Chuck vs. the Podcast Episode 022.5

Chuck vs. the Podcast Episode 022.5 (our first mini-sode) is live!

It’s official!  Chuck is back!  Well, it will be in March 2010, after lots of advertising during the Olympics.  What does that mean for Chuck fans?  Mel and Liz explain in a mini-episode.

We’ll be back soon with a full episode, featuring a great interview Mel had with Bonita Friedericy!

Listen now!

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  1. Great minicast you guys!!! I appreciated the comforting words about the shortened season and how it’s becoming the norm. That’s something I’ve been worried about.

  2. Silly question mel but do you think they will make a christmas special to give us something to look forward to. What are your thoughts?

  3. Based on the last Christmas episode Chuck Versus Santa Claus, lets hope that they don’t make a Christmas Special this year. Especially with Josh Schwartz’s cryptic comments that could be and was intended to suggest that Chuck and Sarah’s relationship will be seriously complicated by Chuck having the new intersect in his head and yes maybe another love interest for one of them. We have already been down that road and there is no need to repeat it. If that is what is going to occur for season 3 then the next ten month will go by way to quickly….Nice short podcast although you both sounded tired, somewhat less enthusiastic then the last two podcasts I heard. Which I can entirely understand you two have done such an incredible job with this website. Thumbs up to both of you! Hopefully you both will get a chance to rest up soon.

  4. Thats true I didn’t think of that but i just want chuck back sooner then march.

  5. I do know what you mean though. I have to watch atleast 1 episode per day although most of the time it is more like 3 episodes a day in order to satisfy my Chuck addiction. In that sense it going to be a very long wait.

  6. Waiting that long they should give us a chuck special or something to tie us over until march.

  7. Hargrave_Actual

    Hey guys Great stuff all around! I recently (read as: today) started listening to the podcast and was over whelmed with the care and dedication you guys have. It makes my heart weep for poor forgotten Firefly who may have returned from the aether if the fan base could have had the tools of today. but moving on… In podcast #22.5 there was referencing a ad tie-in with Subway and Call of Duty, but, and let me put on my my nerd helmet for this, I think that Chuck himself is a Halo fan, after all you’ll notice that Morgan seems to be the one to intigate any activities involving C.O.D. where as we’ve actually seen Chuck playing Halo 3 (episode 1.2 or 1.3 I think) while we’ve never seen him actually play C.O.D. and our man Bartowski has in his room the ultimate sign of a true Halo fan as seen in a recent episode, the Legendary Edition Master Chief Helmet. I say Chuck needs to more openly embrace his Halo fandom! Okay now that I’ve got that out of the way, Chuck is among the best shows for the modern twentysomething who has been steeped in the church of the nerd. Finally a hero who doesn’t feel bad about his lieks and dislikes and gives us a paragon of pride in our nerd-itude. and thanks again for a great podcast and community site!

  8. @Hargrave_Actual: “church of the nerd”…nice! I think Chuck is an EEO video game player, but Call of Duty does get more shoutouts than Halo. In the pilot ep, which we watched en masse last night, he’s even sporting bandaids on his fingers from “chafing” as a result of playing C.O.D.

  9. @mel true gamers don’t just play one game as with Chuck he play’s more then one I think he is a fan of both game saga’s. P.S. Your very Pretty and I love the podcast.

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