IGN was on set last month to see what’s up with Chuck and interviewed Zachary Levi, Yvonne Strahovski, and Brandon Routh about Routh’s character, Daniel Shaw, who we’ll meet in Monday’s episode. Warning: spoilers ahead!
In the scene I watched them filming that day, Chuck is none too happy with Shaw, sending a fair bit of snark his way. But Zachary Levi noted, “It’s not always like that. That’s just Chuck being a child and pissed off,” noting he’s jealous about what seems to be occurring between Shaw and Sarah. However, Levi added, “I even come to piece with it on some level, because I fall for Kristin Kruek’s character, Hannah, as well. But Chuck, in his heart, knows that Sarah is still the girl that he would want to be with and would rather be with, and Shaw stands in the way of that, on some level. And he also represents everything that Chuck is trying to be and is not yet. That special agent. That cool as ice guy. It makes it fun.”
I have a feeling that most of the fans will be none to happy with Shaw either.
Seriously chuck is a very clever show and has some moments of brilliance, then they go back to the same old rubbish. I’m a die hard fan but even i’m getting annoyed now. Isn’t 30+ episodes of this ENOUGH already? Chuck fans fought so hard for this and its a terrible way of repaying them. Maybe we should just not care about chuck and sarah anymore and they might stop making ridiculous excuses for keeping them apart. If chuck can do all of that for sarah all the time and put his life on the line can we believe she just hops on to the next guy that comes her way?
totally agrre with you on that part
The payoff at the end better be worth it or they run the risk of pi**ing off their LOYAL fanbase.
As I replied in another thread, Mike, Shaw is coming in as a mentor for Chuck. He’s a major part of the spy/Ring storyline. There’s way, way more to his character than being part of a “love triangleâ€. As a die-hard fan who helped create & launch the renewal campaign and devoted a lot of time and resources to it, I don’t feel upset at all with season 3. Just sayin’.
Mike B, the payoff is worth it.
I trust you. I’ll come back off the ledge now..lol
Welcome back. 😀
Punch the fans in the gut a few times, but, hey, pull us up and say, “Look how great it is now!” Do you want to be punished for several consecutive hours? Anyone else think “Chuck” should be taken out of the hands of Schwartz and Fedak and put in more competent hands? Great concept, great characters, great cast, but obsessive in the rut writing in regards to the heroes.
An open mind is a wonderful thing. No wonder in this post.
besides shaw being a love interest his character seems pretty interesting!
Oh boy! I think most people accept the fact that Chuck and Sarah can’t be together, for now due to the events in Prague. But I just don’t see the need to bring in other romantic interests. Especially one who (that I gathered from the interview) knows what happened between Chuck and Sarah and then tells Chuck he had his chance. Seems like a long lasting Cole Barker, which as everyone knows were the least popular and least viewed episodes.
Mike B: They were not the least viewed episodes. Beefcake was watched by 6.6 million and Lethal Weapon was viewed by 5.8 million. After that Predator was watched by 6.1 million, Broken Heart by 5.6 million, and the final four averaged 6.1 million. (source)
Can I still say the least popular?
That’s pretty subjective. I happened to like them, especially Lethal Weapon.
I agree, Mike.
I’ve seen both seasons, and now the first episodos of s03, like a dozen times each, with 2 exception:
1) Beefcake (only watched it once)
2) Lethal Weapon (Maybe twice)
yes, me to
it´s painful to watch those two episodes
More importantly, the Lethal Weapon episode was when House moved to Mondays, hence the hit in the ratings. That’s a far better argument then blaming the episodes for the ratings decline, and that’s subjective as Mel said.
What’s true, and this is very important, is that EVERY show that Monday dropped in the ratings. That there should be enough evidence as to why the ratings took a slight hit.
BTW, total viewership numbers don’t matter much =D Head over to TVBTN to read why.
Better writing would’ve had the final scene in “Three Words” resolve the Prague event. But not with these producers. Milk that cow, even if what’s coming out has gone sour!
One other point. The purpose of last season was for Chuck to become a man. Sounds like, in Zach’s own words, “Chuck being a child”, the characters are digressing not progressing. Makes no sense.
If there going to have love interests, i hope that chuck doesn’t behave like a child, like he did in the previous love triangles, that was just painful to watch.
No, Zack, I don’t think it makes it fun.
I cannot believe it! Just because, right now, they’re kinda apart, doesn’t mean that they will jump the first pretty face that they see!
I’m sorry Mel, I’m not sure about what you know regarding the next episodes, but I don’t think this is working. Yes, the show is far more than just Chuck and Sarah, but, for me, Charah is huge. And the show is not the same, everytime there’s a new PLI.
I mean, wouldn’t it be more fun to see Chuck and Sarah sneaking around? I mean, both of them have a lot of trust and confidence issues. They’re relationship, especially in the beginning, won’t be perfect. But watching that relationship mature and become stronger would be so… satisfying and fulfilling!
How came the producers have never thought about that? Or am I the only one? Because, honestly, even if in the end Chuck and Sarah choose each other, it seems like they’re saying “Yeah, I kinda like you. But, if you do anything that I pisses me off, instead of talking and make up like adults, I’ll just fine someone else.”
What are they? 13? Nothing is perfect! Which doesn’t mean that we should give up at the first bump in the road!!
I completely agree with you, I am a loyal fan of the show. All of this on and off crap with Chuck and Sarah is seriously making me consider not watching the show anymore because we all know for sure that they love each other now. (ep. 3.02)
I think i would be much more interesting to see them sneaking around, spending more time together,and possibly be totally in-sync partners on missions. There are so many more things they could do if Chuck and Sarah were together for good instead of the same thing they’ve been doing for the past 2 seasons. At least ep. 3.14 is supposed to be titled Chuck vs. The Honeymoon which involves Chuck and Sarah on a train without spy gear and without Casey.
The last few episodes are supposed to be very action-packed and include Chuck’s dad. They could easily have Chuck and Sarah together by then and be like the perfect spy team. The writers should listen to the fans a lot more.
I’d love that, really! Can’t wait for t6hat episode.
But, if, in the end, they’re a perfect team because “they can read each other so well” and “are so n’sync” and “so in love”, well… I won’t be 100% satisfied with it.
That will be too easy. And Charah is complicated (pun intended).
You are not the only one, but it appears as if the ones like me who used to complain about this simply do not post anymore. Which may indicate they don’t tune in anymore as they promised. And I believe that is a shame.
Anyway, I read the entire interview with Routh. Sarah is supposed to be in love with Chuck, but is hurt because Chuck didn’t run away with her (it took newly branded Colonel Casey all of 10 minutes to find them in Barstow) and because he wants to be a spy for heroic reasons. So, Routh says his character has every right to pursue Sarah because Chuck blew it. Well, Sarah is allegedly upset because she wants out of the spy game and now she might run into the arms of another spy? Come on!!
And Chuck is no better. I’ve seen the previews. He plays tonsil hockey with Hannah.
Lou, Mel and company are raving about how grown up everyone is in season three. There’s allegedly so much honesty. I agree with you, Kath. Where? They’re still acting like kids. They give up so easily.
Lou writes “New Chuck” – Sarah initiating talks with Chuck. What the??? Although I admit Chuck provided most of the dialogue, the first two seasons are littered with Sarah having talks with Chuck.
The guy is locked in a closet inhaling deadly gas, and as Lou so elequently pointed out the pain and anguish in his voice is heart-breaking, but the most important thing on his mind is Sarah, her pain, how THAT’s killing him, how he gets that, how he loves her and the reason he chose to be a spy was because he loves her and his family.
She saw this. She wept. If everyone is being completely honest, why hasn’t she mentioned to Chuck that she saw it. That she knows.
Experts say there exists a triangle concept called consumate love. A couple has achieved that status when the components of intimacy, passion and commitment are met. I believe Chuck and Sarah have shared the first two. Loads of it. I checked, you can have intimacy without sex. For whatever reasons, their problem is the latter.
Yes Kath, when things are not completely smooth, they need to stop looking at the next pretty face is thrown in front of them and quit jumping in the arms of the new PLI.
People keep complaining, yet the ratings tell a different story. Chuck’s getting a million more viewers, and more importantly a nice bump in the demos. People are certainly liking what they’re seeing as a whole.
“People keep complaining, yet the ratings tell a different story. Chuck’s getting a million more viewers, and more importantly a nice bump in the demos. People are certainly liking what they’re seeing as a whole.”
Exactly. Personally, I’m really looking forward to the Shaw arc.
Maybe we should do the same. You know, just… give up! Not on the show, but on this debates or whatever.
I wonder if the producers or anyone from Chuck checks out the fans’ forums. I mean, timlay, down the page, just called Sarah ” the office bike”!! And, IMHO, these kind of sites are far more important than the rattings. Because here is where the real fans are, discussing, criticizing, giving ideas.
buymoriaking, yes, the ratings are good. But I wonder, down the road, when the angst starts and against House and How I Met Your Mother, if they’ll keep being good.
Oh, and, of course, the new fans are as, hm… obsessed with Chuck as we are.
Geoff says:
January 15, 2010 at 5:47 pm (Edit)
I completely agree with you, I am a loyal fan of the show. All of this on and off crap with Chuck and Sarah is seriously making me consider not watching the show anymore because we all know for sure that they love each other now. (ep. 3.02)
I think i would be much more interesting to see them sneaking around, spending more time together,and possibly be totally in-sync partners on missions. There are so many more things they could do if Chuck and Sarah were together for good instead of the same thing they’ve been doing for the past 2 seasons.
Put Chuck and Sarah together now and they will be DEAD within a week.
Neither of them are either emotionally or professionally mature enough to balance their personal and professional lives.
Season 3 is about the journey to get them to that point.
There are no ‘do overs’ in the spy world. Make a mistake. Pay for it with your life. We already saw what happened when they flirted with it in Chuck Vs The BreakUp.
Does anyone think that Zach himself may be pulling our chain a little bit? He doesn’t want to leak any of the major plot points that the season will revolve around. In addition, the man is incredibly sarcastic, so I would also take what he has said with a grain of salt, since he has every incentive to not leak any of the major spoilers that would reveal some of the payoff for down the road that Mel is referring to.
It wouldn’t be the first time anyone from the cast engages in a little misdirection.
Just like Bryce was a pain in Chuck’s side for the first 2 seasons here comes Shawn. Shawn may cause us fans to be upset he’ll once again be what stands in the way for Sarah and Chuck being together but you never know he might be someone who brings them closer together. Like Bryce, Shawn also has another reason for joining ‘team chuck’.
At first I hated Bryce because he stood in the way of Chuck and Sarah but I came to like him and was sad when he died. So I have a feeling I will warm up to this Shawn guy…. oh maybe not… but we’ll see.
really… whilst im genuinly glad the writers are playing the long game with this romance.. no love/breakup/love/breakup jd/elliot , ross/racheal, why does it seem so detremental to the show… these 1st 3 ep’s were so full of it, i found it a little struggle to watch… and now knowing his reason’s for wanting to become a spy ie end of ep 2, it just makes this all the more of a bitter pill to swallow… but i will persevear, i just hope this doesn’t end up and epic fail and fall on its face after all that you fans(im a newbie to this party)seems to do to get this made.
Personally i was hoping for a cold indifferent Chuck towards this relationship, a catalyst if you will towards him becoming emotionally dead enough to let the intersect have more control… but not for too long…
actually like the idea of the relationship between shaw and sarah making chuck emotionally dead for a few episodes, but only for a few episodes! would be interesting to see how good of a spy chuck becomes and how sarah handles it
You know that really might be interesting. Sarah always said that spies have no emotion so what happens if for a few episodes Chuck has none. how will Sarah handle it and is it why she didn’t want chuck to become a spy?
Chuck is always threatened by the presence of other spies – Bryce, Cole and now Shaw. He easily understands why Sarah would be attracted to them.
The irony is that Sarah actually fell in love with the guy. The sweet, caring, loving, considerate Chuck who wanted to help people. She’s afraid the intersect 2.0 and becoming a full-fledged, calculating spy would change him negatively forever.
I had a debate with another poster over the summer. He said that Chuck downloaded the new intersect for heroic reasons. I didn’t necessarily disagree, and we’ve seen he was correct, but I also argued that Chuck did it because he thought Sarah needed to be impressed, that she would never fully love him unless he was an effective spy who could operate and handle himself as well as men like Larkin and Barker.
Remember the line from “The Fat Lady?” Casey tells a jealous Sarah while Chuck and Jill work so diligently together because of their similar academic backgrounds, “Wow. I can see why the boy likes her so much.”
Good side bar ChuckFan#1. I’ll buy that. What would Sarah do if she believed Chuck stopped caring and didn’t give a rat’s butt anymore? That is one element we’ve NEVER SEEN in any of the 38 episodes to date.
That would be a very interesting storyline. Careful what you wish for, Sarah!
LOL. Right. And perhaps that’s just what she needs.
Thanks for everything Mel. You’re a tremendous lady. We all love this site, the up-to-date information it provides and a forum for debate and discussion of our favorite show.
You and your cohorts have done outstanding work.
Ken George
I liked Beefcake and loved Lethal Weapon. Yeah, I’m a fan of the show too. 😉
This shaw guy seems like the type of guy who will become very very annoying, I have a feeling that this love triangle will be th emost painful to watch.
Does any1 else find a bit hypocritical of sarah’s character that as soon as chuck said no he won’t run away with her he was in the wrond even tho sarah has been doing that to chuck for the last 2 seasons?
I also agree that it woul be very interesting to watch sarah’s reaction if chuck showed no emotion for a few episodes
This interview really annoyed me. When exactly did Chuck blow it with Sarah? It’s not as if he said that he didn’t want to date her. He just said that he wanted to be a spy. It was Sarah who called everything off because as far as Chuck goes, it’s date and leave the spy world or nothing. That’s what makes this Shaw thing so ridiculous. Sarah has strong feelings for Chuck and yet somehow those feelings aren’t enough to push her into a relationship with him but with Shaw, no problem. Same deal with Bryce as well. I hope that the writers know what they are doing because it really seems like they are making the Chuck/Sarah relationship into a weak one while elevating others in the process. Over the Summer, I heard about how Chuck and Sarah were going to be apart but that it would be cool. There is nothing cool about this scenario in season 3. Gag worthy yes, but cool certainly not.
I’m unhappy as you may have read, but I’ll give Sarah the benefit of the doubt for now.
Although tempted by Cole and re-tempted by the ghost of Bryce, she did choose Chuck for what, a couple of weeks? LOL.
Perhaps as troubling as it may be for civilians like us, who could never truly comprehend the world of play-for-keeps espianage, the truth may be that they can never be together and never really could. Even though they both made attempts. That was an Impossible Mission if you will.
That’s probably why Sarah wanted out. She found a sweet, caring, intelligent, capable “normal” guy like Chuck. She knew the deeper he got in the greater chance they would change him and therefore she would lose him. I think we get that.
The problem is how could she then fall for another frigging spy. Then again, we’ve just speculated. We don’t know if she will. We’re sucked in and we’ll have to remain hopeful.
It’s the spy world, right? Not everything is as it appears. It’s a bottom-line, get-the-job-done by any means necessary realm. That’s all people like Beckman care about. She’s played all three operatives of her top team like puppets. And they’ve produced incredible results.
As soon as you defeat Fulcrum another entity pops up. It never ends. That’s what Sarah was trying to tell Chuck at the station. This is simple. This is real. I’m starting to hump Marty Balin’s “Run, run, run runaway” with me.
Carina lives by the mantra that “falling in love” is for suckers and idiots. It’s a waste of time and energy and is usually a liability. Roan attempted to impart similar wisdom to Chuck.
But I guess that’s why we love Chuck and Sarah so much. They don’t conform to all traditional norms. They have each taught on another new ways of doing things. And feelings and emotions are not always a liability.
sorry. I meant hum or is it humm?
Maybe Sara doesn’t really love chuck, before u get upset just let me finish. It seems like she just falls for guys that she works with ie Bryce, Cole, Chuck and now shaw, the only exception is John casey and he told her he isn’t interested lol. Maybe she’s just is the kind of girl that never really loves thy just fall for every guy that comes around. Can we please see a half decent looking spy come and her not even be tempted because she’s given her heart to chuck?
lol i guess you got a point when you put it like that.
You know, if that’s true, I swear I’ll stop watching Chuck…
Yeah from what I heard and read so far shes turning into the office bike, she falls for those she works with.
Its very shallow that she will not date chuck if hes a spy then she runs into the arms of the first spy that comes on the scence.
Chuck and sarah may well mean nothing at the end of this no matter what the pay off is. Also chuck going off with Hannah I guess its in revenge for Sarah going off with Shaw, not very adult really. Frankly if it goes as it appears to be doing the only realistic response from chuck has to be sorry I cannot trust you sarah not to run off with the next cool spy that comes along if we have a problem. It also seems that Chuck will no longer be chuck but he is aspiring to become like shaw, not very appealing.
The viewing figures right now are better than Season 2, but i will be interested to see what happens when the angst happens. Also I have to admit I am less angry about what I have read and is happening than I was back a few months ago. I care less about them together now it just does not feel right. If he has to become Bryce to win her then she is not worth it.
“Yeah from what I heard and read so far shes turning into the office bike, she falls for those she works with.”
Ouch. Unfair, IMO. She didn’t fall for Cole. She hasn’t fallen for Casey. In 3.01 she mentioned that she’s worked with “some of the best spies” for the past 6 months and obviously didn’t fall for any of them.
Well casey did say himself she was known for it. I always thought it was unfair but actually Casey was trying to warn chuck. He has been very clear to her he is not interested. We guys do that when we know a woman is easy. Its ok to go with them but you do not fall in love with such woman they are too flighty, confused and prone to wild outburts. In other words trouble. Which is exactly what she did in 3.01.
She did have the major hots for Cole, she was in love with bryce.
What i do not like is that she says chuck as you are a spy i cannot be with you, then the first spy that comes along she falls into his arms. To any man thats a very clear message when is chuck going to understand she is not really in love with him.
I do not hate Shaw hes doing what we guys do. I am starting to hate the fact that Chuck keeps falling for this flaky woman who says i cannot be with you as your an asset, now your an agent I cannot be with you but i can be with this other hot spy who i have just met. We men are simple people he should tell her to get lost.
so no Mel no unfair. You seem to have more understanding than we do as to what going to happen. You cannot call us down if you do know more than us. We are responding to the spoilers coming out which starting with comic con have been badly handled. So far there is nothing that I have heard or read that makes this sound cool. It makes chuck look like an idiot to we men and sarah look very cheap.
I’m not referring to what is going to happen this season, I’m referring to what viewers know about Sarah to date. You think she looks cheap and easy? She’s been celibate for at least 3 years. Chuck had sex with Jill within that time frame. Sarah was briefly tempted by Cole but turned him down. Chuck has been hot and heavy with both Lou and Jill. Sarah was in love with Bryce, so far the only other man we know she has fallen in love with. Chuck was in love with Jill and certainly felt something for Lou. So, by your standards, Chuck should also be cheap and easy.
And I’m sure all the male fans appreciate you lumping them in with your opinions.
i wouldn’t go as far as to say sarah’s character is cheap, because your right she did turn down cole even is she did find him attractive.
But i agree that i don’t like her attitude to chuck, in that now your a asset/spy we can’t be together but i can be with any other male spy, byrce and from what the spoilers indicate now shaw.
The reason why chuck went with both jill and lou is that he felt sarah didn’t really want to be with him, as evident in “chuck vs the truth” and various other episodes. So as much as i disagree with chuck having these flings iwth other women, i cannot blame him for doing so, because he saw waiting for sarah a lost cause.
If you accept Chuck’s thinking in that, then why isn’t it OK for Sarah, who seems to honestly believe she can’t be with Chuck for whatever reason (my take is that it’s because she’d fall for him too hard, not that he’s an asset/spy), to be interested in another man? And again, Bryce was in the past and she shut Cole down pretty fast, so she has yet to truly be with someone else.
Outside of one moment in Prague and when she asked Chuck to run, Sarah has always had all the power in the relationship. She’s also always had the benefit knowing exactly how things stood between them, while Chuck has always had questions and doubts as to how she really feels. That’s what made Chuck’s transgressions forgivable, and even understandable. Now both of them have a good understanding of the emotions involved, so neither should realistically be pursuing other love interests until they get their own feelings sorted out.
The irritating thing is that both of them are responsible for the mess they’re in but once more Sarah has all the power in the relationship. Isn’t about time that she pursue Chuck for once, break down his walls, try to talk to him about where they are instead of repeating the same dynamic, with the same type of love interests?
I’m always intrigued about what was said during that brain storming session when someone came up with the brilliant idea to introduce yet another brunette and yet another spy as love interests. Was there a collective sense of dejavu, did a couple of writers roll their eyes, did someone sarcastically deem that a fresh, innovative idea before Schwartz screamed out “That would be EPIC!” The least they could have done was make Chuck’s love interest a red head, or a blond and have Sarah pursue a geek at the Large Mart instead of going to the hot male spy and cute brunette route one more time.
To be fair, Kristin Kreuk wasn’t just handed the role of Hannah. They didn’t know the character would be a brunette when they wrote her. I get your point, though. Must be something new and fresh this time around, huh?
Yes I agree with that this season is just repeating same ground. Chuck is just being played as a putz, a loser and it is really getting very difficult to see him as a hero. That is why I think he should just kick her into touch for good he needs to be a man for once and take control she will always play with him on a string.
timlay says:
January 16, 2010 at 4:26 pm (Edit)
Yes I agree with that this season is just repeating same ground. Chuck is just being played as a putz, a loser and it is really getting very difficult to see him as a hero. That is why I think he should just kick her into touch for good he needs to be a man for once and take control she will always play with him on a string.
You have seen it already? Please tell us what the Ring is after? I want to know!
Daniel Shaw isn’t merely another man. He’s a spy. A spy who she knows very little or nothing about. He’s a man we’ve seen rattle the usually unflappable general Beckman.
I cewrtainly can’t defend all of Chuck’s actions in the love game, but for the pruposes of this argument, Sarah has told Chuck they cannot date because, among other things, it was unprofessional, he’s a government asset and it’s her job to protect him and emotions are a liability which may get people killed. And now she’s been hurt because she didn’t understand Chuck passed on a chance to run away with her upon his insistence to become a spy to protect her and his family and friends from the Ring.
Our problem is her interest in another spy. If she truly loves Chuck, and one of her hangups is that Chuck is a spy, yes, how and why in the hell is she developing feelings for another spy? And so soon.
The facts are she loves Chuck and/or she has trust issues and/or her feelings have been hurt by the rejection in Prague. Any or all of these facts in my mind would be enough to quell a sudden romance or relationship with one Daniel Shaw.
Well said, Mel. A case of double standards, I see.
The question you should ask is whether Lou or Jill would have happened if Sarah had expressed interest.
Sarah stressed on numerous occasions that she wasn’t interested, everything was a cover, and that the relationship would never go anywhere.
Exactly. So why, then, is it OK for Chuck to pursue another love interest but not Sarah?
Who said it was OK? I’ll be more irritated if Chuck pursues Hannah than if Sarah pursues Shaw.
Indeed same with me right now if they cannot be together neither of them should be going after new loves. It makes them both look very shallow.
Oh by no means do i liek ti when he pursues other love interests, just that like i said before i can understand why he does it, because he believes sarah doesn’t see him in a romantic light. This season for chuck i believe his love interest will be pretty shallow because i rekon he will think it’s okay do be with hannah becaus eboth him and sarah agrre to be freinds. However for sarah i see it as her just going after the next hot spy, but i haven’t watched the episodes yet so it might even be the fact that chuck has had a fling with hannah that pushes sarah to pursue a relationship with shaw. We do know that shaw and sarah start pursuing a career outside work during episode 7.
sorry about my spelling
Quite sarah went to great pains to say she had no feelings for him. Chuck i think always thought she was holding out for Bryce. So for Chuck he may as well go and look for someone else. Sarah is developing a pattern in who she goes with and if sarah goes with shaw for revenge well that is not being adult. Chuck at that point should be saying well i am not what you really want I am the fallback guy. Yeah we know that shaw and sarah are with one another out of work in episode 7. I do not like that is continually portrayed as the one chasing her and he needs to get the message. I never liked chuck stalking sarah it was not cute it was creepy and really any man that does that needs an intervention. Personally if they are both off with other people they need to end this relationship and go their seperate ways for good. Chuck should be getting angry with her for the way he gets treated.
sarah “sorry chuck i am dating shaw now”
chuck “oh right your dating that hot spy but you would not date me because i was a spy .. really what the hell are you on sarah. You know what i do not want to work with you any more your a flake.” chuck walks off “stay out of my life”
They did end their romantic relationship and now are pursuing a friendship/professional relationship. So why are you still grousing?
Because this friendship was suppose to be the start of something more. Not an excuse to get some action on the side…
But, and I hate to be a broken record here, they ARE broken up. They are friends and colleagues ONLY. So it wouldn’t be “action on the side”.
It doesn’t matter! Being broken up or not, that’s a mere… formality. To start anew. To give another try.
Not to get some “action on the side”…
In other words, if you broke up with your boyfriend, who you’d never really dated for various reasons, and decided to be friends, you wouldn’t date anyone else, no matter how long it took for the friendship you both agreed to to become something more? And you’d expect the same from him?
Mel, there isn’t just one definition for “break up”. Or better, there’s no good definition for it.
It can be temporary, it can be definitive. It’s just something you feel, and not exactly do pappers about.
Their break up isn’t one that will last. It’s a… break! Yes, a break. And I woudn’t hook up with another guy if me and my boyfriend were on a break.
Yes, there are all kinds of break ups. I’m just pointing out that from what we’ve seen and what they’ve said to each other, they’re broken up. They’re friends and colleagues and not in a committed relationship.
To be clear, I do want them to end up together and of course that wasn’t the end of their romance. however, looking at it from a story perspective, and with Sarah’s honor called into question, IF Shaw and Hannah are to be legitimate love interests, then Chuck and Sarah must feel that they have broken up. Whether or not it sticks, whether or not they harbor any secret hopes, in order for what fans are getting all riled up about to happen, knowing the characters as we do, they must genuinely feel that the break up was real.
Now if that’s not the case and I’ve completely misread the characters, I’ll eat crow. But the Chuck and Sarah I know don’t engage in relationships or even serious flirtations if they are committed to someone else.
I have to ask whats the point in watching? If they are really finsihed. It seems the right approach is a wait and see read the spoilers then watch episodes that we wish to watch.
From what ali said this was going to be great season for chuck and sarah well from what your saying mel they are done finished.
No, I said they think they’re finished.
And what is the difference between them being finished and them thinking they’re finished?
i’m just gonna watch the episodes and if it gets to annoying to watch i’ll tune out for that episode and start watching again the next week.
Mel i don’t really think, that they think they are finished, i personally think that whole conversation about them being freinds was just a way of starting again, because i dont think that they could go from episode 2, were chuck said ‘i love you’ and sarah still evidently in love with chuck to just being freinds, but that’s just the way i see it
No, I don’t think they can just turn their love on and off like that. But I do think they’ve decided they mucked up the romance so they’re going to focus on other parts of their relationship – friendship and colleagues – instead. Like I said, whatever their individual hopes, to each other they’ve said, “we’re friends.”
Yes, they’re friends. And they broke up. Both for the cover and for real.
In my POV, that doesn’t mean they’re “back on the market”, considering everything.
And no, the characters don’t know what’s going to happen. I’m not saying that they trying to build everything from scratch is a bad thing.
But we already know that some PLI are coming. And that something is going to happen between them and Charah. And this is what this discussion is all about.
Kath says:
January 16, 2010 at 6:12 pm (Edit)
Yes, they’re friends. And they broke up. Both for the cover and for real.
In my POV, that doesn’t mean they’re “back on the marketâ€, considering everything.
I am curious what would it take for them to be back on the market then in your mind?
Because the only thing left would be skywriting it or taking out newspaper ads.
When 2 people decide to be friends, they are back on the market, intentionally or not. The door has been opened.
Neither may be actively searching for a new relationship but a new relationship may find either or both of them.
Agreed, but we also have to look at the reason why they broke up. They broke up because Sarah didn’t want to date Chuck if he was a spy. It wasn’t because one or both didn’t like the other. So my point is if Sarah hooks up with Shaw, if I’m Chuck, whether they agreed to be friends or not, I’d be extremely angry. I’d be asking questions like “why is it not ok to date me if I’m a spy but it’s ok to date Shaw?”. This is where I think that Sarah loses a lot of power. Currently, she can continue to throw jabs at Chuck every time he tries to open up to her about his feelings because he chose to become a spy rather than going away with her. But the minute Sarah starts getting involved with another spy, everything that she did and said in the past gets contradicted.
Sarah has never said she we would not date Chuck if he were a spy. In seasons 1 and 2, it was an asset/handler relationship which, as we saw in Broken Heart, would get broken up if Casey or Sarah’s superiors decided they were too close.
It was Chuck who went from, “I want to live a normal life,” to “I want to be the Intersect.” So if someone did a U-turn like that, I would want to step back and reassess my relationship with that person. And Chuck does it in the clumsiest way possible: a meeting at the train station, the train about to depart, and he says, “I changed my mind.” Why did he not just call her up on the phone and say how he was feeling about being the Intersect? Sarah, a very emotionally reserved person, puts herself out there and gets rejected—she should feel hurt. And she still has the duty of bringing Chuck up to speed with spy skills, so there is still a bit of a superior/subordinate (mentor/student) relationship here.
I do not see any contradiction here.
In season 3, Sarah made it clear that since Chuck is now a spy, they can’t be together. Six months have passed since they saw each other. If that doesn’t give Sarah enough time to figure out what she wants, then I don’t know how much more time she needs. And if this is all about staying away from Chuck in a romantic sense so that he could become a better spy, then I’d love to know how being involved with another spy right in front of Chuck is good for his development into the spy world. As I’ve said before, I have no problem with Sarah dating other guys outside of work. But dating another spy right in front of Chuck is where I draw the line. And for Chuck, he has no right to discuss his feelings with Sarah anymore since he chose to be a spy. If she doesn’t want to hear about it, then Chuck needs to respect that. That’s my way of being critical of both characters at this juncture.
I really disagree with this one. Sarah feels really hurt. If the only reason that Sarah was avoiding Chuck is so that he could be a real spy, she would have rushed back to him as soon as he washed out of spy school. But she did not. The first time they meet in Pink Slip, they kiss and then she slaps him—and I think neither the kiss nor the slap was totally to protect her cover with the “mark”: she still has feelings for him, but she is mad as hell about the way he stood her up in Prague.
They mutually agreed to be friends. They agreed that they were not dating. So dating a guy, any guy, even a spy, is not out of bounds, and not hypocritical of Sarah. Your criticism of Sarah is unwarranted.
Sarah can date whoever she wants. I understand that she is not with Chuck and that she is not cheating on him if she dated someone else. All I’m saying is that Chuck has every right to be angry if she dates another spy right in front of him, just as Sarah has a right to be angry at Chuck if he continues to have discussions about his feelings in front of her after making the decision to become a spy.
We have to also remember that it is sarah who has had the power in the relationship through out the first 2 seasons. There have been many times were she has turned down chuck and hurt him deeply, so i don’t understand that why sarah was so angry with him for doing exactly what she did.I think Chuck changing his mind to become the intersect is believable as he did spend 3 weeks in the training facility before he met sarah at the train station, that’s alot of time for people to convince chuck that he should become a spy, and as evident when he first tries to speak to sarah at the end of episode 1 that’s what happened.
If Sarah is to have another love interest it would be much better if she had one outside the spy world, as that wouldn’t contradict her argument to remain ‘proffesional’.
The characters are just living their lives; they don’t know that they’re about the meet Hannah and Shaw. They haven’t read scripts or seen spoilers of their respective futures. At the moment, they think they made a mess of the romance so they’re going to focus on being friends and colleagues.
The difference is that we are looking from a third person point of view and that we can see that they belong together and will be together. As most writers know writing from the first point of view is harder because you only get one side of the story and have to assume the other side. Chuck and Sarah think they are finished from their point of view. We know they are not because we can see the whole picture. That is why they make the decisions they do.
Kath says:
January 16, 2010 at 5:50 pm (Edit)
And what is the difference between them being finished and them thinking they’re finished?
Mind versus heart.
Exactly, Lou!!!
In their minds, they’ve broken up. But not on their hearts!!!
So, again, wth are they doing with Shaw and Hannah???
Hum, my last comment was a response to your “Heart vs Mind” one.
How can I quote like you do, Lou?
Oh, and to answer your “I am curious what would it take for them to be back on the market then in your mind?”
Next time they break up, do it like they mean it. Is that so much to ask?
They did. And they are.
No, they didn’t.
But I guess it has become useless to argue. No one is going to change his/her opinion…
Just as a reminder to everyone in this thread Chuck and Sarah have agree to be “friends” before although both of them want more. And as mel has stated “the Chuck and Sarah I know don’t engage in relationships or even serious flirtations if they are committed to someone else.” Chuck and Sarah love each other but they are both hurt. After everything I’ve read and seen
i.e. Chuck decking Shaw i say they will be together even tho the next bunch of episodes will be torture. All the true Chuck fans will be seriously disappointed if Chuck and Sarah dont end up together. It seems like Chucks new “love interest” will be part of a mission (the one he does solo) and that the Shaw and Sarah thing is going to make Chuck truly show Sarah how he feels.
Again just my opinion and most of it is just speculation.
That’s it. They’ve never been commmitted. Each has exibited intimacy and passion for one another. But think back to all 38 episodes. Their actions and words. There has been no committment.
You must have all three to truly share consummate love.
Oh, and btw, my anger is both towards Chuck and Sarah for Hannah and Shaw.
I just blame Sarah more for the… need to find someone else.
Why? She’s the one who’s been alone the longest.
Bowing to your superior wisdom, I do disagree. I think all this frustration and speculation is because this is broken-record stuff. They keep re-running the same scenario over and over, just dressing it differently. I think fans are tired of it, hence they speculate. Besides, no one believes that they are “broken up.”
BTW, I know a little bit about how TV works. I am sure they didn’t write the role specifically for Kreuk. Unfortunately, TV isn’t very enlightened. Strahovski is the blonde on the show. They wouldn’t cast another because they think we’re to stupid to tell them apart. So all love interests have to be dark haired… You know that’s true…
I agree that some fans are upset because they think this is familiar ground, but to be so full of anger when the episodes haven’t even aired, to assume it’s the same thing without having even met the alleged “other man/woman”, seems ill-advised.
wow timlay you really don’t like sarah’s character.
I have to agree with you to a certain degree that chuck should stop acting so childish every time sarah is attracted to another man. However it would be pointless if chuck and sarah both went there seperate ways. Then what would we the fans be left with. Chuck with some hot civilian and sarah with another bryce….yuk, that’s not something i want to be watching
hay I want them together, i am fed up with the wt/wt. I liked them alot more in season 2, not so much any more. It is making both sarah and chuck look shallow and rubbish IF this really goes down as we are thinking. By the way the same conversation is going on the NBC’s forum.
But simply
How many people have we seen on oprah that started their story “oh we were on a break …” lol
They were meant to be trying again as Kath says. Frankly though chuck does need to man up, either get with her or kick her out of his life and stop going back to her.
I don’t know Mel. You keep insisting upon that. I thought the “friendship” was a cover.
to Chuck Fan#1 I agree with you that is my problem with all this we talk about double standards well S
to Chuck Fan#1 that is my problem with this the fact is we see a double standard here with Sarah and Chuck she will not be with him as hes an asset then because hes a spy but she can be with shaw. Talk about a double standard.
you are right Chuck Fan#1 chuck went with those woman because sarah kept pushing him away. I do not like some of the things chuck has done but frankly he needs to learn to give up on a lost cause.
So when were you going to stop arguing? watching the show? going back to your video games?
I am not discouraged by this turn of events.
Sarah should be confused by Chuck’s behavior. Chuck spent the whole second season wanting Sarah and wanting a normal life. Then he gets his normal life, but throws it away to become Intersect 2.0. Sarah offers to run away with him, and he says “No, I want to be the Intersect” Sarah was ready to have a normal life with him, and now she has to decide whether she likes Chuck with his choice to be the Intersect.
It has been established that Chuck and Sarah are not dating, even as a cover. Now Shaw comes in and assesses the situation. If I were him, I would probably take a shot at Sarah. As Yvonne says, “She finds something in Daniel Shaw that she hasn’t found in anyone else, I think because they’re kind of equals, professionals, she feels more comfortable going there with him, as opposed to Chuck, because she’s still supposed to be protecting Chuck.” So Sarah and Shaw have every right to explore that relationship. Chuck has acknowledges that Sarah and he are not dating, so he does not really have any leverage to step in there and tell Shaw to haul off. And he can take up with Hannah, if he wants. And he gets some space to develop as the Intersect. In particular, there is nothing disloyal or crass in what either character is doing.
Now Chuck and Sarah are not two teenagers, pining at each other like a Romeo and Juliet. They are two strong adult people that need to communicate and make decisions, which is a healthy place to be from a growth perspective and from the perspective of putting on a dramatic production.
We seem to be dumping on Sarah a lot in this thread, but the video clip where Chuck decks Shaw is the most disturbing to me—it seems that there is no way Sarah would want to be with Chuck if he cannot control his anger; I want to see how they work that out.
I still cheer for Charah.
I’m not exactly certain how a life on the run from the US government would qualify as “Normal” even if they managed to avoid being capture by Casey with 24 hours on this particular attempt.
Just because they’re not “officially dating”, doesn’t mean that they can do (yes, DO) whomever they want.
Speaking for myself, if I loved a guy, and knew he loved me too, just because he hurt me I won’t be jumping the next one I see!
Sarah, if she has something with Shaw, can you imagine how much that will hurt Chuck? That is plain evil.
And people who love each other aren’t cruel like that.
Did you miss the part where they agreed to be friends? They’re not dating, not even for cover, they’re FRIENDS. They have no commitments to each other beyond that at this point, by mutual agreement.
BTW, I’ll be interested to see what the discussion is like in a few more weeks. I wonder if anyone will acknowledge that this kind of bashing without having seen any of the episodes was ill-advised.
LOL, you’re right!
Afetr I’ve wrote my last comment, I started to second-guess myself. We ARE criticizing something like 10 episode over some suspicious spoilers. Maybe we are wrong – and I so hope I am – and none of this will happen.
Still, Mel, yes, they’re friends. But, IMO, the only reason why they are only friends and not lovers (?) is because Chuck hurt Sarah, a lot. They “made a mess” and now “have to clean the courtyard”. Sarah is “good here”.
So, this friends thinking is them wanting to start again, start clean and put behind all that pain and hurt. It certainly doesn’t mean that they only want to be friends. Or that their “friends” realtionship is that simple.
No, it’s never simple with these two! LOL I just wanted to point out that in their minds, at this point, they are starting over as friends with no romantic commitment to each other.
Yes, you’re right. But it’s not that easy.
They said they were just friends, but that doesn’t change the way they feel about each other, right? They still love each other, right? They wanto to be with each other, right?
And, in that case, well… Why somebody else?
I think they both realize that romance is beyond their grasp right now, for various reasons that have been argued to death for 3 years, and have every intention of being each other’s friend. Of course they can’t just turn off their love for each other, but they can hope that time either provides a way for them to conquer the hurts or allows that love to fade. It’s not an uncommon story, really, it’s just happening to 2 (fictional) people that we all think should be together by now regardless of their feelings on the matter. 😀
Ok Mel, I concede… Even if I still don’t completely agree!
I guess the best thing to do is a wait-and-see approach.
But, Mel, I think most people viewed that handshake as a lie by both parties. Are you simply taking things literally? If so, there have been an awful lot of mixed messages, like Ellie calling Sarah’s bluff on her feelings for Chuck. And, of course, Chuck’s declaration of love for her, and reason for not running off in Prague.
If they are indeed friends, then let them be friends and shut down the romance entirely. Well, we know that’s not what the producers want with Hannah and Shaw coming up on the horizon. These show runners want to torture their fans who have bought into the romance they’ve created between their protagonists.
That handshake can also be viewed as a flimsy moment written so as to make way for future plot developments. Flimsy, because it was inserted and is in direct contrast to the many messages sent out by the writers on how the two feel about each other. It reminds me of Chuck’s second break up with Sarah, a break up she knew was coming for she was eavesdropping on the conversation — yet she didn’t protest even though she had to have known he only dumped her at his sister’s request!
Whether or not we, the viewers, view that handshake as a lie isn’t relevant. The characters, who don’t have the privileged of spoilers or previews, have decided to table the romance for now. They have said to each other, we will be friends and colleagues. Whatever their individual hopes are, they have not communicated them to each other and therefore have no romantic commitments to each other.
@np2606: I’m with you. Great post. I also root for Chuck&Sarah, but this new storyline sounds very interesting and intense to me. I’m open to it. Hopefully, it will be great.
I’m not as concerned about Sarah and Shaw as I am about Chuck. Unless Zach is being completely sarcastic, Chuck falls for Hannah over what amounts to a 3-week period. That sort of casts doubt on the speech he gave in episode 3.2. Of course, maybe he was under the influence of gas and simply misspoke. What he meant to say was “Sarah, I love brunettes.”
If Chuck goes after Hannah because Sarah is with Shaw, that will certainly make him look bad. But if he just simply falls for Hannah without anything else being a factor, I can’t really blame him. He put it all out there for Sarah and in the end, he was rejected. He can’t wait around forever. With this scenario, I have more of a problem with Sarah just because she is going after another spy after making it clear that she would not date Chuck if he became a spy. That just seems hypocritical to me. I wouldn’t even care if she dated someone else outside of work.
That’s the crux of the whole deal Chuck 588. I’ve been saying it for almost a week now.
While Mel and others have been the voices of reason for those of us who may have been too critical of Sarah, the idea of Walker falling for another spy after basically telling Chuck his insistence on becoming onebroke them up, deeply disturbs me. Nobody has been able to refute or explain this occurrence.
I will acknowledge that I’m an emotional guy like Chuck. I don’t always see or understand everything during the current episode. A ton is going on and at such a rapid pace. You really need a few days to process everything.
I still believe in Sarah. I don’t believe she’s a fraud or hypocrite. I can’t see the Sarah I’ve seen to this point fall for Shaw. She views him as a professional equal. Naturally, she would be somewhat drawn to that angle. And she’s by no means some easy “bike” ridden by just anyone.
Now, let’s pray there’s some spy-related, credible explanation for why Chuck needs to play tonsil hockey with Hannah.
There’s an easy explanation for anything Sarah does that you might perceive to be “wrong.” It’s being written by a guy. You love Sarah’s character best when Ali Adler writes for her. But let’s be honest: Guys (even smart guy writers) see a beatiful, talented character like Sarah and have to try to tarnish her. I’m not trying to be silly or feminist. I’m just trying to be practical: Guys look at beautiful women and say, “where’s the flaw?” And too often then make them slutty. Or, as Jessica Rabbit said: “I’m not bad. I’m just drawn that way…”
So what’s the excuse for Chuck? Not every guy immediately jumps the nearest brunette the moment the intelligent, witty, charming, devastatingly attractive and completely lethal blond he loves needs some space.
“They were on a break”? Tee hee..
The sad part is that the writers already pointed out Sarah’s flaws and they still exist this season. She’s afraid of getting close to people and she also had a hard time when she dated another spy, Bryce. If the writers stuck to those flaws, Sarah would continue to be a sympathetic character. We would all understand why she didn’t want to date Chuck. But instead, the writers have decided to add more flaws to the equation and have Sarah hook up with another spy. My biggest concern is that by the middle of the season, I’m not going to feel any sympathy for Sarah’s character and when/if that happens, that’s when I am going to want Chuck to shut the door on her.
In Ali Adler we trust…
2 points.
1. I think maybe Shaw and Hannah might just be the fallback guy/girl, and Sarah and Chuck inside just need to see someone else to realize that now that Chuck really is an albeit clumsy spy, theres no good reason for them to stay apart, other irrationability on both sides, they will realize that they are just right for eachother.
2. Damn, its good to be able to talk about now ‘Chuck’ goings-on again. 🙂
Kath, let’s practice a little objectivity here. He is not even her BF. It was a cover. They’ve been on 2 dates really in 3 years. They have kissed here and there. During that three years HE has slept with SOMEONE ELSE. So what, exactly do you wnat SW to do? Be a martyr? Celibate till they figure out what to do?
The Chuck and Sarah love story is far more than 2 dates. It’s the 2 years, has you’ve pointed out.
And I’m not againts Sarah having sex. Just as long as it is with Chuck. And vice versa
Once again, my problem with Sarah is that the break up and them not being together, in my mind is her fault.
And I blame the both of them form hooking up with Shaw and Hannah
It’s her fault Chuck chose not to runaway with her? After she finally decided to let down her emotional barriers and put herself out there, to leave a job she’s loved and excelled at, to cut all ties with people she knows so they won’t be caught? That’s her fault?
No, it’s her fault for putting Chuck in that position.
Leaving everything behind? For Sarah, it’s perfect. She has no one waiting for her. But for Chuck? And how is that part of the “normal life” she wanted so much?
Chuck the right thing by saying no. Although I do admit he could have phrased his speech better
I’m not saying it’s all her fault. I’m saying 70% of it is her fault.
lol that’s one thing i never understood, if chuck and sarah were to runaway, would that mean chuck would have to forget about his family and freinds
He certainly would have to forget about his family and friends. Of course, this is assuming that Chuck is alive long enough to forget about them. When you run away from the US government with intersect 2.0 in your head, you’ll never stop running from people who won’t hesitate to kill you if they find you.
Kath says:
January 16, 2010 at 5:48 pm (Edit)
The Chuck and Sarah love story is far more than 2 dates. It’s the 2 years, has you’ve pointed out.
And I’m not againts Sarah having sex. Just as long as it is with Chuck. And vice versa
Once again, my problem with Sarah is that the break up and them not being together, in my mind is her fault.
And I blame the both of them form hooking up with Shaw and Hannah
So you are prejudging the situation beforehand then.
My opinions are based on what I see on the commercials, sneak peaks and spoilers. Just like everybody else.
And, anyone, this “will they won’t they” isn’t exactly new – we already know how the producers’ minds work.
I think it’s pretty safe to say that Sarah is hooking up with Shaw and Chuck with Hannah. No one is talking about specifics. Thus, our prejudgements can’t be that wrong, don’t you think?
Question for all the crazy shippers here;
Why are you so invested in the relationship yest think so lowly of the characters?
Indeed. If they are – insert negative adjective of choice – as you say, why do you even care if they get together?
yeh i couldn’t agree more, but we don’t know for sure why sarah starts dating shaw, what ever it is it has to be a good and valid reason otherwise her credibility when it comes to matters of the heart is tarnished
yeh i agree completely,however we don’t know the exact reason why she starts dating shaw, if the excuse is ‘she finds something in Daniel Shaw that she hasn’t found in anyone else’ that’s really gonna p*ss me off b/c she has found plenty in chuck that she hasn’t found in chuck, and that excuse is really going to destroy sarah’s reprutation when it comes to reltaionships.
Wow. Mel, you are one patient woman.
The other thing is that Sarah getting involved with Shaw doesn’t just impact her current/future relationship with Chuck. It also puts Chuck’s life as a spy in a lot of danger. It’s clear, at this point, that Chuck’s big problem with being a spy is dealing with his emotions. That’s the one hurdle that he has yet to jump over and when he finds out that something is going on between Sarah and Shaw, that is only going to complicate things inside his head even more. Shaw is supposed to be a guy who is a mentor to Chuck so having to be around him and taking orders from him while knowing that he is involved, to some degree, with Sarah is going to make it even harder for Chuck to access the intersect when he needs to, which could very well get him killed. So Sarah’s whole “dating spies is unprofessional” thing is one thing, but now it could also impact the entire team’s mission if Chuck has a hard time. This is something that Sarah should really be aware of at this point.
The bottom line in all this is TPTB got exactly what they wanted. They bring in the PLI’s to evoke interest and much heated debate. When was the last time there were this many comments to a posting. Although I agree with those who have said been there done that. I like many am still waiting for the “real cool” thing to happen that CS stated.
I do agree with most everyone in that the Whole Chuck, Sarah, Hannah, Shaw thing is most certainly going to leave a lasting and bitter taste in our mouths. However, it does add a bit of excitement to the whole will they or wont they get together situation. Mainly, because the whole Chuck and Sarah dynamic shifted and now we are waiting to see how it plays out.
Though i don’t think I am going to like Shaw, I do feel he is going to help us understand Sarah Walker a lot more than we did in the past. I also feel that Shaw will put the mission before Chuck and even Sarah so that he can achieve the endgame, destroying the Ring. Shaw appears to be all business and perhaps will do more to bring team Bartowski closer together…yes even Casey.
I do and I don’t see Hannah sticking around long. I see Chuck falling for the idea of having a normal relationship with a beautiful girl, but remembering that the reason he became a spy was to help everyone. And, to get the girl of his dreams.
To sum up what Capt. Awesome said in 3.03, It’s difficult to live a split life where half of it is real and half of it is not. We, as fans, keep being told to hang in and that the ride is going to be a bumpy one and I contend that there is still am under the surface romance between Chuck and Sarah. I think I was hard to watch their relationship evolve into what it became in 2 seasons and even harder to watch 2 almost 3 years fall apart in one scene on a train platform.
Chuck and Sarah fumble..a lot, but always manage to recover and make it ok between them on some level. I think there are going to be some mistakes made by each of them and they are going to be some big ones. But whatever doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, and i think we are going to see a true test as to how strong the feelings are between Chuck and Sarah.
I think the inconsistency in the characters actions is due to different writers on each episode. Each one has their own ideas on how the Chuck and Sarah relationship evolves. Case in point. Ali Adler wrote epidsode 3.02, the best one of season 3 by far, in my opinion. The episode ends with her seeing Chuck in the gas filled room. His main concern is the pain Sarah is going through not his own well being and making sure she knows that he truely loves her. So we end the episode with Sarah completely aware of why he did what he did in Prague and his feelings for her. Now why in the next episode would they not talk about that? Instead we end the episode with them being just friends. The continuity from episode to episode is lacking.
i guess because they both agreed to be freinds they technically but i agree with you Kath that they need to make i more obvious,yes they are trying to show that they still have feelings for each other but that completly contradicts with them having love interests.
And for goodness sake from what i’m reading in the spoilers it seems like there going to be repeating the same love triangle formula- chcuk hooks up with your girl-next-door hottie and sarah hooks up with the suave spy. I’ve accepted that there are going to be new love interests but must they make it so stail.
I read one of the above comments that said only chuck has had sex so therfore we shouldn’t get mad at sarah if she has sleeps with shaw(or something to that affect), the difference however is that chuck had a long and meaningful relationship prior to them dating again, therfore he knew her well(or he thought he did), even tho nearly everone hated watching that, it was kind of justified, the same would have gone if sarah had slept with bryce, however if sarah has sex with shaw, she’s basically throwing all the caution she showed to chuck out the window, which to me just doesn’t add up. Yes i know that we don’t know if there going to have sex but i’m just saying if they do it will isolate and seriously anger of alot of fans, me included!
After i saw the 4th episode i realized that Shaw is married and maybe he would not get involved with Sarah. 🙂
I think that Shaw and Hannah will add a new dynamic that is going to be fun and painful to watch at the same time. Chuck and Sarah obviously still have some real feelings for each other and I contend that we haven’t been let down yet.
I think that Shaw will help us gain more personal knowleged about Sarah through the relationship they most likely will have. Also, Shaw is an all business type a spy. I think that any mission is going to be put ahead of Casey, Chuck, and Sarah. Because his endgame is destroying the ring, and when this time comes, the fatal flaw in his character is going to be revealed to everyone.
You gotta love Kristin Kreuk as Hannah because she is getting into the line of Chuck love interests. She may have the ability to last but its hard to see her as a part of Chuck’s spy life. Sarah will always be the girl that gets to see the whole Chuck.
I contend that Chuck and Sarah will be together in some capacity when the dust settles because they have always relied on each other and trusted one another. Granted that trust was broken and faith may have momentarily been lost, but the feelings are real between the two of them, and there’s no denying that.
It has been said that this season will be “torture” to watch, but that the loyal fan base will be rewarded so long as we’re patient. We saw Charah through two seasons already and I think we’re gonna see something very awesome in the end.
They may have “broken up” or whatever and agreed to be friends, but they are still very much in love with each other. Shaw is only in 6 episodes I believe, so don’t expect him to steal Sarah away. I also read a spoiler that says Hannah is not what she appears to be, so maybe shes a spy for the Ring.
Although no longer tell you everything you chuck sarah
As opposed to Bryce, Lou, Cole, and Jill.. I think the characters Shaw and Hannah were specifically added to S3 not as roadblocks in the Chuck and Sarah relationship, but as a situation that needs to happen so that both realize that “This is NOT what I want. I want Chuck/Sarah.”
For those of you who wonder why some of would be more irritated with Sarah than Chuck for seeing someone else, this is my take. Aside from the ‘Sarah won’t be with Chuck because he’s a spy, but looks like she so easily gets involved with Shaw, despite him being a spy’ angle..
Sarah is constantly telling Chuck no and keeping him at arms length. Even now with the agreed upon friendship between them, if she chose to be with Chuck, he wouldn’t hesitate to be with her. The only obstacle between them is Sarah. I love Sarah, don’t get me wrong, but she’s the one who keeps pushing Chuck away. It serves her right to find that Chuck if Chuck finally decides to listen to her and stay away from her emotionally.