It’s Follow Friday on Twitter, and we’ve got a major new addition to the Chuck ranks, so I thought now would be a good time to update the list of who’s on Twitter. These people have all be verified as legitimate, so follow with confidence.
Chuck Cast
- Zachary Levi (Chuck) – ZacharyLevi
- Adam Baldwin (Casey) – AdamSBaldwin (joined 11/19/09)
- Yvonne Strahovski (Sarah) Y_Strahovski (joined 6/2/10)
- Joshua Gomez (Morgan) – JoshuaEGomez (joined 7/30/10)
- Mark Christopher Lawrence (Big Mike) – MarkChrLawrence
- Scott Krinsky (Jeff) – Scott_Krinsky
- Julia Ling (Anna) – JuliaLing
- Mekenna Melvin (Alex) – MekennaMelvin
Chuck Creative
- Josh Schwartz (co-creator/executive producer) – JoshSchwartz76
- Ali Adler (writer/producer) – AliAdler
- Matt Barber (editor) – BarberMatt
- Tim Jones (composer) – TimJonesMusic
- Norman Buckley (director) – NorBuck
- David Coleman (prop master) – kentuckysocal
- Jeremiah Chechik (director) – TinRoof
- Scott Rosenbaum (writer/produce/now executive producer of V) – SkeeteRosenbaum
You can also get scoop from NBC at NBCChuck, ChuckMeOut and NBCStore. And of course you can follow us at ChuckTVdotNet and GrayJones. Happy Tweeting!
And little old me: GrayJones
Yvonne should only join to talk with her little friend Bailey! As much as it be would nice for us all to interact with her it is simply not a good idea other then posting things like Zachary Levi does. Bailey is the safest communication link for Yvonne to reach out to. Thanks! Halley Smith(Charah673)
Adam just joined. WOOHOO! Does this mean we get more of de Casey??? 😉
SkeeterRosenbaum link broken.
Why didn’t you put Josh Schwartz on the list?
Hit “refresh” and you should see him.
I want to see Sarah Lancaster. We never really hear much from her 🙁
If we could get joshua gomez on twitter it be aces
how about other chuck cast like sarah lancaster, ryan mcpartlin and etc? r they have twitter also???
No, they are not on Twitter.
Ryan jokes that “they” dont allow him on twitter because he would tell spoilers 😛 but he should join, it would be awesome, sorry had to say it
Don’t forget castmate Jesse Heiman! @JesseHeiman