VIDEO: Brandon Routh Talks Chuck

Brandon Routh joins Chuck in Monday’s episode, kicking off a long guest starring role. Hear what this Chuck fan has to say about what he likes about the show, getting the call to guest star, and his role as Daniel Shaw.

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  1. Must say I liked this video interview much better than the print interview. Hearing Brandon’s take on the Shaw character, and seeing his enthusiasm makes it a lot better than just reading what the character will be doing.

    It could be painful for the shippers, but I’m looking forward to what Shaw will bring to Team Bartowski.

  2. I think Brandon’s arch will end up killing the show. As soon as the start the S/S stuff, it will be just like lethal weapon and I epect to see a 1.5-2M viewer drop. If he was only in the show a few episodes, it would survive this drop. However, S2 never recoverd all of the lost viewers. I hate that I see this coming, but if you look at it based on past responses to similar situations on the show it will be the outcome.

    • Well man, i’m gonna watch it because iu want to see how the S/S happens, i want to see how and if Sarah complies, i don’t think she will say ily, i guess Hannah will be a huge factor for Sarah to get closer to Shaw, i think this time around the show will not lose too many ppl, the situation is somehow different from last year.

  3. Well so actually he’s gonna fall for Sarah, well that actually makes things even spicier. It might that he’s the one that gonna say ILY to Sarah? From what i understand Shaw is like Cole2.0, he brings things a bit farther then Cole maybe, second base maybe? I guess Sarah, like Cole before, is impressed by his professionalism and that brings her closer to him, of course Shaw will charm her too, and he thinks he has her in his bag.

    • well i want chuck to be with sarah eventually cause i m a bit tired!

      • They so desperately want to be together. There’s always the possibility they can ‘never’ be together. I think it’s more entertaining to watch the emotional torture of the characters of chuck and sarah. The moment they ‘do’ finally get together will likely be the last episode…

        I’m guessing if we ever learn the back story of chucks mom and why she left it could be that her and his father had a similar situation which made them happy but eventually split them apart as his dad led a very dangerous life with what he knew and developed… 😉 – Perhaps chucks dad sees this with him and sarah and was why he was reluctant to help chuck at the end of season 2?

      • i think you’ re right we’ll just have to be patient and wait till the end!I just hope they;ll be together in the end!I don’t know with his mum but she’ll have to play some role in the series as she was mentioned a couple of times!!!

  4. do anyone know in how many episodes he ‘ll be playing???

  5. She’s really funny.

  6. I wan’t to chuck and Sarah to be together so i guess i’m not going to like that guy!