Chuck Me Mondays: “Chuck vs. the Marlin” #chuckmeout

Chuck‘s strike-shortened first season ended with the epic tale of a man and his stolen stuffed fish. Sort of. We also had an Awesome proposal, the possible bunkerization of Chuck, and some less-than-smooth spy moves from the man himself. Oh, and there’s the epic smackdown between Pita Palace Lizzie and Wienerlicious Sarah. Want to see it all again? Join us for “Chuck vs. the Marlin” on Chuck Me Mondays!

Remember, we’re now using the #chuckmeout tag on Twitter.

What We’re Doing

  • The goal of Chuck Me Mondays is to keep the Chuck buzz going during the long hiatus between seasons and encourage new viewers to check out the show.

How To Watch

  • We recommend watching “Chuck vs. the Marlin” at for the biggest impact.
  • If you don’t have access to watch online or would prefer to watch using a different method, then pull out your season 1 DVDs or download the episode from Chuck - Chuck, Season 1 - Pilot or Amazon.

When To Watch

  • Americans watch at 9PM ET (convert to your time zone here)
  • Europeans watch at 8PM GMT (convert to your time zone here)

Where To Discuss

  • Discuss in the comments below and invite others to join you!
  • Discuss on Twitter using the tag #chuckmeout.  Do NOT use #chuckmemondays this week!
  • See our Twitter tutorial and a list of fans to follow here (be sure to read the comments for more fans to follow).
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  1. “How To Watch * We recommend watching “Chuck vs. the Undercover Lover” at for the biggest impact.”

    Are you sure it’s “Chuck vs. the Undercover Lover” we’re watching tonight?

    • No, we’re watching “vs the Marlin” as it says in the title and description. 😉 I changed that one instance with the wrong reference.

  2. Jeff and Lester as fish burglars. Hilarious! Cleaning out and reassembling the entire Buy More in an aircraft hanger! Stupendous.

    I was always upset that unlike many other shows, Chuck did not come back after the strike with episodes. I’m still wondering why they didn’t.

  3. Hay did you notice that in both season fanalies chuck has fallen out of a celing.:)

  4. I’m going to miss the fun – I have to go to a meeting. But I will watch on my own. My two favourite lines in the episode are:
    Casey to Jaff and Lester: “We can do this the easy way or the hard way, they easy way is I shove his foot up your ass.”
    “Whats the Hard Way?”
    “I use my foot”
    and Morgan to Big Mike regarding the Marlin: “You bought it on E Bay? What did you use for bait pay pall?”

  5. This was a surprisingly funny episode:

    “Who puts horseradish on a hot dog? Oh right, hide it in a place no one would look.”

  6. Yet another unforgetable episode of Chuck. It’s really too bad that the first season was shortened because of the unfettered greed of the writers and production companies. They almost killed the most amazing show of this generation and all they cared about was money. Luckily Chuck can overcome any of these obstacles that society puts in its way. VIVA LA CHUCK!!!

  7. Ms Strahovski can show more emotion with just her face than many actresses can with their entire bodies.

  8. Sarah crying when it looks like Chuck is going in lock down. This gal can act. She almost got me crying.

  9. Season One was great. If NBC doesn’t get everything worked out, do we know how we’re going to watch Chuck vs. The First Date next week?

    • It looks doubtful that NBC will have the first halve of season 2 up by next Monday. Maybe The WB will have them.

  10. yvoone should be on danceing with the stars