Chuck Me Mondays: “Chuck vs. the Hard Salami” (GIVEAWAY)

Welcome to another Chuck Me Monday! It’s week 9 of our group viewing party and time for “Chuck vs. the Hard Salami”, guest starring The O.C.’s Rachel Bilson as Lou, a love interest for Chuck and the reason we see Sarah cry. Plus Morgan suddenly realizes that there’s for love right there in the Buy More. For details on the episode, visit the Spoilers section.

Welcome to our new viewers from Comic Con. We have a special Comic Con-themed giveaway, so be sure to read the information below carefully.some white space

What We’re Doing

  • The goal of Chuck Me Mondays is to keep the Chuck buzz going during the long hiatus between seasons and encourage new viewers to check out the show.
  • This week we’re going to try an experiment in trending on Twitter. We challenge Chuck fans to begin Tweeting as early in the day as possible by naming their top 10 favorite Casey one-liners. One \line per Tweet, and be sure to use the #chuckmemondays tag in each one.

How To Watch

  • We recommend watching “Chuck vs. the Hard Salami” at for the biggest impact.
  • If you don’t have access to watch online or would prefer to watch using a different method, then pull out your season 1 DVDs or download the episode from Chuck - Chuck, Season 1 - Pilot or Amazon.

When To Watch

  • Americans watch at 9PM ET (convert to your time zone here)
  • Europeans watch at 8PM GMT (convert to your time zone here)

Where To Discuss

  • Discuss in the comments below for your chance to win!
  • Discuss on Twitter using the tag #chuckmemondays. NOTE: ONLY use #chuckmemondays. Do not use #chuck or any other tag using the word “chuck” or Twitter will only count #chuck in its count.
  • See our Twitter tutorial and a list of fans to follow here (be sure to read the comments for more fans to follow).

Win a Chuck Comic Con Swag!

We’re giving away the exclusive Comic Con bag featuring Chuck on one side and Big Bang Theory on the other, plus the new Chuck season 3 poster to one lucky Chuck fan! Here’s how to enter:

  • Leave a comment below about “Chuck vs. the Hard Salami” to be entered automatically.
  • Comments must be posted by 11:59PM PT on Monday, July 27, 2009.
  • One (1) winner will be selected at random from all eligible entries.
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  1. I heart this episode because it has so many levels of secrets, lies, and spies. How fitting that you all give away the best swag (to date) for the best episode (except for the pilot) of the first season.
    I also laugh every time they show the steamed up nerd herder, Levi is just too big for that car.

  2. I liked Rachel Bilson a lot in this role. She’s a fun counterpart to Sarah. 🙂

  3. I love the trunk scene between Sarah and Chuck. One of the best Yvonne scene in S1 has got to be Sarah seducing Lester. Haha. Such a classic 🙂

  4. I loved the trunk scene between Charah. One of the best Yvonne scene in S1 has got to be Sarah trying to seduce Lester. 🙂

  5. I love this epesode
    Great lines

    “you got me chuck i’m a smugler”
    “shut up your sucing up all the air”

  6. Having serious issues on the WB site. Can’t watch the full episode.

    So far though, Lester’s reaction to Sarah when she comes on to him is great!

  7. I forgot how good this episode is. Sarah initiating the kiss was great, but the moment they realize that they haven’t been blown to smithereens is priceless!

    “Well the good news is we’re alive…and the bad news is that this is kind of an uncomfortable moment right now.”

  8. i found an easter egg — all on my own! i was rewatching the scene w. sarah and lester in the wienerlicious. if you look in the background at the wall of the restaurant right when lester walks in the door, you can see a poster that says in big letters matt miller. matt miller is the one who wrote chuck vs. the hard salami. lol!

  9. In this episode we see that turn-about can do to someone else. At the end chuck has to tell Lou he’s a health agent, and he has no interest in her, when really he does, just like Sarah does when she talk’s with him!

    Et Too Bruits’ !

  10. Halleluyah, was able to finish it on the WB. Great episode!

    Morgan – “Was thinking a little surf & turf, meatball & tuna subs”

  11. ty 4 the entry:)

  12. Wow, my two favorite shows!

  13. I love this episode !
    ” Of course. I get it. The old story. Guy gets supercomputer in his brain. Beautiful C.I.A. agent comes to protect him. Then under the spell of truth serum tells him, she’s not interested.”

  14. Got to love Chuck not running away from a bomb & leaving Sarah. His reward, her lip lock on him. One of the best shows

  15. I love this episode and rachel bilson! Love the SDCC footage!

  16. Michelle Draveski

    isnt that the kiss one? A little all season long make you wonder

  17. One of the best shows. Got to love Chuck not running away from the bomb & leaving Sarah. What a liplock she puts on him. One more Footlong. March is so far away

  18. Not familiar with this, but it sounds like a fun show to watch.

  19. Another great Chuck episode. I really enjoy the fact that Lou ends up thinking Chuck is an FDA agent. It’s always great to see a scene where Chuck thinks someone is onto him, but it really turns out they are still in the dark. Overall, a very enjoyable episode.

  20. What a great episode. Season 3 needs another visit/cameo by Lou (assuming Rachel’s schedule is open) to try to rekindle things with Chuck. 🙂

  21. I love this episode, it’s one of my favorites of the first season! Not just because of the Charah kiss but Casey was in top form with his quips. One of the best was when he and Sarah were in the van, he was telling her how she falls for the guys she works with then says “Just so we’re clear sister, not interested.”. It makes me laugh out loud every time.

  22. Sarah scaring Lester off in the Wienerlicious was hilarious.

  23. I have to say this was the episode where I really started to see Yvonnes acting skills!!! She was AWESOME!!!! I have to say that I LOVE this episode and have it on itunes and watch it often, maybe a little more than im happy to say, LOL! But chuckmemondays are awesome and you better believed I tweeted it 😀

  24. Of course the first Charah kiss would be preluded by this and a bomb threat:

    “I guess you just bring out the worst in me!”
    “And you in me!!!”
    *beep beep beep*
    “Well it was nice knowin’ you…”


  25. Lou is great… Sarah is better though..

    I saw this episode 4 times… all in a row…

  26. And miss? Your pastrami is delicious.” LOL – gotta love Casey 😀

    and of course gotta love sarah coming onto lester — and lester being terrified 😀

    AWESOME episode – every pun intended.

  27. This episode is AWESOME!

    The chemistry between Chuck and Sarah is soooo good. With Sarah’s jealousy over Lou, her “fake” crying to “sell it” (pssht..yeah ok Sarah, “to sell it”), her leg-lock around Lester, the trunk scene, and most importantly, THE KISS HEARD ROUND THE WORLD.

    Such a good episode! Hurray for a Season 3!

  28. hello all, great blog her. Keep up the good work. very informative 🙂

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    hello all, great blog her. Keep up the good work. very informative 🙂