WARNING: Spoilers ahead!

Chuck‘s Superman connection just got stronger! Brandon Routh, who portrayed Superman in the most recent movie, has joined Chuck for a multi-episode arc. He’ll be playing Shaw, a spy who takes control of Operation Bartowski and serves as a mentor for Chuck. And a rival for Sarah’s affections. (Cue the Charah outrage in the comments!)
UPDATED 08.28.09: Zap2It had a chat with Chuck co-creator/executive producer Chris Fedak about Routh joining the show and got a few more bits of information out of him:
- Daniel Shaw joins the show in the fourth episodes for a multi-episode guest star role.
- Shaw is an expert on The Ring, this season’s Big Bad.
- Fedak declined to comment on how Shaw might affect the Chuck/Sarah relationship.
- Fedak is excited to have landed an actor for the role who is “a leading-man, hero type of character” and “super funny.”
Although I am probably more guilty than most of my ranting and raving over the “angst” factor I would like to mention a couple of other items about the show I feel are worth mentioning. First a good thing–Sarah’s fights are among the best I have seen–bar none.The fights must take a real team effort by choreographers,actors/actresses,film crews and many more–great job!! I also have to compliment everyone associated with the music–it has a tremendous positive impact on the show. It is entertaining to us but must represent a lot of hard work and long hours. I would like to see a big improvement in editing. The most evident is when Casey talks to Chuck in an unnatural voice and his jaw is not moving. There are a couple of other errors of this nature that occur. Time lines seem to be totally ignored–Chuck appears to be in unrealistic places/time zones at the same time. Seems like daytime,nighttime is sometimes ignored–no one comments about the shrinking fleet of cars at the Buy More, possibly no one but Toyota notices. These are not biggies but the more you watch the shows the more you pick up on them—it is still a great show. With some great young actors/actresses–including the not so young Casey–one of my favorites.
Well Dave it really amuses me to read of your support for Chuck Fan and your
subsequent comments. You talk about negative remarks about people who are
unhappy where the show is going with saying things like they aren’t going to
watch the show anymore or what ever as being “over the line” but you don’t
seem to have a problem with the distasteful remarks made by Chuck Fan.
I’ve stated strong opinions in the past but have done so in a socially
acceptable way. I haven’t told people that I don’t agree with to “SHUT UP”,
or cursed them out with computer symbols in an attempt to intimdate them into
silence. If anything would be “over the line” that would be that. Your
apparent hypocrisy is laughable and your comments about what is “over the line” lack credibility.
I suggest you reread my last post prior to this one 2nd paragraph about cooling PERSONAL rhetoric. This is a tv show and fictional characters we’re
discussing here not life and death issues. I also suggest you and Chuck Fan
reread Rick Holy’s last 2 comments which really puts all of this into
perspective beautifully. We all need to move on here.
Sorry for the outburst but its irritating to hear that people dont want to watch a GREAT show becase of some stupid possible love intrests. 🙁
Yes, let’s move on from personal attacks please. I’d rather not have to start removing comments after more than 2 years of spirited yet respectful discussion.
Amen, BRO! AMEN!! Spirited and Respectful is right on. Even an occasional dose of biting sarcasm is O.K. But mean and nasty “just aint right!”
And thanks for all you do in keeping up this site. It’s the first source I go to for all things CHUCK!!
6 more months to go! 🙂
Poor Mel, Have you really never removed a comment in 2 years? This must be driving you bonkers. Repeat after me Ohhhhhhmmmmmmm. Ohhhhhmmmmmm.
Btw i just read that Kristin Kreuk from Smallville has been cast for an arc too….and it seems Chuck and this girl will have some connection…..Ops, soooo, it seems they are indeed shuffling the cards a lot now lol. Shaw seems going for Sarah, and this girl is a “potential” love for Chuck?? Wow, this looks very promising, in many ways. Maybe we will see Sarah unleash the green monster? 😛
Mel and Rick Holy, thanks. I couldn’t agree more.
Now you tell me that #@%#@* is a nasty remark!!!I thought they just got off the home keys.
I am one of the angst haters–in response to what is the fun in that (meaning putting Sarah and Chuck together–I would say all the fun in the comedy and adventure–this constant turmoil takes away from the heart of the show—the guy in the blue pajamas still needs to be a bad guy.—-If a storyline is needed for a Sara /sister episode send Chuck and Casey to Australia to help with American terrorist infiltrating the Australian Secret Service. Sarah has to stay back a few days to finish the Castle inventory. Chuck could run into a girl within the Aussie secret service who is married with one child. She looks like Sarah except for her dark hair and Aussie accent. Guess who plays the part!!!Chuck could save her from sniper fire but his skull is grazed and he is unconscious for a couple of days. As the result of Chuck’s comments while unconscious the Aussie agent writes Sarah to tell her how lucky she is to have Chuck’s love. She also states she will keep hiim safe for Sarah and will get him home safely. Chuck wakes up and the agent, blonde daughter and husband come to Chuck’s bedside to thank him for saving their wife/mom. They want Chuck and Casey to come by their home for a home cooked Aussie meal prior to Chuck and Casey’s return to America. Chuck goes to the agent’s home and has a great meal. The agent mentions that she and her mother came to Australia several years ago after her mother got a divorce in America. She says that her twin sister went with the father as a part of the divorce settlement but she has never been able to locate her. She shows Chuck a picture of her dad (of Course it is Jack Burton)—Chuck and Casey are not sure what they should do–does Sarah even want to have a relationship with her sister??? Chuck contacts Sarah and suggests she come to Australia to help them combat the terrorist. She agrees to come and on her arrival Chuck tells her the real reason they wanted her to come, she has real family –Perhaps now is the time Chuck gives Sarah that big rock she needs to have or just says–we have some extra time lets get married and shoot a few traitors at the reception–oops been there done that.—I think they could make a good story out of this situation.
i definitely quit.enjoy with sarah,brandon
so u aren’t even curious on how everything will pan out? Who said that Sarah will hook up with Shaw. Do u have any inside info that we aren’t aware of? I don’t undesrtand how ppl get freaked out for something that it’s most likely a teaser to stir em up. Didn’t u lear already that all the spoilers are from JS so he can piss ppl off?
I know right. Aren’t any of u curious???
There are so many storylines that can be explored I hate to have any guest on for 6 episodes. If Routh is competing for Sarah’s love it has to generate a lot of the angst that I despise over 6 episodes. Of course if he is successful in bedding down Sarah that will be my last episode. I do not want her being intimate with anyone but Chuck and vica versa. I may have to skip most of the Routh episodes because to me the comedy and action would not be worth going through the romantic heartache. Chuck and Sarah relationship is the primary reason I watch the show. Everyone may watch it for a different reason and that is fine but the relationship is the primary reason I watch the show and if F&S want to travel down the angst road they can do it without me. I prefer more uplifting amusement. It would be interesting to see the price of angst on viewersship. Some feel a little betrayed now by the anticipation of an increase in angst for season 3. As I have quoted previously I do not believe you can accurately prove your point with an online poll because very few watching the show posts anywhere and we are talking millions of viewers. It is up to F&S and the market to determine the shows success. If I wanted love triangles I would look at soaps. Hopefully I can get through all 19 episodes without departing early. It is after all only a television show.