Happy Birthday Yvonne Strahovski. Have a fun and safe birthday. Can’t wait to see you in season 3 of Chuck. Your an awesome actress best of luck to you.
Happy Birthday!!!! Yvonne you are sooooo beautiful inside and out! 🙂 And to top that off you’re one of the best actresses in the world and my personal fave!!! And I’m just wishing you tons and tons of good blessings for you!!!! And just thanking you…. for being you 😀 You’re Awesome, Love always from one of your biggest fans ever (and will remain one 4ever) !!!! Nessa
HAPPY BIRTHDAY YVONNE!!!!! I wish you the best, both for your life and your career!!! Always smiling and happy!!!
PS.: You ‘re a great actress and a beautiful woman!!!!! You, Zac and the rest of the Chuck’s cast made me leave behind the Twilight saga and become totally addicted to this TV Show…!!!
Chcę Ci życzyć WSZYSTKIEGO NAJLEPSZEGO z okazji dnia w którym Świat otrzymał cud zrodzony z niewyobrażalnej miłości dwojga wspaniałych osób jakimi są Twoi rodzice. Tak jak Michael Angelo genialnym i fantastycznym ruchem swych dłoni nadał niebiański kształt swym przecudownym dziełom, tak i Twoi rodzice powołali Cię do życia, tworząc przez te wszystkie lata najwspanialsze arcydzieło ludzkiej miłości. Dziękując im za to, mam nadzieję, że Twoje cnotliwe serce otoczone błękitem anielskiej duszy pozostanie na zawsze najdoskonalszym i najcudowniejszym tworem ludzkiej namiętności.
Był kiedyś czas, gdy marzenia były nadzieją i celem, teraz gdy magiczne chwile ziściły się, nadając tchnienie istnienia nowym fantazjom, które któregoś nieokreślonego dnia spełnią się. Pamiętaj , że jesteś wyjątkowa i zasługujesz na wszystko co najcudowniejsze i najpiękniejsze, bądź sobą i rób co kochasz a przede wszystkim nie zapominaj jakim darem jesteś dla nas wszystkich. Mam nadzieję, że osiągniesz to do czego zmierzasz i kiedyś być może nadejdzie chwila w której będę miał zaszczyt poznać tak przepiękną istotę o wdzięku anioła. Życzę Ci jeszcze raz jak najurokliwszych chwil w Twojej egzystencji pełnych bezcennych chwil.
Happy Birthday, Yvonne!! Wish you the best today and the whole year. Can’t wait to see you on Season 3, you’re an amazing actress. Take care and have fun!
HapPpPpPY B.day, ur one of the best girls ever! Smart, Cute and I hope ur funny 😛
but whatever ‘coz u’ve got the best Smile…
Hope u have a really good Birthday.
Happy Birthday Yvonne!
you’re truly the best actress especially on Tv and i hope your carreer will blossom more and more and your awesome work wil be aknowledged throughout the whole world!
best birthday wishes from Switzerland!
You know people, Adam Baldwin said “From the DUH department” for a reason at the comicon panel. Yvonne knows she looks brilliant! What’s wrong with wishing her a great birthday without commenting her looks? You pervs! 😉
Having said that, happy birthday to Yvonne! Hope you have a nice one, looking forward to yet another season of what you love, acting on this great show! 🙂
PS: I feel kinda like the bastard being negative about this thing. Maybe I should apply for a guest role as an old friend of Casy. I’m not much of an actor, but to be an ass I don’t have to act. 😀
A very Happy Birthday to you, Yvonne. You are, simply put, an amazing actress and role model. Your smile just makes the day seem that much brighter! I wish you much success in your career and that you have a happy life. Looking forward to another season of Chuck.
i’ll gladly add my voice, in the far out chance yvonne will actually read this.
yvonne, happy birthday! you’re a wonderful actress and thank you for working so hard to bring sarah walker to life. you do a great job conveying the pathos in her character. keep up the good work and have a wonderful year with many happy returns!
She’s amazingly beautiful! Yvonne, If you happen to read this I wish you a Happy Birthday and I hope you have a great one!
Happy Birthday Yvonne Strahovski. Have a fun and safe birthday. Can’t wait to see you in season 3 of Chuck. Your an awesome actress best of luck to you.
Happy Birthday!!!! Yvonne you are sooooo beautiful inside and out! 🙂 And to top that off you’re one of the best actresses in the world and my personal fave!!! And I’m just wishing you tons and tons of good blessings for you!!!! And just thanking you…. for being you 😀 You’re Awesome, Love always from one of your biggest fans ever (and will remain one 4ever) !!!! Nessa
Even though she’ll never see it, Happy Birthday to Yvonne Strahovski.
And yes, she is super hot.
Hopefully you have lots of fun, and I can’t wait to see you in Chuck as soon as possible in season 3.
Happy birthday, wish u the best for everything… you’re awesome:)
Happy Birthday Yvonne! Hope you’re having a great day, in fact its your day to day 🙂
Happy Birthday, Yvonne!!!
Hope it’s your best yet.
haha ali adlers pic for this was quite- erm interesting 😉
I guess Ali and Yvonne get along rather well or Ali lives in fear 😉
HAPPY BIRTHDAY YVONNE!!!!! I wish you the best, both for your life and your career!!! Always smiling and happy!!!
PS.: You ‘re a great actress and a beautiful woman!!!!! You, Zac and the rest of the Chuck’s cast made me leave behind the Twilight saga and become totally addicted to this TV Show…!!!
I can only join to my previous speakers. Happy Birthday Yvonne.
Happy b-day Yvonne!!! wish u the best 😉
Happy Birthday! 😀
A friend of mine had a great idea. What if we make Yvonne a trending topic on Twitter? That would be our little yet meaningful gift 😀
Happy Birthday !
Wishing you a very happy birthday, Yvonne! 🙂
Chcę Ci życzyć WSZYSTKIEGO NAJLEPSZEGO z okazji dnia w którym Świat otrzymał cud zrodzony z niewyobrażalnej miłości dwojga wspaniałych osób jakimi są Twoi rodzice. Tak jak Michael Angelo genialnym i fantastycznym ruchem swych dłoni nadał niebiański kształt swym przecudownym dziełom, tak i Twoi rodzice powołali Cię do życia, tworząc przez te wszystkie lata najwspanialsze arcydzieło ludzkiej miłości. Dziękując im za to, mam nadzieję, że Twoje cnotliwe serce otoczone błękitem anielskiej duszy pozostanie na zawsze najdoskonalszym i najcudowniejszym tworem ludzkiej namiętności.
Był kiedyś czas, gdy marzenia były nadzieją i celem, teraz gdy magiczne chwile ziściły się, nadając tchnienie istnienia nowym fantazjom, które któregoś nieokreślonego dnia spełnią się. Pamiętaj , że jesteś wyjątkowa i zasługujesz na wszystko co najcudowniejsze i najpiękniejsze, bądź sobą i rób co kochasz a przede wszystkim nie zapominaj jakim darem jesteś dla nas wszystkich. Mam nadzieję, że osiągniesz to do czego zmierzasz i kiedyś być może nadejdzie chwila w której będę miał zaszczyt poznać tak przepiękną istotę o wdzięku anioła. Życzę Ci jeszcze raz jak najurokliwszych chwil w Twojej egzystencji pełnych bezcennych chwil.
Happy Birthday, Yvonne!! Wish you the best today and the whole year. Can’t wait to see you on Season 3, you’re an amazing actress. Take care and have fun!
HapPpPpPY B.day, ur one of the best girls ever! Smart, Cute and I hope ur funny 😛
but whatever ‘coz u’ve got the best Smile…
Hope u have a really good Birthday.
Happy Birthday Yvonne! ;D
HAPPY BIRTHDAY YVONNE!! Hope you have a fantastic day!
Like nessa said,you’re amazingly beautiful inside and out and a role model to us all.
Happy birthday Yvonne Strahivski!
Happy Birthday, Yvonne! July Leos rule. Hope you’re having fun celebrating and being back on set.
Happy Birthday to a truly inspirational woman!!!
Have a happy day!
Happy Birthday to best looking woman on television, Yvonne Strahovski.
Hey Yvonne – Happy Birthday! And many more!
Happy Birthday Yvonne,
You are a great actress, beautiful woman and a sweetheart. Enjoy your Birthday and I cannot wait to see you kicking but on Chuck.
HAppy birthday Yvonne
Have a great birthday enjoy your day
Happy Birthday Yvonne! You are the best actress and most beautiful woman on t.v. Every time I see you, my day seems to get a little better.
Happy Birthday, Yvonne! May your career blossoms as beautifully as you are.
Happy Birthday Yvonne! Hope your day is as fabulous as you are. May all your dreams come true.
happy b-day Yvonne can’t wait till march
Happy Birthday Yvonne! Hope you have a great day. 🙂
Happy Birthday Yvonne!
you’re truly the best actress especially on Tv and i hope your carreer will blossom more and more and your awesome work wil be aknowledged throughout the whole world!
best birthday wishes from Switzerland!
Happy Birthday Yvonne!!
Your so awesome on Chuck! Can’t wait til Season 3! Have an awesome day! =D
You know people, Adam Baldwin said “From the DUH department” for a reason at the comicon panel. Yvonne knows she looks brilliant! What’s wrong with wishing her a great birthday without commenting her looks? You pervs! 😉
Having said that, happy birthday to Yvonne! Hope you have a nice one, looking forward to yet another season of what you love, acting on this great show! 🙂
PS: I feel kinda like the bastard being negative about this thing. Maybe I should apply for a guest role as an old friend of Casy. I’m not much of an actor, but to be an ass I don’t have to act. 😀
Happy birthday! 😀
yay happy birthday yvonne! 😀 <3
Happy birthday Yvonne! Hope you have an incredible day!
Happy Birthday Yvonne !!!
I enjoy your performance on Chuck! I wish you lots of success in your future endeavors!
Bo Writtenhouse from Indiana
HAPPY BIRTHDAY YVONNE!!! Hope you got my letter, have an amazing day!
Happy Birthday Yvonne and have a great year.
Looking forward to seeing you on another season of Chuck.
Have a great birthday Yvonne! As C.A. would say, you’re awesome.
Happy Birthday Yvonne…Have a great day and celebrate. I can’t wait to see you on sason three next year…maybe a bit earlier (hope so)…
I love it!!! Happy birthday ivonne, can´t wait to see you in the 3 season!!!!!!!!!
Greetings from Venezuela!!!!!!
Happy Birthday Yvonne! I can’t wait to see you back on Chuck!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY YVONNE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have your birthday present! Will get you ANY of these bikinis that you like most. Just let me know which one you want 🙂
If you’re curious about the web address its a bikini fundraising effort where some of the money from each order raises funding.
Love ya Yvonne!! Hope to see more of ya!!
Yours always,
Jaqob Jackson
A very Happy Birthday to you, Yvonne. You are, simply put, an amazing actress and role model. Your smile just makes the day seem that much brighter! I wish you much success in your career and that you have a happy life. Looking forward to another season of Chuck.
i’ll gladly add my voice, in the far out chance yvonne will actually read this.
yvonne, happy birthday! you’re a wonderful actress and thank you for working so hard to bring sarah walker to life. you do a great job conveying the pathos in her character. keep up the good work and have a wonderful year with many happy returns!
Happy birthday Ivonne!!
You’re a great actress and so talented!!
Best wishes!!