How To Get Your Chuck 3D Glasses in the UK

UK fans will get to see the 3D episode of Chuck, “Chuck vs. the Third Dimension”, on August 25th at 9PM only on Virgin1. They initially offered 1,000 pairs of 3D glasses to fans, which were snapped up immediately. Now they’re giving away another 3,500 pairs a pair of 3D glasses in the August 18th issue of TV & Satellite Week magazine. Mark your calendars and form an orderly queue outside the newsagent to get your copy!

Many thanks to comicb00kguy for passing along this info!

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  1. How can USA Fans get the glasses or will any 3D glass work! Will they be included in the DVD when It comes out for season 2.

  2. Just a little clarification: ALL copies of the issue of TV & Satellite that goes on sale on Tuesday 18 August will include a free pair of Chuck 3D glasses, not just the 3500 you say above.

  3. Have to say been watching Chuck here in the UK since Virgin started airing it last year, really enjoy the show. Only disappointment so far is this forth coming 3d show and the lack of 3d glasses suppliers here in the UK. Will have to add the tv mag to my shopping list and just hope I can get hold of some.

  4. I have tried to find the TV & Satellite magazine in WHSmith in London and newsagents but can not find it. Please can somebody tell me where I can get it? I want to get the 3D glasses. I love Chuck!

    • Got my glasses on Tuesday, Tesco were stocked up with TV & Satellite week. Don’t throw them away as i’ve read on DigitalSpy that Channel 4 (UK) intend to show some programs and films in 3D using the same ColourCode Technology this autumn.

      [copy & paste into your address bar]

  5. Wheee can I get 3d glasses as the tv paper is not out anymore and I have. Chuck on my sky + box waiting for me but I can’t watch it please help its driving me nuts!

  6. i also was unable to get hold of a pair of 3D glasses…. does any one know of how i can get some now???

    • Try Ebay and remember you need the Amber and Blue lenses, red and green sadly won’t work search 3D glasses Chuck. And good luck.

  7. where can i buy a pair of 3d glasses now! pls