SPOILERS: Episode 3.03 Title, Casting Call

A casting call for Chuck episode 3.03 has been posted, along with the title of the episode. Don’t read on if you don’t want to know!

This episode is titled “Chuck vs. the Angel of Death” and features a character named Premier Allejandro Goya, the dictator of a fictitious South American nation called Parador. Goya has come to the U.S. to announce that his country will be holding open, Democratic elections for the first time. Will Team Bartowski be tasked with protecting the Premier? Or is his true motive for visiting the U.S. something more sinister?

Source: SpoilerTV

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  1. Um… I checked Hulu.com and apparently Chuck episodes 1-11 are not there. I dont see them. Can u plz help me?

    Thank You

  2. Antonio Banderas anyone?

  3. Parador: Paraguay + Ecuador.
    I love Paraguay!

    • me too! Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Paraguay 88-91. I hate/love how they always poke fun at it. Whenever they want to portray a “banana republic” on tv, they always turn to poor ol’ Paraguay.

  4. That sounds like a interesting plot. I like the international flavor of the show.

  5. Someone on the staff is a fan of Moon Over Parador. Now, can the get Richard Dreyfuss to be a guest star?

  6. any way I can get in on a casting call??? I’m in the LA area.

  7. Its too bad NBC couldn’t have shown reruns this summer to take advantage of the publicity.

  8. Jeremiah Chechik, the director of “Versus the Predator” is directing this one. He posted some pics of himself, Zach and Yvonne on tweeter recently under the name tinroof.
    “ready for first day on #chuck. directing this cast with this crew is like running a marathon at sprint speed downhill. hold on!”
    9:48 AM Aug 27th from web
    Love it!