Hey, Fedak & Schwartz, your Superman fanboy is showing! Hot on the heels of the much-discussed casting of Brandon Routh for a multi-episode arc comes news that Smallville‘s erstwhile Lana Lang, Kristin Kreuk, is joining Chuck for several episodes. Per EW’s Ausiello, Kreuk will play “Hannah”, recently laid off from a glamorous job in publishing and now working at the Buy More. How the mighty have fallen.
But wait, there’s more! Naturally “Chuck and Hannah definitely have feelings for each other,” says someone trying to stir up the ‘shippers an insider. Their “meet cute” takes place on a flight to Paris (bonjour, Monsieur Bartowski), which should be raising eyebrows all over the place. As should the fact that she’s a brunette. If Lou, Jill, and La Ciudad have shown us anything, it’s that gorgeous brunettes with an interest in Chuck aren’t exactly trustworthy.
Don your flak jackets, take a deep breath, and comment below.
The only problem is that if chuck and Sarah ever hook up, no matter how badly we want it, it’ll ruin the dynamics of the show and the sexual tension that was between the two…
I wish that chuck and sarah could get together already….even though the show would not be the same, we all know that chuck and sarah are supposed to be together!
Lana is going on Chuck? My shows are colliding! This is awesome! I can’t wait until March for Chuck to return; waiting that long is just horrible. Oh well im just going to have to be patient. Great story though, i wasnt even aware of this untill i came to your site.
WAAAAHH! CHUCK’S getting better and batter and better!!! First, there’s the addition of BRANDON ROUTH and now KRISTEN KREUK!!! I CANT WAIT FOR THE START OF SEASON 3 but i know all the waiting will pay off by next year!!
Ok so no matter how you look at it the addition of Kristin Kreuk is big. more than likely she is a CIA plant to get his interest away from Sarah so that they can both focus more on their jobs as spies. Brandon Routh’s character doesn’t want Sarah involved with Chuck and its already apparent that he has major connections inside the CIA network. The whole focus of the team is Chuck so “Shaw” has to divise a way to make everyone focus on the job and that can’t be done if Sarah is coddling Chuck, hence the addition of a new love interest. Being that KK is coming from another, highly successful, show tells me that her character may be short lived. It seems to me her character will die off forcing Chuck to focus solely on the “Job.”
HAHAHAHHA. I can’t agree more with the person saying “my shows are colliding”. I was sad to see her leave smallville because well, one – she is smoking hot. two – it would be like if Sarah left Chuck. (Obviously we know the lois future though). Anyway, happy to have her back on a weekly basis. I hope she becomes a regular.
saw kristin on Chuck like saw lois came to clark’s life. Good job KRISTIN !!! ^_^