Joining us for Chuck Me Mondays on Twitter? Get a crash course in Twitter a la Chuck.
What is Twitter?
Twitter is a social networking site where people communicate via 140-character comments, aka Tweets.
How do I sign up?
Go to and sign up for your free account. You can Tweet from the website, your phone, or download an app like TweetDeck for more flexibility.
How do I join the Chuck Me Mondays conversation?
While you’re watching the episodes on Monday nights, Tweet your comments. Include one of the following tags to your Tweets to help increase buzz: #ChuckMeMondays or #Chuck ChuckMeOut.
Here’s a list of the Chuck fans on Twitter who are participating in Chuck Me Mondays. You can Follow them by clicking on each link below. You will then see their comments on your Twitter page. To comment to one of them directly, include @username in your Tweet. For example: I agree, @chucktvdotnet, the “Vicky Vale” moment is iconic. #chuckmeout
Chuck Fans on Twitter
American List:
European List
I’ll be following as well if you wish to list me above! will be following chuck me mondays as well!
More Chuck fans on Twitter to add to the list:
I’m listed as MrsHekmi. I’ll be following as well.
I’m in. @op_pineapple
i’m a Chuck fan…
from the philippines 😀
I will be there also Charah673.
Also on the list:
I’m a CHUCK fan! @princesstimetoy – but when’s the party? ET? I’m PT!
Duh! I read the posts backwards : Hulu, 6pm PT, Mondays, got it!
From Portugal
I’m a Chuck fan, and I’m on twitter! (@bethanyactually) It was twitter that led to my finding Chuck in the first place, since a friend twittered something about all the Spies Like Us references in the show. One thing led to another and a month later I’ve seen every episode at least twice (thank God for TV online!), bought a Buy More mug from, and bought the Season 1 & 2 DVDs. I’ve eaten at Subway, left comments online with Subway, sent a letter to NBC, and donated money to the AHA via the Have a Heart campaign–twice! I’ve twittered about Chuck many times, I’ve convinced friends and family to watch the show, I’ve even blogged about it, for pete’s sake, and I do NOT blog about TV.
I don’t know how often I’ll be able to participate in Chuck Me Mondays, since I have a small child who is still awake at 6pm (I’m on the West Coast of the U.S.) and we’ll be traveling a lot this summer…but I’m going to join in whenever I can.
I’m on there, too.
We’re following the Chuck Me Mondays for the Americans!
add us up! @4theloveofchuck #lovechuck
For the LOVE of CHUCK – Philippines is a group of CHUCK fans here in the Philippines. Join us and let’s share the love! We’re at facebook for now, here’s the link:
Promoting like crazy- @AwesomeRococo
I’m the Xenaclone listed above :-). South West UK.
I am participating in #ChuckMeMondays — I’m going to also lead a rewatch/discussion on my LiveJournal each Monday.
@htbthomas (American)
Well, let me go yank down that poster now, since it has “the wrong” hashtag mentioned on it.
im joining #ChuckMeMondays as well from the philippines. will be watching and tweeting on tuesday together with the US #ChuckMeMondays
Follow me too! @True_blue1234
Can’t wait until tomorrow!
I am also participating in this great praising campaign for CHUCK 🙂
don’t forget to follow me
one think i’ll say about this hashtag: #LoveChuck has the ring of Grey’s Anatomy third season, We’re Moving To Thursdays Campaign (Feel Thursdays. Love Thursdays. etc)
Count me in for ChuckMeMondays!!!! @minneapolisnice
I signed up for twitter for this reason. I barely know how this thing works, so add me to the list!
I should be participating, I am @subcarlin
In New Zealand it’ll be 1 PM Tuesday but that doesn’t matter.
Following as well under the European category, I am @Beebz_
I’m game! @Lell. I’ll be there tonight — I’ve even set the alarm on my phone just in case I forget. 🙂
Standing by =P @PedroSantos
I will be on @
I’ll be on @hpfan12
i’ll be in on it too! @contchoculitis
O.K. I still have no idea on how this is all going to work, but I just signed up. My username will be rickholy
Went for an hour long walk, stopped at Subway with my Nerd Herd hat and Buy More tee shirt, grabbed me a footlong and am getting ready to watch the Pilot episode again!!
Keep on Chuckin’ good people!!
The original pilot script had Anna saying Jeff’s “What if you were the target of a Ninja vendetta and he will strangle you in the middle of the night with his nunchuks?” line. Worked out WAY better on the show.
Oh, I’m “themurph2000” on Twitter and “murphtones” here. Not really sure how to put that #chuckmemondays tag thing on there.
Cool. ChuckMeMondays is moving up the Twitter count. 😀
Twitter for me:
(that’s awesome. 😀 )
Hey that was really fun but it was hard to watch the show and read all the Twitters. but crazy in a good way. Didn’t realize how much I missed the show already and it has only been what, a month? LOL Thanks for coordinating Chuck Me Mondays.
This is cool, follow me at on twitter @ CHUCK_SEASON_3
add me in, I will be following Chuck Me Mondays
It would be really nice if CityTv (Canada) had the episode of the week On Demand (channel 100 – free)
im a chuck fan from the philippines
add me @menusky, however I need some help, how do you get and send the messages? I thought it worked by following this group for example. What do I have to do to show up on chuckmemondays?
Twitter should be happy becuase of Chuck too. I just got twitter just because of the Chuck Me Mondays. I’m no too sure how this twitter thing works, but I love reading the comments people post while watching the episodes. So if you could, please add me. Hopefully I can learn some new things about twittering and CHUCK! 🙂
I’m in!
Finally set up and utilized my twitter account tonight.
Is there a way to add all of the people here using a list feature or do I have to add each individually?
Wendy, that is also my question, and it seems there’s some kind of ratio between followers and following, I got my first accoount (Menuska) suspended. I am guessing that was because I had only one follower and was following people from chuckmemondays.
So, if this is the case can the people in chuckmemondays add me to their following? Thanks
Better late than ever, right?
Follow me I’ll be there. @The_Mikster
Count me in: my username is amyabn
count me in 🙂
@leezyw ;D
Me, too! =)