Top 6 Casey Moments: A Gallery

And now for something completely different…a gallery featuring six of my favorite Casey moments from 35 episodes of Chuck. I probably could have done a gallery of 15 or 20, but decided not to hog them all. What are your favorite Casey moments?

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  1. DJ Casey is my favorite.

    And “Cop Face!” 😀

  2. Actually my favorite Casey moment is at Comic Con when “Orion” asks if Chuck will get an action figure and Adam Baldwin responds with “I could use another one.” And the moment after that when Zach’s action figure beats up on Jayne’s and Baldwin looks on cracking up. It’s great.

    • That was hilarious, but it’s an Adam Baldwin moment, not a Casey moment. 😉

      • details details. Ok then it’s the look on Casey’s face before he passes out after (3!) tranquilizer darts. The man has to be built like a rhino to take 3 tranqs.

  3. So many to choose from! Some of my favorite Casey moments are during “Chuck vs. the Undercover Lover” when Casey somehow finds himself opening up to Chuck about the woman he loved and lost.

    I also really, really love two Sarah-Casey moments: during “Chuck vs. the Truth” when Sarah tells Riordan Payne that her partner would rather shoot him than let him get away, and Casey looks over at her and says, “You called me your partner?” Also, during “Chuck vs. the Crown Vic” when Sarah asks Casey if ever just wants to have a normal life, and Casey pauses, takes a deep breath, and says, “The choice we made to protect something bigger than ourselves IS the right choice.” (That’s also a great Adam Baldwin moment because I can’t help but mentally applauding the great line reading each time I see that.)

    Ooh! Also, during “Crown Vic,” when Casey says, “Yeah, she’s shiny!” about his car; and how, when his car blows up at the end, the expressions crossing his face make him look like he’s running through all five stages of grief in about two seconds flat.

    You can’t tell how much I love Casey or anything, can ya? 😉

  4. These are ALL great, but my favorite is the “love scene” with the Crown Vic. That is just CLASSIC! (And Bethanyactually, great “catch” of the “she’s shiny” line – another sly reference by the writers of CHUCK to Adam’s “Firefly” past).

  5. Casey calling his mother on Christmas by far is the greatest Casey moment ever. Than again watching him was is precious Crown Vic wasn’t too bad either. 😉

  6. Fav Casey moment: 3 tranq darts

    Fav Casey face: at NextExpo, when he and Sarah are in line for the release of RIOS and he’s jumping up and down and playing the plaid-clad nerd.

  7. Comedy:-
    The Bellhop 🙂 and the Maitre D’ [GG]. I loved his expressions in both ‘roles’. The little whine after Beckman says, ‘The 80s are over, Casey’ about Ronald Reagan! Hiding his adrenaline behind that same photo and apologising to Reagan even as he fights for his life!!

    The kissing/tenderness scenes with Ilsa. HOT! [Lucky woman….!]

    Crowning Moment of Awesome:-
    Using the microwave as a weapon, then rapelling through the glass ceiling with the cavalry in ‘Chuck vs the Ring’.

    • You’re right. The way that microwave came flying through the air at the last second and drilled Chuck’s potential killer in the head was absolutely hilarious. I think it was one of the FUNNIEST Casey moments for me – especially the follow up line, “Now THAT’s what I call moving some merchandise!” Great choice!

  8. I lol’d so hard with Johnny-boy.

  9. The mini-orgasm Casey has as the general is describing a jet fighter during a briefing in Castle and then his guilty eye shift when Chuck catches him at it.

  10. I actually likes it when Casey played Bartender, he seems very adapt at it…
    and he throws those funny looks at Chuck, Vs. The Seduction comes to mind.
    All the moments you mentioned here are great, but the one who strike me as the
    funniest(or the one that just tickled me) was the ridiculous haircut he had as
    a Maître d’, as he was serving Chuck and Jill in Vs.The Ex, and the look he had with the apparent grunt he uttered when Chuck slapped him(jovially) on his face was priceless, I ROFL’ed uncontrollably.

  11. 6 Favourite Casey moments (not necessarily funny, just good moments for the character of Casey):

    6. DJ Casey from Vs the Cougars
    5. When he sings in Vs the Fat Lady (I wasn’t hatched, you know)
    4. In Vs the Colonel, where he approaches C/S outside Fulcrum’s underground base and said that their biggest mistake was not asking him to come with them
    3. His reaction when Chuck explodes his car with the missile in Vs the Crown Vic
    2. When he thinks that ‘blending in’ with the crowd in Vs the Alma Mater means dressing in all black. (“Who are you rooting for Casey? Death?)
    1. Casey’s reaction to Jill’s dad in Vs the First Kill, when he and Sarah show up at the door pretending to be married, and Jill’s dad says “Wow, talk about beauty and the beast, you must be LOADED”, and then playfully punches him. Casey’s reaction is priceless, he’s about to kill him.

    • Kudos on #1 and #5. I forgot about #5 – and it was priceless. For my money, it has to be in ANY “Top 5 Casey Moment.” A former choir boy. Talk about coming out of left field! That one definitely did.

  12. Wait, no one mentioned at the end of “Dream Job” when Chuck says “WE’RE the best team for the job” and Casey says, under his breath, “I can’t believe I’m saying this…” and then, louder, “Chuck’s right.” 🙂

    Casey fighting off Chuck’s lips (“Please, let me die with dignity.”) in “Ex” was actually pretty funny too.

  13. My favorite Casey moment is when he’s standing in the elevator still handcuffed to the broken headboard (courtesy of Carina) and the mother and daughter are looking at him kind of scared.

  14. Chuck kissing Casey is my second favorite moment mostly because of the way Casey kicks his leg during the bro-smooch. He’s too sick to fight Chuck, but he still fights it the only way he can.

    I also like how he runs with Chuck and Morgan to watch Lester eat all the Twinkies! 🙂

  15. Uhm… I don’t know.
    Baldwin is obviously fantastic.
    but I guess if I had to chose,
    maybe… Chuck Vs. The Wookie.
    With the clovers. ;D

  16. One of my favorites is in Chuck vs. the Cougars when Casey says, “Love is for suckers,” and Chuck nods in partial agreement, then asks, “Where’s Sarah?” Casey smirks, “Sucker.”

    I also love the quip to Sarah when they’re listening in on Chuck’s date with Lou. He criticizes Sarah for getting involved with the men she works with and then sets her straight: “Not interested, sister.” I love that one!

  17. Some of my favorite Casey moments, in no particular order:

    – All of the great Casey/Reagan moments in vs. the First Date
    – Casey vs. Awesome in vs. the Colonel
    – Casey vs. Chuck (nerd bludgeoned by radiator) in vs. the Colonel
    – Although slightly uncomfortable, Casey and Forrest clean their weapons in vs. the Broken Heart, the looks on Casey’s face are priceless as he is practically drooling over her
    – Casey stands up for Sarah and Chuck in vs. the Broken Heart
    – Casey blends in with the Standford crowd in vs. the Alma Matter
    – “You are damaging my calm” in vs. the Sensei
    – Casey saves the day at the wedding reception in vs. the Ring

    There are probably more, but that’s just off the top of my head. I especially enjoy any moment that alludes to Casey’s obsession with Reagan or the 80s in general.

  18. There have been too many great Casey moments to whittle it down to 6. However, although I’m sure the shippers are going to hate me for this, one of my favourite all time funniest Casey quips came at the beginning of Beefcake when Chuck is breaking up with Sarah as she is slicing fruit in the Orange Orange:

    Casey to Chuck: “It’s probably not a good idea to give the it’s not you it’s me speech to a trained assassin wielding a knife”

  19. One more great Casey moment is at the end of undercover lover when Chuck gives the line from Casa Blanca – “This is the start of a beautiful friendship” then Casey puts his arm around him, which lingers for a few seconds then he pushes him into the bushes.

    Chuck as Casey slams the door to his apartment “Or not”.

    They really need to give Casey more scenes. As far as I am concerned he is much funnier than the Buy Morons.

  20. My wife and I were just saying Monday night that the show really wouldn’t work as well without Casey. He provides a little tartness to Chuck and Sarah’s sweetness. All the moments outlined above just prove it. C’mon you guys, the same writers that wrote all of that are writing season three. What’s there to worry about?

    • I don’t think there is much to worry about at all, except whether or not I can make it to March.
      I need my fix – my Chuck fix as soon as possible.
      Chuckmemondays and all the blogs are great, but they are sort of like methadone treatments – not quite the real thing.

  21. Favourite Casey Moment EVER is the “Don’t leave” kiss he gives to Ilsa as she leaves the bed (crazy person) at the beginning of vs. The Undercover Lover, but there are SO MANY great Casey moments. I love toward the end of vs. The Colonel when he catches up with Chuck & Sarah & how hurt he looks that they didn’t invite him on their rescue mission. I love when he headbutts the freakin’ punch in vs. The Tango, and the psychotic laugh in the car in that same episode. There’s just too much to list!

  22. Casey is such a great part of the whole series–I enjoyed his remark “Somebody call the cable guy” He actually was the one that saved the day and escaped the handcuffs by breaking a nuckle. Thanks for the original post on this and all the comments. I let myself get too upset about the “angst” aspect of the Sarah and Chuck relationship that I forget some of the great comedy. I really appreciate Casey’s contribution to the comedy. The Colonel was probably my favorite episode in season 2 followed closely by the First Date and The Seduction (Less the last 30 seconds)
    Thanks again.

  23. How about in VS Undercover Lover when Casey is drinking his sorrows away and Chuck arrives and they discover Ilsa is in danger. Casey runs away “I NEED PANTS!”

    Love that one.