Chuck returns to it’s regular timeslot tonight on NBC at 8/7c with the third episode in two days.
“Chuck vs. the Angel De La Muerte” – Chuck ALWAYS PROTECTS HIS FAMILY FROM HIS SPY LIFE BUT CAN’T STOP Ellie AND AWESOME FROM STUMBLING INTO AN INTERNATIONAL INCIDENT—ARMAND ASSANTE (â€AMERICAN GANGSTERâ€) GUEST STARS—Chuck (Zachary Levi) must use his relationship with Awesome (Ryan McPartlin) to protect a visiting dictator, Premier Goya (guest star Armand Assante), who is the target of an assassination. While Awesome is excited about the prospect of being a spy, Chuck (Zachary Levi) is more concerned about Awesome and Ellie’s (Sarah Lancaster) safety. Yvonne Strahovski and Adam Baldwin also star.
Can’t wait until 8/7c tonight? Join us in the forum to discuss, check out photos from this episode, read our advance review of season 3, listen to our podcast, and tell everyone you know that they need to watch.
I am so stoked for tonights episode. Last nights premiere set a great tone and was way better than season 2’s first episode. I nearly peed my pants 5 times because it was so awesome.
Attention Canucks – for this night only we get Chuck at 07:00 pm on CITYTV in the Toronto area. CanuckChuckers living in other cities can pipe in if their local affiliate is doing likewise.
We get the NBC feed at 08:00pm too.
It seems like this week (Ep 3.04) Chuck is going to be on Sunday at 8 on CITY. Just thought I’d let everyone know in case somebody out there doesn’t get the NBC feed and can’t find Chuck on Monday.
OMG! Last nights premiere was absolutly MIND BLOWING! I’m a HUGE NFL fan, but to be 100% honest, I’d rather see Chuck and Sarah just flipping get married already than watch my team (the Vikings) win the superbowl. 😛 Last nights Chuck has been the highlight of 2010 without a doubt! I LOVE CHUCK! The first episode last night had my emotions in a mess! I was crying, laughing, screaming. The whole works! I’m still extremely angry that Chuck didn’t run away with Sarah. But at least they (more so Chuck than Sarah) were getting their feelings out on the table again by the end of episode 3.02. It’s great to see the Buy More back together as one happy family again. Glad Emmit’s gone (He was funny, but he just didn’t compete with Big Mike) and I like Grimes’s new GF way better than Anna 🙂 But oh how long I’ve waited and oh how it didn’t disappoint! Long live Charah!!!
Yes it was both painful to watch and a pleasure to watch at the same time.
I loved it all. I think the angst was believable and not contrived. The last 10 minutes or so of the second episode: Chuck’s speech to Stromberg, which was also targetted to Sarah, her reaction as he was speaking, and then the fountain scene – we really made a mess/hope to clean it up/maybe but the courtyard is all yours thing. Finally that scene where Sarah was watching the video.
S3 is going to be one heck of a ride.
First things first, the Rocky homage at the end of 3.01 was the best thing I have yet to see on the AWESOME show. Secondly Chuck is the dumbest smart person ever, he had everything he wanted and he threw it all away at the word of a bunch of spies. Still can’t knowck the rocky homage. It was AWESOME!
THANK YOU!! Tonight’s episode was… yep, you guessed it… AWESOME. I’m looking forward to a whole new Chuck, and you delivered. WELL DONE!!
Man, another great episode. I was on edge at the very end. The only thing that ruined it was NBC’s promo for the next episode. If it wasn’t for that, I thought Capt. Awesome was dead.
I agree!! As happy as I am to know that Capt. Awesome is okay, I think that them not letting us know that until next week would have been better.
I thought Carina’s “little going away present” to Sarah at the end of 3-2 was maginficently respectful and loving even though her character is usually the opposite.
I’m a 44-year old male and I honestly wept. Each time I’ve seen it. You can’t help but adore these characters. They just tug at your heart. You root for them so hard. You want to be like them. You see elements of them in your own life.
At first, I was concerned when they had their talk in the Orange Orange at the end of 3-3. It bothered me. That’s lame I thought. “The just friends” cover, and not very warm. And I was worried that the feelings weren’t there between the two of them.
Then I realized that maybe that was a good cover for them. The feelings are still evident. They both still love each other. Cover dating worked before they knew each other. It no longer matters what the cover is. It became clearer for me when Chuck joked, “Yeah, I think I can fake being friends,” and Sarah replied, “I don’t find you that repulsive.” That was them being sweet again, just a different way than we’re used to.
I never thought I’d say this, especially after all the apprehension during the summer and fall months, but with the direction the show has taken in these three episodes, I think some PLIs are in order.
Sarah still loves Chuck, but she fell in love with the guy and not the spy. I think she’s getting over her initial anger with Chuck for not running away, but she’s still upset that 2.0 and turning Chuck into a spy is slowing but surely changing him.
Remember her surprised reaction at the end of The Ring? “Chuck???” She was scared. From that moment she wasn’t sure that was her Chuck.
So, although a lot of us didn’t want the PLIs, I believe that Hannah and Shaw can hopefully cause a spark and some jealousy in order for our kids to rethink things.
i loved it i loved it i LOVED IT.
AND the premiere! I’ve been waiting AGES for it to come out I’m SO glad it’s back on! CHUCK FTW!
I, like many others, didn’t initially like the whole “let’s be friends for our cover” talk in the Orange Orange. But, the more I think about it, the better that is for us as an audience (and for Chuck). As long as Chuck and Sarah have a dating cover relationship, we can’t (and he can’t) ever be totally sure that their displays of affection are completely and unquestionably genuine. Now, when Sarah holds onto Chuck’s hand longer than a “friend” would, we know exactly why. When she hugs him close like a boyfriend (as she did at the very end of the episode), we know it’s because that’s how she really feels about him, and is, in fact risking their “friendship” cover story to express how she really feels. It’s not going to take many PDA slip ups for Ellie to start seeing something between them that will inevitably lead to her havving seperate talks with both Chuck and Sarah to nudge them in the right direction again. While I am a bit tired of how often we’ve had to watch as Chuck and Sarah have a “non-conversation” in front of that freaking fountain, it feels like we’re getting closer to traction than ever before.
Well said jwr
I think that’s the spirit of what I was trying to convey. And the irony is that Awesome thinks the two of them were “faking it” for three years, even though he and the others actually thought they were a real couple. All the while they were falling in love with each other.
All I can say is everyone is GENIUS in putting all this episodes with a lot of TWIST that makes you cry, laugh harder and makes you want that everyday should be MONDAY. Really awesome show.
Good epsiode enjoyed Casey’s reaction to the cigars