Check Out Chuck: Donate Chuck To Your Local Library & WIN!

Last spring Chuck fans came together to successfully campaign for a third season of Chuck. Now we’re pulling together again to attract new viewers to Chuck, people who haven’t had a chance to enjoy the show for whatever reason. The goal is to put copies of the season 1 DVD in as many libraries as possible, providing the opportunity for new viewers to experience Chuck and join us when season 3 premieres.

The concept is brilliant in its simplicity: support Chuck, recruit new viewers, and expand your library’s media collection.

What To Do:

  1. Purchase Chuck on DVD at a brick-and-mortar store or at
  2. Take the DVD to your local library and donate it to the media collection before December 1, 2009.

Check Out Chuck campaignSome Tips for Donating:

  • DO ask for the person in charge of Collection Development at your library. Ask for the person in charge of the Media Collection if your library has one.
  • DON’T leave your donation with someone at the front desk because it may not end up in the library’s collection.
  • DO ask for a donation receipt for tax purposes.
  • DO donate before December 1, 2009, so Chuck will be on library shelves by the time the holiday TV hiatus begins.
  • DO send us your first name/online name, the name of library and the city where it is located for our master list.
  • DO get a picture of yourself at the library and send it to us for our photo album, if you’re comfortable doing so. NOTE: if anyone else appears in the photo with you, we need their permission to post it as well as yours.
  • DO send a press release to your local newspaper to draw more attention to the Check Out Chuck campaign and Chuck.
  • DO use the graphics below to help promote Check Out Chuck.

How to Win: is co-sponsoring a Chuck giveaway with us to kick things off. You could win Chuck on DVD and Blu-ray! Keep the Blu-ray and donate the DVD, keep both, donate both, whatever you want! Here’s how to enter:

  • Leave a comment below telling us where you’ve spread the word about Check Out Chuck, providing a link if possible;
  • One entry per person, no matter how many ways you’ve promoted this campaign;
  • Deadline to enter is 11:59PM Pacific on Monday, November 30, 2009.

Graphics to Share:

Please feel free to use any of the graphics below to help promote Check Out Chuck by downloading them from and posting them on your blog, Facebook, forums, etc. If possible, link them back directly to this post.



Check Out Chuck credits: Bryn – original concept; Mel – development & implementation; Chad – graphics; Liz, Gray, Lou & Wendy – fine-tuning

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About Mel

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  1. What a fantastic idea? Getting “Chuck” to local libraries is an amazing way to spread the word, and it’s an especially great way to support those libraries! Thanks to everyone who came up with this! I’ll definitely be donating a copy to my library. 🙂

  2. It’s great to have more Chuck. I enjoyed it so much last year that I watched it on REAL TV, instead of using Hulu. It was the only show that I did that for. Ever.

    I spread the word about this on my facebook page. As well as verbally to my friends!

  3. I checked my library and they already had the Chuck DVD. But I was able to write a review for the library website telling everyone how much I love Chuck.

  4. I love yhvonnneeee

  5. Someone is going to have to put a copy in the Stanford library right next to the gynecology for geeks section. I understand they are missing a copy of the Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire as well.

    • Hahaha!!! That’s Brilliant (and too funny)!!!! I love it!! 🙂 I love this Check Out Chuck idea too 🙂 PS: I LOOOOOOOOOVEEEEE ZAC!!!!!!!

  6. I think this is a great idea. But, talk to the person in charge of Library Collection before you buy the DVD. I volunteer extensively at our city’s library and it DOES NOT accept donations like this for the collection.

    Again, great idea but ask first.

  7. Very smart! That was how i discovered chuck. The Season 1 dvd was in the Boston public library and we borrowed it without knowing about it. Now we’re hooked! We love Chuck!!!

  8. I spread the word about it throught nottingham university in the UK, so many people are missing out on the wonder that is chuck over here its a crime!!

  9. Hey all,
    In the spirit of advancing chuck, it doesn’t have to be your local library! If they have one or don’t accept donations, try another library in your county. Or a random one that you find on the internet that doesn’t have a copy.

    Oh and Stanford’s green library already has a copy of Chuck

    Here’s a link to a list of public libraries in the US

  10. i have donated a copy of Chuck to my library… sory for any inconvienience but they have no online website
    i have also got several friends and my mother and her friends hookes on chuck
    you can also watch episodes of chuck on, or

  11. I posted the link to this post at DVD Talk. They have a Sam’s Club thread and they are currently selling it for only $9.99.

  12. I have never seen Chuck. At all. Ever. But, if I do win a copy of it I promise to donate the DVD copy to the Wallingford, CT Public library. And yes I will send photographic and written proof.

  13. I will donate a copy of chuck to my local library if they sell it in Australia…i’m not sure.
    I’ve been spreading the word about Chuck verbally and on facebook. Got a couple of friends hooked already! 😀

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