Chuck Me Mondays: “Chuck vs. the Helicopter” (with Giveaway!)

**Congratulations to Ryan C, winner of our Chuck Me Mondays random giveaway!**

Welcome to our second Chuck Me Monday! This week we’re watching episode 1.02, “Chuck vs. the Helicopter.” Ah, the first “who can Chuck trust?” episode. Is this the week to kick of the “trust me” drinking game? It’s definitely time to kick off our random giveaways! See below for contest details. Here’s the official synopsis for this episode:

WHO TO BELIEVE? –As Chuck Bartowski (Zachary Levi) continues to come to grips with his newly adopted life as a spy, tension builds between his recently appointed partners Sarah Walker (Yvonne Strahovski) and John Casey (Adam Baldwin). When a doctor who seems to have a solution to Chuck’s problem is killed, Casey and Walker turn the blame at one another. Both agents persistently try to convince Chuck that the other one is responsible and now it is up to Chuck to decide which one to trust. Who will he choose?

We have promotional photos for this episode in our Gallery if you’d like a visual refresher. You can also download the songs using this episode on our Music page.

How To Watch

  • We recommend watching this episode at for the biggest impact.
  • If you don’t have access to watch online or would prefer to watch using a different method, then pull out your season 1 DVDs or download the episode from Chuck - Chuck, Season 1 - Pilot or Amazon.

When To Watch

  • Americans watch at 9PM ET (convert to your time zone here)
  • Europeans watch at 8PM GMT (convert to your time zone here)

Where To Discuss

  • Discuss in the comments below.
  • Discuss on Skype – send a message to DarthRazorback on Skype to be admitted to the chatroom.
  • Discuss on Twitter using the tag #ChuckMeMondays or just #Chuck. See a Twitter tutorial and a list of fans to follow here (be sure to read the comments for more fans to follow).

Win Chuck Swag!

Thanks to, we have a copy of Chuck season 1 on Blu-ray plus a Nerd Herd t-shirt to give away to one lucky Chuck fan today! Here’s how to enter:

  • Leave a comment below about “Chuck vs. the Helicopter” – what’s your favorite scene? best music moment? funniest line?
  • Comments must be posted by 11:59PM PT today, June 8, 2009.
  • You must include a valid email address with your comment.
  • This contest is only open to fans living in the United States (we’re working on giveaways for international fans!).
  • Winner will be chosen at random from eligible comments.

Good luck and have fun!

Updated 06.08.09 @ 2:55PM CT: The NBC Store decided to join the fun! If you’re on Twitter, this is for you: @nbcstore #chuckmemondays. 8pm deadline. best comment about this shirt gets it FREE. – include @nbcstore in your comment.

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  1. Hmm… I like when Awesome’ says, “Rough sex, nice.” And in reality Sarah’s letting him have the beat down. Haha.
    Oh! And I like the end scene with the whole gang.

  2. 15:07. ‘Nuff said.

  3. That a toughie … my favorite moment is probably Casey getting tranq’d. Ha!


  4. Casey: “Well if it screamed out loud I’d fell right at home”

  5. Casey: “flambe!”

    Ellie: “…it is never ok to murder a woman’s souffle!”

  6. Casey: ” It’s a regular call to arms”

  7. I never ceases to amaze me how the Nerd Herder is noticed by exactly no-one when it’s sitting in such an incongruous locale, such as, say, a filthy deserted dock after dark. A garishly decorated motorized roller skate like that seems as if it would be noticed by the bad guys.

  8. I love when Sarah goes: “Your sister is awesome.” and Devon Replies “indeed”. The way he says that is absolutely hysterical.

  9. Just finished watching “Chuck vs. the helicopter.” Totally Awesome as usual 🙂

  10. i loved the scene when casey and sarah were fighting in the weinerlicious…sticks versus forks…lmao…just an awesome scene…we rarely get to see them fight hand to hand combat 🙂 …fave song?: Challengers by The New Pornographers

  11. Best moment has got to be the look on Sarah’s face right after Chuck waves and she waves back after the Zarnow meeting. And a hundred thousand Charah fans were born.

  12. what’s your favorite scene?: the fight scene with Casey and Sarah! Although Sarah has definitely improved in fighting by S2

    Best music moment? The very catchy Burn Baby Burn!

    Funniest line? All of Casey’s reply to Chuck’s “stupid moment” questions when Casey gets darted. Brilliant deduction Nancy Drew!

    I love this show and love the twittering. I will see everyone next week. Great going mods for this giveaway contest. Very nice!

  13. I love the “No on the Ramones” part. Hilarious!

  14. My favorite part is when sarah asks where casey is and chuck says ” i dont know maybe he’s having some car trouble”.

  15. Chuck: “I don’t think that’s in the Buy More manual …” in response to Casey shoving Morgan over during training.

  16. I loved Sarah’s line to Chuck at the Weinerlicious near the end, which I feel pretty much sets up the entire series going forward:

    “You know, with Dr. Zarnow gone, Chuck, those Intersect secrets aren’t going anywhere. That means more missions, more danger, more secrets that you can’t tell your sister or your friends. Some people want to be heroes, and some people have to be asked. So, Chuck, are you ready?”

  17. I liked the scene when Chuck pulls table cloth from the table when he thinks Sarah poisoned the food.

  18. Favorite scene is the kabob and plastic fork fight.

    Favorit music is Gone Daddy Gone during the car chase back home for dinner. It’s fast paced beat fit the urgency of the situation.

    Funniest line is “Flambé!” re-que Gone Daddy Gone…

  19. Chuck is never anything less than awesome. But you all knew that already.

  20. Favorite line is from Casey.

    Brilliant deduction Nancy Drew!

  21. Awesowm show tend to forget the earlier episodes….. my favorite part is when he flashes on the flower during the doctor scene and makes referance to oceanic flight 815? lost referance anyone……

  22. i did my best, but got put in twitter jail toward the end :(. best line of the night: so in this plan, i do nothing? yup. let’s do this.

  23. Best Casey moment, Brilliant deduction Nancy Drew!!

    When Chuck eats the burnt hot dog, to make up with Sara. The moment Chara fans were born.

  24. prez_of_buymoria

    I love the dinner table scene and “Gone Daddy Gone” by Gnarls Barkley. Best line was Awesome’s commment about “make-up sex…Awesome!!!!”

    Chuck Me Mondays Rule!!!! We’re trending!!!! Viva la Nerdalution!!!!

  25. Definitely love the dinner scene where Chuck actually pulls off the tablecloth trick! Mostly because of the lines “Flambe!” and “It is never okay to murder a woman’s souffle” and because Casey made mini quiches! Hilarious!

  26. Best scene: After Casey and Sarah battle it out at the Weinerlicious the kids come in and take a picture of Sarah and say ” Let’s go post it on the internet”

  27. So many great moments! The Morgan door, when Chuck mentions Oceanic Flight 815 during the test, Casey threatening Chuck with the bar code scanner, Chuck pulling the tablecloth off the table and Casey tipping the candle onto the soufflé, the music during the scene at Bryce’s funeral, Chuck eating the burnt corn dog at the end of the episode… I love Chuck Me Mondays!

  28. For me, the most fun scene, and my favorite in this episode, is the fight between Sarah and Casey. It’s the only time it happens in the series (okay, they have a gun standoff elsewhere, but it’s not melee) and it’s really well choreographed. Sarah is a whirling dervish of sharp pointy things and sticks and just sells the heck out of it. And a perfect ending with the teenies coming in the door. But, where the heck did Casey escape to? Is there a back door?

    Best music moment? It’s tempting to say the funeral, with The New Pornographers song, but the scene that keeps coming up for me is Chuck carrying the flaming souffle into the bathroom to the strains of “Gone Daddy Gone” by Gnarls Barkley.

    Funniest line? Morgan: “That’s a no on the Ramones.. I getcha.”

  29. The Ramons line Morgan says is pretty funny. Love every episode of this show!

  30. Mondays = Chuck and a footlong!

  31. I agree…”Flambe’!” I laughed so hard, it was the best funny line in the episode. That Casey is a hoot!

  32. Alright children, time for today’s lesson in Musicology 101. “Gone Daddy Gone” is a song released in 1983 BY The Violent Femmes, one of the first great indy/punk bands. Whoever/whatever this Gnarles Barkley poser is he/it is just COVERING the song; in other words copying the efforts of a real creative intellect.

  33. In Chuck vs. the Helicopter:

    -Favorite scene has to be the super-awkward dinner when Chuck thinks Sarah’s trying to kill him and he yanks the tablecloth, just to be surprised when it actually works/fails. And then Awesome’s misinterpretation of Sarah’s slamming Chuck against the bathroom door.
    -Quote: Sarah telling Chuck, “Some people want to be heroes and others have to be asked.” Good parallel for what she keeps telling him and what he finally figures out at the end of season 2.
    -Music, I really do love the song played over the wearing his father’s suit/funeral scene.

    Runner up: Casey’s Nancy Drew callout FTW!

  34. Best scene: General Beckman and Director Graham watching survalence cameras of Chuck and Morgan playing Matador vs. Bull in the Buy More.

  35. Unfortunately, I’m getting a late start – my meeting that was supposed to be over at 9 lasted until 9:30. I wish Chuck could have come along and picked me up in his helicopter.
    Unfortunately, I have another meeting to go to next Monday night, but after that I should be free for a good month or two.

    I have to admint, helicopter is not one of my favourites from season 1, but it still has some great moments. My favourite line is Sarah saying “I didn’t ask you to believe me, I asked you to trust me” – for most of us these two things go together.

    For me the top 2 episodes (after the pilot which was awesome) are coming up – Tango and Wookie.
    The scene where Chuck is learning the tango from Awesome will forever be etched into my brain.

    I just noticed tonight, it is the second time that characters have been introduced by what they are not.
    In the pilot – Bryce Larkin – not an accountant.
    In this episode – This is my best friend Morgan – he is not a magician.

    Sarah just pulled up in her Porsche for the date – I have always been curious why none of Chuck’s friends or Ellie haven’t commented on how a fast food server can afford a Porsche.

    The fight scene – I love the weapons – The weiner sticks and the plastic fork.
    Sarah did a good job of kicking Casey’s ass.

    Casey: “She tried to kill me”
    Chuck: “is she okay?”
    good line.

    Of course the best part – the dinner.
    The problem I have with these Chuckme Mondays is while trying to comment as the show plays, I end up having to watch it twice. Come to think of it, thats not really a problem. It is a sign of true comic genious, when you can watch a show multiple times and still enjoy it – even pick up new things. Some of the humour is so subtle.

    Is that a crown vic the doctor is driving when he kidnaps Sarah?

    I’m beginning to wonder if one of the writers has a thing for crown vics.

    I wonder if Sarah was mad, because he risked the intersect or because he didn’t trust her- I think it was more the latter.

    The first fight – another big step if the relationship was real. There seem to be a lot of those big steps.

    May not be one of my favourites, but still better than just about any other show out there.

    Now I will have to watch it again on-line.

  36. I enjoy this episode. I love seeing the characters in the beginning, before they evolved into where they are today. It was great to see Casey and Sarah going at each other, and Chuck not knowing if he can trust either of them.

    However, for me, the best part was when the doctor was testing Chuck at the Buy More. He starts flashing on all these images, and then ends with a non-chalant, “Now that’s just a turtle” after rattling off all these government secrets.

    So hard not to just jump to the next episode right after this one.

  37. NSA General Beckman: Our most valuable secrets have been sent to an idiot.
    CIA Director Graham: At least they weren’t sent to his friend.

  38. Chuck’s laugh when Casey showed up at dinner was hilarious! His face & laugh were priceless.

  39. “Chuck vs. the Helicopter”

    Favorite Scene: When Sarah drop Chuck off at home after the testing. It’s my favorite cause these is where it look like Sarah is actually starting to fall for Chuck slowly.

    Best Music Moment: The fight scene between Casey and Sarah in the Wienerlicious.

    Funniest Line: Chuck: “Wow. Wienerlicious really pays well, huh.”

  40. Chuck: Look, I’m not accusing you of anything… today. Yesterday yes, I may have laid it on a little thick with the accusing. But I’m really sorry about that. Instead of not trusting you I should have been thanking you for saving my life and protecting the country and for making really tasty gourmet wieners.

  41. The best scene in this episode was the dinner scene. In addition to being the first time all of the main characters are together, I almost fell on the floor laughing when Chuck set Sarah’s souffle on fire. Quiche anyone?

  42. This episode is awesome! Of course every episode of Chuck is awesome! I love when Morgan is training Casey, “Do you have any Ramones?” haha! My favorite scene is the dinner scene, I love when Awesome says “make-up sex, nice!”

  43. I adore the music choice of Spoon’s “Don’t Make me a Target” in this episode. Set’s up so much in Chuck’s new life- the spy world and the “relationship” of Chuck and Sarah.

    Great episode, can’t wait for the next two weeks- Tango and Wookie are in my top five of all episodes.

  44. i am glad he knows to apologize to agent walker. we sure dont want her to go back to DC 😉

  45. Dylan Anderson

    it was awesome! i love the part were chuck does his little fight in the helicopter.
    the Awesome irony was when morgan actualy tried to do the trick he failed and when chuck tried to fail he did it.
    I Don’t Kid About Kiesh!

  46. overall it is an awesome episode. cant wait till march

  47. Music I liked: Song played during the funeral and the opera/classical music played during the overhead shots of Morgan in the cage.

    Sarah’s darts: Yvonne can absolutely slice & dice with her eyes. The look she was giving Chuck after he hurried back from the exploding SUV. I’d be terrified if a woman looked at me like that.

    Another makeup mistake/lack of attention to detail: The scar on La Cuidad’s neck at the art auction was relatively short and wide. The scar on her when she was setting to ambush Chuck, was long and narrow.

    Not only do Chuck’s friends and family not notice the nice Porche the wienner girl drives, they never notice all the cuts, bumps and bruises she seems to get. They’d have to assume she was one clutzy girl.

    You could tell she was starting to see something she liked in Chuck, when he was walking away after she brought him back from seen Dr. Zarnow.

    It is a Crown Vic the good Dr. is driving. But a much later model than Casey drives.

    Casey: She tried to kill me.
    Chuck: Is she okay?
    Casey: I’m golden.

    Agree, one of the great Casey lines is, “Flambe”. Chuck tries to knock over the candle by doing the “pull the table cloth with all the food on the table” trick. Unfortunately for Chuck, he does it correctly, only leaving the candle just rocking. Old Casey has to knee the table to make the candle go over and “murder the woman’s souffle”.

  48. Morgan: “…oh, no, here they are…bottom shelf…The Ramones.”

    love it, so nonchalant…

  49. For some reason, Chuck saying “I know nothing, I know nothing” whisked me back about 50 years to a certain Sgt. Schultz of Stalag 13.

  50. I love that Chuck being a geek saves the day twice in this episode – not only the flashy helicopter scene, but also the logical deduction of finding the helicopter in the first place.