Chuck Finally Heads to Germany

Chuck will finally make its debut in Germany on August 22. The first season of the show will air on Pro 7 on Saturdays at 5PM. Want a sneak peek at the dubbed version that will broadcast there?

Thanks to Peter for the info!

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  1. LOL It is very funny listening to it in a totally different language. Love it!

  2. Wow at 1:50. Casey’s voice acting is perfect, I could’ve sworn Adam Baldwin said that line.

  3. OMG!!!! What a long strange trip this is. A total blast to watch your favorite show in another dialogue. And I’m not surprising anyone when I say that I could prolly repeat the script verbatim…that’s what all of us Chuckaholics can boast.

    I agree with Matt, that sure sounded like AB himself dubbing Casey.

    Thanks you guys, good score with 5 of our faves “talkin” in the clip.

  4. I personally havent seen it im waiting for chuck to head down under to australia. i have seen the first season on dvd that i own and have to say “Thats Awesome” hope i get through btw when Captain Awesome ask morgan if he was a tucker that was genius lol hope to see chuck in aus

  5. lucky germans. i want it in the netherlands!!!

  6. It’s coming to the Netherlands! According to some wikipedia pages it’s going to air on RTL5 this year. But RTL haven’t announced there plans yet, so we don’t know for sure…

    • @tim

      yeah, i read that but after some searching i found a website where someone said that sbs has the broadcasting rights, so i’m kinda confused :S

  7. Oh no, yet another awful German dub of a great tv show! Chuck’s voice is way too squeeky and the language in general is dumbed down to high school level. The show is doomed in Germany anyway because Pro7 in their eternal wisdom placed it on the Saturday afternoon, where basically nobody is watching tv. Bummer…

  8. Terribly dubbed, as always. Only Casey got a good voice.
    Chuck, Sarah and Morgan are awful. Well I didn’t expect otherwise as it’s always the same. Can’t remember a well dubbed foreign show. I really wonder why the keep doing it. They managed to crush shows like 24 or HIMYM and here they go again

  9. I already hate it! They won’t get good ratings with those over voices!
    Like somebody already said, Chuck and Sarah’s voices sound like they are 15 and not mid-20ies!
    It’s doomed, I think, they won’t even stand the chance to air the second season!

    Bytheway I’ve seen every episode about 10 or more times in English and even as a German I don’t like the translation or the over voices!

  10. Well I haven’t seen the English version of “Chuck” but I am looking forward to seeing it here in Germany and as a German I can tell you that nobody will care for the voices because in Germany we don’t like the same pitches of the voices as you Americans/English do.^^ I agree that especially Chucks voice might be a little too infantile but it’s not that bad 😉 greetz from Germany by Havik

  11. Yesterday the Pilot episode of Chuck aired on ProSieben and unfortunately I had to discover that they badly cut the scene where Casey shoots Bryce. Because of the 5pm timeslot it seems they have to cut some stuff to air it and that is of course NOT AWESEOME!

    The ratings however were quite good considering the timeslot: 0,71 millions watched, 14 percent marketshare in the target demo (18 – 49).