Ok, so when do they start filming new episodes on TV/ Will it be once every week like Season 2? When is the earliest do you think we’ll find out if they get an additional 9 episodes?

  28. Let the “CHUCK ME” campaign begin!!!