Gord suggested it in the comments of the Charah: Point-Counterpoint article, and we thought it was a great idea, so Liz has updated the poll in the sidebar to ask what you, the fans, want to see in season 3. Vote for any of the options listed, or add your own in the “Other” field.
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And the winner is ( no surprises there ) Sarah and Chuck slowly building their relationship. Yeah. 🙂
I know that the poll is just at the beginning but most of us want that.
what do i want to see? if they continue to design new love geometric shapes,i want to see chuck’s cancellation
After new love interests spoilers,i don’t want to see anything.I lost my excitement for s3
I would love to see them together at some point, but before they do I think they have a tremendous amount of great material in a live together situation. And I mean living together for their cover before they are together. They would have a gold mine of uncomfortable situations. I really hope they don’t pass this over and jump them together. But I have faith that the writers will keep us happy, they have done such a great job so far.
Man thats a great idea.
What the show has done and is doing now.
New plot line, Casey, Chuck and Sarah have to push a button in the castle basement every 110 min. to keep fulcrum from blowing up the world.
Why not? All the love geometric shapes are just as original!
Thanks, Bob. I haven’t laughed this hard in a while. Can’t wait for Chuck’s return – and can’t wait for the return of LOST, either!!!
But actually, now it would be from keeping “The Ring” from blowing up the world. 😉
i don’t want to see new love interests.I’m really bored.how can chuck and sarah be in love while they fall for others?
Agreed. No one says their relationship has to be a ride down “easy street,” but PLEASE, no more of two people who WE KNOW love each other continuing to hurt each other! However “flawed” they may be, enough of that already.
I’m still confident that S3 WON’T repeat S1 and S2. The potential love interests/rivals for affection have some kind of “other” or some kind of “double meaning.” As upset as some of us have been with the writers (sorry, we’re only human), I hope/think they have something “different” in store for us with all of this. 🙂
BTW where is the poll exactly?
Ah to the right – Never mind.
No charah moments.Writers should kill chuck and sarah relationship.Therefore,we won’t care about the presence of new love interests.
Steve-sure you were joking-no Sarah, no Chuck, no show.–AJ -like to see that happen in the first couple of episodes so I can enjoy the comedy and action–they can enhance their chances for a 4th season by concentrating on things the fans want “entertainment not heartache” if I want a downer I can just watch the news. F & S pay attention to Roger, Kelly & AJ above–their feeling of “angst” can turn into apathy,it is a rapidly growing feeling with some Chuck fans–do not guarantee dooming Chuck when a little creativity could make “Chuck” a big winner.I know the feeling of “angst” and no TV show is worth it.–lets get on with the permanent, strong, loving relationship and then we can concentrate on the comedy and adventure that you can do so well. I think the success of their relationship is mandatory to the success of the show- Love triangles are not wanted, or needed, again lets limit our ex-superman to a maximum of 2 episodes and let him be a bad guy—I had a nightmare last night–saw Sarah in a bridal gown with someone besides Chuck as the Groom. Chuck was at the back of the Church yelling Sarah’s name and that he loved her. Suddenly Sarah turns, looks at him and runs toward him, they exit and jump in a limo. and take off–Sarah looks over at Chuck and OH MY GOD it is not Chuck,its Dustin Hoffman- she is on the set of the Graduate!!!That would be a nightmare. Come on F & S lets get rid of the heartache–would Sarah trust her father enough to let him come to the wedding and walk her down the aisle?? Would she rather have a quick marriage or a full blown wedding. Sarah seems to have been deprived of good things happening to her to the point she anticipates disappointment. Chuck needs to remedy that–you also cannot forget Valentines Day !! A stronger relationship between Ellie and Sarah might also make for increased interest.
Several of the primary actors and actresses have shown the ability to deliver comedy and action–let the good times roll.
Thank you for this poll! (Kudos to Gord as well). This one for me is not so easy because it actually combines two of the choices. I think they so closely go together, that they more accurately represent “one” choice.
And the answer is:
“Sarah and Chuck slowly building up their relationship – with – NO MORE LOVE GEOMETRIC SHAPES!!” (unless they involve Jeff, Lester, Morgan or Big Mike – then they’re O.K.).
Keep up the GREAT WORK all you Chuckaholics, and PEACE, ALL!! 🙂
Let’s remember to “play nice!”
P.S. Let’s get Season 2 DVD released in time for Christmas or whatever December holiday you celebrate!! This is an IDEAL way to get more people into CHUCK in time for S3. Please, oh Please, oh Please – RELEASE THE DVD SOON!!!!!!
While I personally agree with you wanting both the slow building relationship and the end to love interests, the interesting part of this exercise is when you have to absolutely pick what is most important to you, many see it as being the slowly building relationship. When you think about it, as the relationship grows, the love interest thing will take care of itself.
By the way, I will eat crow and admit that I picked no more love geometric shapes after thinking about it for a moment. I came up with the questions yet I still had a hard time deciding between geometry and slow relationship.
But lets face it as a true chuckaholic I will be watching the show regardless.
I’ll be watching, too. If you put a gun to me and forced me to pick between the two, I would say no more geometric shapes – just because I feel they’re worn out already. Been there done that. 🙂
1. Mama Bartowski
2. A semi-regular love/lust interest for Casey
[Bonita said, ‘Someone needs to keep Casey under control’. Can I volunteer, Lol?]
3. Another British spy [could be same as above!]
4. Casey and Chuck being obliged to wear drag on a mission
5. Emmett being defeated/demoted
6. More Jeffster!!!
7. We’ve had Chuck, Ellie, Sarah and Awesome in their undies/in the shower without many clothes :-). When’s Casey’s turn [LOL]?
As I stated in an earlier post–the market will let us know what the viewers want–which approach has the best opportunity to save the show–what I think is the more positive approach of getting Sarah and Chuck together or the approach that does not seem to see Sarah and Chuck together as being a big deal. I think getting them together is THE BIG DEAL. Regardless of our individual points of view the writers need to give the audience what it wants–the market dictates the shows that will or will not be on the networks. Regardless of our feelings, I am sure we all hope the writers make the correct decision. We need to give the third season a real chance before we reach for the hand controller.
I know it’s early yet, but it looks to be like most fans can handle a little bit of the love geometric shapes as long as we continue to see slow steady progress in the Chuck/Sarah relationship in the overall season.
It is interesting how this seems to validate the creative team’s vision for this show. Maybe they do know what they are doing after all (as Casey would say – “brilliant deduction Nancy Drew”).
I have to admit I was not looking forward to the geometry, but still don’t believe it will be half as bad as many of the hardcore shippers are thinking. After all the creative team and actors have given us two great seasons, why should we doubt them now for S3.
To get a better reflection of fan feelings, I urge everyone to vote only once.
The poll only allows one vote per IP address for the duration of the poll, so no vote stacking here!
Thanks again for suggesting the poll, Gord. I know you meant it for ChuckMeOut, but odds aren’t great that they’d go for it. 😉
I’m glad to see it anywhere, and thanks for putting it up. I’m also glad that you put measures in place for only a single vote. That should at least apease those who don’t feel that the poll is going their way – myself included. I hate the idea of Love Geometric Shapes.
I just want Chuck to be great in S3 (and beyond) for both current and future fans. Judging by the overall fans reactions, I think for the majority of fans it will be.
I’ll take my Chuck fix anyway I can get it.
I can’t handle even a little bit of the love geometric shapes.This stuff was used several times.I didn’t watch previous love triangle episodes and i won’t watch love trapezoid episodes.
Sarah & Chuck finally act on their mutual feelings. Sarah gets up to make breakfast, checks the fridge, sees there’s nothing in there but leftovers, grabs her wallet from her purse, (leaving her gun behind) and heads to the store. On the way back, Sarah is kidnaped by a Fulcrum team lead by – Jill Roberts. How far will Chuck go to get Sarah back?
Chuck tries to get Col. Casey to help, but he’s off in Afghanistan on a special forces mission to find Ben La-din. Chuck hacks into an NSA tracking satellite, with Buymore off the shelf spy gear.
(The music of mission impossible plays in the background.)as Chuck wire’s the equipment together in an attempt to find Sarah’s transponder signal.
Flash back shows the GPS device is in the charm bracelet chuck gave her last year at Xmas.
That’s just silly. The tracking device isn’t in the charm bracelet. It’s in her iPhone.
OOPS! I forgot the 🙂
I wanna see Sarah-Devon and Chuck-Anna relationships.These are more realistic than Sarah-Shaw and Chuck-Hannah relationships.
I hope not!
I want to see Chuck-Sarah and Shaw-Hannah.
What about Chuck discovering that Sarah has been one of the bad guys all along? O.O
Because of all the bad news coming out about renewed heartache for Chuck and Sarah I am thinking about recording each episode. Then I could be selective and only watch the ones that generate good feelings and do not have the “angst” factor. Regardless of how few that might be it would be more enjoyable than going through the full season of pain. If it ended up being none then that would be ok, my apathy is building. I want to watch shows that project a more positive scenario. I have the feeling that season 3 will be the end of Chuck, that would really be a shame. Chuck and Sarah could be a successful show for a long time if F&S truly want to save the show (assuming they are creatively capable).
Poll is great, people vote, great. Trouble is, will the producers/writers
really pay any attention to it as input before final decisions are made?
I think not. Several episodes probably have been filmed already. Announcements
have been made hinting where the show generally is going to go so is the poll
really going to make any difference, especially in a 13 episode season?
I think this is just to mollify people without really changing where things
are going to develop as defined in the Schwartz/Fedak plan whatever that is.
As usual, will have to wait and see. Will be interesting to monitor NBC fall
ratings of new shows just to see whether they succeed or bomb. Chuck just
might be back earlier than planned which could be good or bad depending on
what the viewers do. To be continued…
It also might depend of whether the show will be good or not, which by the same token will not matter the effect of early broadcast instead of the supposed mid-season one.
Again, this site is not owned by NBC. It’s a fansite run by myself and Liz (with the help of Lou/OldDarth). The poll is meant to be another fun thing for fans to do during hiatus, and it will change fairly regularly. It is not meant to tell TPTB how to run the show. We’d never presume to do that.
Like many others I would like to see Chuck and Sarah have a evolving, progressing, and REAL relationship. Having a fake relationship to cover for their real relationship would just make things better. I would like to see them start having the little habits tell tales that new couples have that let observers know that they care for each other. Most importantly, I would like for BOTH of them to actually talk to each other about how they feel about certain things and each other. That would save allot of misunderstanding.
I’m not excited about new season.Chuck will be with Hannah and Sarah will fall for Shaw.I hope there won’t be any charah moments because these moments are not special anymore.
I would like to see more action, more crazy electronic spy gear can do anything when up against the bad guy stuff. Keep the romance hanging, don’t give in to quasi normal relationship stuff. Keep em guessing. I would like to see Chuck get a big huge promotion and do more with the “Buy More” Store. It is a good background for humor. I like Chuck for the innocense, humor and wit that it provides when so many other shows continue to with the nonchalance of blood and gore. Season number 3, yes please.
I dig your observation. Sarah was going to stay because of Chuck. give her even more reasons by being vulnerable with the Bartowski family. the love of family will save all of them including Sarah, Casey, Chuck, Morgan, Anna and why not the general for good measure.
I’m watching Jill and Cole arcs to kill Charah love for me.Therefore,i can lose my interest for the show.Especially the passionate Sarah Cole kiss at the castle is enough to stop watching.
You know what is disappointing? The belief that a Sarah-Chuck relationship would be boring because there is no “tension.” Making a relationship work is much, much harder than the should we/shouldn’t we thing? And while I am prepared to let the creative people do their thing, only sloppy or lazy writers would think there is no tension or creative challenges in a real relationship. Besides, the oft-quoted on/off TV relationships (David/Maddie on Moonlighting, Sam/Diane on Cheers) were matches of obvious opposites. Chuck and Sarah are not opposites. They complete each other, bring strength to each other and are both missing elements (Chuck has needed confidence, Sarah has needed the ability to let her guard down) the other provides.
All that said, my guesses for S3 shows:
1) Sarah is put off by Chuck in some way, which would LOGICALLY move the relationship back a bit. She is either miffed because he no longer needs her protection, annoyed that Chuck 2.0 is still immature or required to avoid him because the kyptonite nature of their love would outweigh the spinach nature.
2) The show is flipped on its head. Chuck wants to learn how to become a spy and Sarah is the one yearning for a “normal” life. That could also be part of the step-back in the relationship from the end of S2.
3) It is revealed that Chuck and Sarah had tried a relationship while we weren’t “seeing” them. It failed temporarily because of the strains of the new intersect, the need to be apart for safety or Chuck’s insecurity or Sarah’s fear of emotional involvement.
4) Corinna is revealed as Sarah’s sister. Remember, her appearance in S1 E4 was the same show that had Sarah saying she had a sister during the game.
5) The new characters, while initially flirting with Chuck and Sarah, actually fall for each other.
6) The show (sadly) expires at the end of 13 episodes because (again, sadly) no show saved by a viewer campaign has ever survived for more than one season after the viewer campaign. I can’t think of a single show that lasted for more than a season after a fan/viewer campaign. I just hope the writers have a happy (read Chuck/Sarah) ending for us in the can.