Chuck Me Mondays: Chuck vs. the Crown Vic

We’re nearing the end of Chuck‘s first season on Chuck Me Mondays, and every week we’re reminded again what a terrific show this is. It’s Christmas in August (for us) when Team Bartowski goes after a ring of counterfeiters, with new power couple Anna and Morgan in the crosshairs. It’s also time for the Buy More holiday party, at which Big Mike attempts to lay down the law to the Buy Morians. Good luck with that, man.

Twitter Note: NEXT WEEK we are going to try a different tag in an attempt to get around whatever is preventing us from trending. Be prepared!

What We’re Doing

  • The goal of Chuck Me Mondays is to keep the Chuck buzz going during the long hiatus between seasons and encourage new viewers to check out the show.
  • We challenge Chuck fans to begin Tweeting as early in the day as possible by naming their top 10 favorite General Beckman moments. One moment per Tweet, and be sure to use the #chuckmemondays tag in each one.

How To Watch

  • We recommend watching “Chuck vs. the Crown Vic” at for the biggest impact.
  • If you don’t have access to watch online or would prefer to watch using a different method, then pull out your season 1 DVDs or download the episode from Chuck - Chuck, Season 1 - Pilot or Amazon.

When To Watch

  • Americans watch at 9PM ET (convert to your time zone here)
  • Europeans watch at 8PM GMT (convert to your time zone here)

Where To Discuss

  • Discuss in the comments below and invite others to join you!
  • Discuss on Twitter using the tag #chuckmemondays. 
  • See our Twitter tutorial and a list of fans to follow here (be sure to read the comments for more fans to follow).
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About Mel

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  1. This episode is SHINY!

  2. You guys need to get on the same page as to what to use in your tweets. Chuckmemondays is saying on his blog to use both #ChuckMeMondays and chuck me mondays and now you are saying only use the tag CrownVic. Get together and get it straight. Confusion and too many tags will be what leads to not trending. Pick a tag and stick with it.

    • As noted above, we’ve switched back to #chuckmemondays for this week and will change tags next week.

  3. Yes you guys need to concordant with your other Chuck leaders. The website: has this strategy set for tonight.

    So, your tweets should look like:

    I love Sarah Walker! #chuckmemondays chuck me mondays

    please spread the word correctly!

    • Already done, Bob. Please see edits above. 🙂 We’ll be trying a different tag next week to give people time to prepare.

  4. This has probably been brought up already, but has it been decided how we are going to watch Season Two when it rolls around in a few weeks?

  5. I remember Mel saying that NBC or HULU would most likely make those eps available when we got there. They must be taking note of the hits they’re getting on Monday night, and there’s no way that they don’t know about Chuck Me Mondays. Any comments on this Mel or Liz?

    And while we’re at it, why are they waiting so long to release the S2 DVD set? You’d think they’d want to let that out BEFORE S3, not concurrently.

    Looking forward to tonight’s ep. Need a little Christmas. Joyeux Noel!

  6. My second time participating. I’m quite exuberant 😀 When school comes back in session, I’m going to be angry at myself for looking forward to mondays!

  7. Breaking news at the chuck me site.

    • LOL – we actually broke the news here, first: Be sure to enter the giveaway!

  8. everyone- dont forget to vote for Yvonne in the hot blonde contest at
    she needs our votes!