Or Chuck Vs Sarah:
What Happens On Missions No Longer Can Just Stay On Missions
NB – the views expressed in this article are the author’s alone and do not necessarily reflect that of the universe.
Welcome back! Lots of ground to cover so you may want to review Part I first.
Sarah is the foundation for Chuck’s growth and increasing confidence since they met. But it is a foundation built on soft ground. Sarah’s difficulty in discussing anything relating to her feelings and the restrictive nature of their asset to handler relationship are two major factors. They also come from different ends of the emotional spectrum. These forces have combined to generate emotional static between them.

Before this relational disconnect mainly affected their personal relationship. Now it will directly impact the professional side of things and Chuck’s ability to control Intersect 2.0. For Chuck to achieve calm it will be necessary for the two of them to reduce the emotional static. But how to do that?
Some of the fog will be lifted automatically because of Sarah’s personality. Their bond will deepen when Sarah sees Chuck manifest their relationship in active, visible ways. The new talents that Chuck flashes on will be demonstrable results of their bond. As a person for whom actions resonate much more than words, Sarah will find these moments heroic and attractive.
When the flash ends Chuck could be left in a vulnerable state. Possibly defenseless like an infant. During that period it would be up to Sarah to protect Chuck. A Chuck more vulnerable than she has ever experienced. To see Chuck go from invincible to incapacitated would kick in her protective instincts like never before.
There will be protective elements to be found in the unpredictable results, thinking Greatest American Hero here, that could arise from Chuck’s erratic control. There is always the danger that a flashed ability could place them in more peril as opposed to helping a situation.
Chuck needs only one thing from Sarah to master control. Support. However a mentor or sensei guiding a student will do little to help Chuck. It is not like there is a ‘How To’ manual for the Intersect. Chuck will have to figure out how to use/control the Intersect on his own. What he needs Sarah to give him is aid that removes doubt or emotional static. There is only one way for Sarah to provide that. She must give Chuck emotional support.
Intersect 2.0 creates the perfect opportunity for Sarah to open up! Basically, a role reversal from the first two seasons. The real questions for Season 3 could be: 1) How long before Sarah realizes this ? and 2) At what pace will the show allow Chuck’s control to improve as a result of the first question being answered?
Intersect 2.0 should be the catalyst that brings Chuck and Sarah together. Where ever we find the two characters when Season 3 picks up, Intersect 2.0 is going to dictate how they relate to one another and not vice-versa. No matter what vows or promises they make, to each other and themselves, those oaths will be for naught.
In summary, a professional obstacle that seems a wall could turn out to be the door that provides the opening that brings Chuck and Sarah together. Forever. A fantastic solution!
This is the optimal path I envision that the show could take. Remember, this is my forecast only. How the show approaches it could be very different. Irregardless, the prospects of what lay ahead for Chuck and Sarah with Intersect 2.0 are very exciting. Hopefully these three articles have mollified some fears and concerns Chuck fans may have. I hope you all are just as excited as I am to start watching what should be the penultimate season of Chuck.
Feel free to post feedback, alternative theories etc here and at the ChuckTV forums.
Until next time – Viva La Nerdulation!
Lou aka OldDarth is a moderator for the ChuckTV.net forums and occasional contributor to Chuck vs. the Podcast.
They are going to go completely opposite of that for a while though. You know that right? LOL I just hope they don’t go that way for too long. I’ll be waiting for this side to show up…sooner rather than later.
1) How long before Sarah realizes this ? and 2) At what pace will the show allow Chuck’s control to improve as a result of the first question being answered?
I feel like Sarah might realize it right away but with regards to #2, I have a feeling it will drag on until the end of the 3rd season. I don’t think we will get super spy Chuck right away unless this will be the last season.
I like this premise, as it basically ties Chuck and Sarah’s relationship firmly to Chuck’s hero’s journey. It is no longer the hero on his quest, with a relationship as an aside….the relationship is driving his journey.
I can’t wait to see how long it takes for them to realize how much Sarah impacts how well Intersect 2.0 functions.
Great article, Lou!
I agree with your scenario. Now there won’t be two competing storylines. The mission and the relationship. They will be melded into one.
Loved it. Those can possibly be the possibilities! Maybe the writers envision their evolution like you did..
Now I’m even more excited with all the possibilities 😀
A great take on this OD, one that I think is very possible. And if the season does take this course, we will no doubt see the continued growth of these two characters. As you pointed out, Chuck’s growth potential must be tied to his control of Intersect 2, but Sarah’s is more complex and potentially more interesting. And it’s all a matter of trust – Sarah’s trust in Chuck – but maybe more importantly, Sarah’s trust in herself. Trust is not easy. It begins with telling the truth, something Sarah has difficulty with. It’s having confidence, it’s believing in the other person, and believing in yourself. Sarah may believe in her ability, but I don’t know that she believes in herself. And throw on top of that Chuck’s probable lack of trust in his ability to control the Intersect 2. Definitely a role reversal. This could really be fun, interesting and entertaining and I can’t wait to see how close you are to the mark. I’m looking forward to hearing more from you in the coming months.
Keep on Chucking!
Lots of meat to chew on in that article, OD – you really packed quite a few intriguing ideas into that short piece.
The central premise of Chuck and Sarah intertwined in a co-dependent bond as they figure out their future seems perfectly suited to Schwartz and Fedak’s stated S3 framework. It’s hard to imagine you haven’t defined it exactly.
Nicely done. I think you’re getting better at this feature writing stuff as you go. 😉
I think Sarah will need to see some of the courtyard tapes covering Roan Montgomery’s talk with Chuck when Cuck stated she was worth giving up his life for her–the two conversations with Brydce Larking would also be important for her to see. These tapes along with the wedding reception when Chuck tells his father that he must leave to support Sarah because he loves her. These would be invaluable in helping Sarah have complete faith in Chuck’s love for her–(might even help if she knew he rented a white coat per Roan’s advice and then had great disappointment when Bryce was in her room) I want Sarah and Chuck to get together as early as possible in season 3. I want the season to be fun and not filled with heartache. Without a season 3 I would not have valued the series as much as I anticipate I will during season 3—I think it was a gamble by the shows creators that there would be a season 3. I can only hope for a season 4 where all perils are met by them as a couple. I think there are some great storyline opportunities concentrating on comedy and adventure. Emotional pain takes away from my enjoyment of the show. There is an opportunity created by the writers and actors to make this a really memorable series that will bring a smile to our lips everytime we think of the show, for years to come. COME ON FEDAK AND SWARTZ LET’S GET CRACKEN!!!!!
Don’t go soft on me Aardie!
wait, did nobody else pick up on lou’s third-to-last sentence: “what should be the penultimate season of Chuck”? THE PENULTIMATE SEASON??? to quote some famous words, “whatcha talkin’ about willis”?! no way!! the writers have several more seasons of chuck in them!
other than that, nice article, lou… 🙂
Loved this artical and I hope thats what happens. I totaly agree with ChuckNut, for the record “penultimate†means second to LAST!! NOOO!
I caught that “penultimate season” thing too…but I assume Lou just meant, after that they’ll go on to making multiple feature films, right? 😉 Ooh, actually, how cool would that be!?
Excellent article, Lou! Interesting ideas which could very well be what the writers and showrunners are planning. I can’t wait to see how it all pans out, and meanwhile you’re doing a great job of giving the serious shippers a reason to hope. (I count myself as more of a casual shipper…I like Chuck and Sarah together but it’s not the main reason I watch the show. And I trust everyone who’s working on Chuck to keep giving us the show we’ve loved these past couple of years.)
I look forward to reading more of your fine work.
This was great! Once again! Are you going to be doing more or these?
My favorite part was this bit;
“Their bond will deepen when Sarah sees Chuck manifest their relationship in active, visible ways. The new talents that Chuck flashes on will be demonstrable results of their bond. As a person for whom actions resonate much more than words, Sarah will find these moments heroic and attractive.”
That’s so right! It’s perfect. I have a lot of faith in the writers of Chuck, and I know they’ll have to be thinking about this. Awesome commentary! I hope you have more!
And I did notice the penultimate thing… All I can say is that I don’t have any idea how this story is going to play out, and while I hope it will continue for many seasons, I’d rather it stop at a sensible place than stretch on for way too long.
I think I take a simpler position on the spinach and kryptonite comment:
Spinach: When Sarah was in danger in the finale Chuck flashed Kung Fu and turned into the super Chuck much like Popeye after eating a can. The woman he loves in danger was Chuck’s spinach.
Kryptonite: The fact that Chuck is so emotional when it comes to Sarah, the Intersect will endanger him. She’s his kryptonite because of his feelings for her, Intersect 2.0 will adversely affect him when she makes him upset/jealous which always happens.
I think Intersect 2.0 has more a chance of keeping them apart than getting them together. Remember, we have no idea what she was going to say when they were dancing, maybe she had already realized she was going to lose him if she left and we already knew she wasn’t going to. Why wouldn’t she leave if it wasn’t for him?
So, with Chuck’s new abilities she will wish for the old Chuck and his inherent insecurities about his relationship with her affected by 2.0 could potentially drive them apart. She’s ready and now though he’s more than ready (told Papa B he loved her – HUGE) can’t be his old self because of his choice to take the Intersect back.
Interesting position JT. Thanks for sharing.
I thought about this the other day: One of them is going to have to change their life completely to be together. Chuck is going to have to become and maintain being a spy (and be competant at that) to be with Sarah and be her “partner”…OR, Sarah is going to have to give up being a spy and be normal with Chuck (if he decides he doesnt want to be a spy, which we have no idea what he will decide yet). Either way, one of them is going to have to give up the life they have been living for it to work.
OD, perhaps you could explore that more. I know I go back and forth all the time thinking about which one is going to change first. At the end of it all, will we see Sarah quit the CIA and live a normal life? Or will we see Chuck as a super spy fighting by her side?
Why not both? Neither life style has to be mutually exclusive. Not saying it would not be easy but then the things that really count never are.
I just love a debate. This is great stuff. You know, of course, that Ali Adler is reading all this stuff and going…”Yeah, I like that. So that’s what we are supposed to write…” Better be careful, Lou. They’ll have you on staff before episode 3 is written!
Great stuff! Only thing missing is a mention of Chuck’s own trust issues from both of his parents walking out on him. I believe the interplay of each of their separate trust issues will be part of the relationship focus in the upcoming season. I will be shocked if at some point in S3 we don’t see an arguement between them that includes something along the lines of:
Chuck: “I am not your father, Sarah!”
Sarah: “And I’m not your mother!”
Chuck: softly “That’s it then isn’t it? That’s been our problem all along…”
Again, really enjoyed the articles. Very insightful!
Agent52 – we can all dream.
Good article, your point of view on Sarah maturing is something I had not considered. Although I always thought that if the show goes for more seasons, eventually Sarah will give up killing people because she is really not that person inside.
Season Three will be about getting them together dramatically IMO. This means that they need to be apart for a while and work back to the togetherness. That is drama. That is what made the hotel scene so good in Colonel.
Intersect 2.0 is the perfect foil to keep them apart but also get them together by the end of the season because Chuck will literally freak and go crazy (intersect 2.0 style) if Sarah tries to get with a new love interest. So the intersect 2.0 forces them to work on their relationship IMO. Otherwise Sarah’s potential love interests are going to get a faceful of Chuck Fu. So I think the intersect 2.0 actually solves that problem. LOL.
I believe that Ali gave us a potential spoiler and Josh Schwartz has let a lot of spoilers fly to calm a certain percent of the fan base.
What do you mean by penultimate? I think Chuck has a solid chance of becoming a legit hit show if NBC promotes it during the Olympics.
I think Sarah and Chucks relationship early in season 3 will dictate the real possibilities of a season 4. Unfortunately a lot of families are having a tough time right now. They will not consistently watch a show unless it is uplifting. Chuck is the very type of show that with the wise use of comedy and adventure along with a committed loving relationship between Sarah and Chuck can improve it’s viewer numbers and become highly successful. The times are just right for it to succeed. The famous flu bug angst really is all thet can destroy the show.
I have steadfastly believed that American families will love this show if they just knew a little more about it. I always felt it was that kind of show!
I think we have a lot of new and positive stuff going on with younger viewers finding out about the show and international fans all over the place. Hopefully middle America will also discover the show! I actually think that the olympics launch is the best thing right now that can happen for us.
Many great posts. All of you. Keep it up please.
Sarah is a handful. She’s beautiful, thoughtful, sweet, but also an ass-kicker, deadly, cunning, introvertive and stubborn with a temper.
A lot of what we’re speculating was already a huge element in season one’s vs. the Crown Vic. The emotional tension was evident after the kiss at the end of vs the imported hard salami. Sarah was upset when Chuck termed it a kiss, she called it a mistake, one she would never make again according to her. She called out Chuck and accused him of “flash faking.”
Then after she and Casey got benched by the general and Graham, she openly asked Casey if he ever wanted a normal life. Hell, she sounded just like Chuck. She even mentioned children. “Normal Life?” Had to be thinking about Chuck.
She also told Chuck she “didn’t want to save the world.” While it’s true Sarah has trouble expressing herself and revealing true feelings, I must say in her defense when she begins to open up Chuck is always very forceful and makes sure he is heard and interups her. Of course, this time she was upstaged by Papa Bart.
The fan who talked about Chuck opening up to Roan, Bryce and his dad expressing his love for Sarah is right on. Either she needs to watch some tape or Chuck needs to tell her. “Crazy about you,” will no longer be sufficient.
Best idea is to move the relationship forward, hide it from the general, have Casey cover for them (using grunts of disapproval the whole time). Introduce new “interests” that put stress on the relationship but but doesn’t cause any lengthy tension.
The intersect 2.0 should load skills that even Chuck would think could help. For instance flash on a bad guy and know to speak German or learn that a certain weapon has a flaw or need to be used unconventionally.
Have Morgan and Awesome involved in some confusing plot where Awesome knows stuff he thinks Morgan has to know about Chuck being his best friend and all, I keep thinking of the old “Who’s on first joke” it might work great.
I definitely like the hidden relationship idea, I was kind of thinking about that myself. I am hoping that Sarah sees that the intersect is screwing up Chuck’s head so she feels bad for him.
Enough already. This is being talked to death. Let them get on with shooting
season 3 and see what happens. The people who are involved with producing the
show hopefully monitor this website and should know what the core base of fans
expect for season 3. I saw on another website, the Nick C.blog, that there is
a strong possibility that NBC will probably order the the back 9 episodes for
season 3 as a lead in for a new NBC summer show with Gaspin replacing Silverman at NBC. If this actually happens then a 22 episode season should
resolve many of issues now being discussed. If the ratings hold or increase
maybe a 4th season will happen. Again, a great article Lou. Really enjoyed
reading it. Anymore articles on above coming?
The burden will be on Sarah to open up and get on with it or lose Chuck, period. Provided of course Chuck keeps his mouth shut for once and stops
overriding her everytime she tries to express her feelings verbally which, of
course, is difficult for her. Chuck, to a certain extent, will have to nudge
Sarah in this direction, without pushing her too hard until she is ready.
The Sarah seeing the tapes idea is not a bad one. As pointed out in the article, actions speak louder than words to her, and should reassure her about
Chuck’s feelings for her. If she does not see the tapes, Chuck or somebody
else ( Roan or Chuck’s dad ? ) is going to have to tell her and the chips will
fall where they may.
Much will depend on what happens in the fall with NBC’s new shows. I’m now
convinced the best thing for Chuck is to order the back 9 now for a full 22
episode season, hold the season opening until March after the Olympics, promote the show heavily during and after the Olympics, have the fan core
base work on increasing the viewers for Chuck (as they are now doing), and
coordinate with Subway as much as possible to increase sponsor involvement,
and then hope for the best. If fall schedule for NBC bombs and Chuck is brought back early, without a 22 episode order, and then is interrupted by
the Olympics without heavy promotion, weekly viewer consistency would be hard
to maintain, with renewal for a 4th season seriously in doubt. We can only hope for the best and the fan core base will need to promote the show as much
as possible.
Comments are invited. Again Lou, thanks for your articles.
Hey Lou, thanks for the creative thinking on Chuck & Sarah and Intersect 2.0 (which should actually be version 3.0 since Chuck’s dad had told Chuck that his version 2.0 was his greatest creation after Chuck and Ellie). With still six months to go we need imaginative articles like yours to keep the interest going.
As for how the new Intersect will function, it makes sense that Chuck will have to be more controlled with his emotions and Sarah will be forced to open up and be more vulnerable with her own emotions for Chuck. Clearly Chuck’s required calm or control will initially be a turnoff to Sarah as it will at first make Chuck seem more like Bryce as well as herself. Sarah’s ticket to a normal life seemed to be with Chuck and she will be angry when it seems that that door has been shut. Yet with time she will see that it is a necessary step for Chuck’s maturing while seeing that Chuck will still be the honest, caring hero that she has come to love.
As for how the new Intersect functions I have wondered if it will kick in when Chuck’s friends and family (i.e. Sarah, Casey, Ellie, Awesome and possibly Morgan) and those he is charged to rescue are in danger . Conversely when his own life is on the line Chuck will still lose it and Sarah and Casey will be there to pick up the pieces and save the day.