SPOILERS: What’s In Store for Chuck & Sarah?

This week’s Mega Buzz has some “scoop” on Chuck and Sarah. I say “scoop” because it’s another example of clever wording.

On Chuck, when will things heat up again between Chuck and Sarah? — Yancey
MICKEY: Not quite yet. Instead, it seems that guest star Brandon Routh will fill Sarah’s dance card for the time being. “Chuck goes out on a mission and we’re guiding him. We have some face time for the first time together,” he says. The tense mission leads to tension of another sort between the comely spies.

You’ll see what I mean after 3.05 airs.

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  1. At this point having Routhe’s character “fill Sarah’s dance card” is just annoying. It’s like having your spouse tell you stories about their past boyfriends, which I don’t think anyone would like. I love the show, just wish they’d advance Chuch/Sarah instead of doing a shuffle forward then backward again.

    • Yeah I agree, hopefully this is the last time we have to deal with this.

    • It’s all they know how to write. I wonder when they will realize that it’s not OC or GG.

    • Well, the ratings have steadily dropped ever so slightly with each episode (including each half hour of the 2 hour premiere). Could this be a sign that a lot of viewers are irritated by this apparent reboot the producers have done with Chuck and Sarah?

      I can just see Schwartz saying, “Folks, forget everything that happened in ‘Colonel’ because we thought the show was being canceled. It’s not, so we wish we could erase all that progress between Chuck and Sarah.”

      It’s sad because their inability or just plain fear of moving the heroes’ relationship forward may be killing an otherwise terrific show. It’s an angst filled drag on a comedy.

  2. I think that a lot of people have hit the nail on the head here. Anyone thinking that shaw is just doing everything to help train the intersect, trying to get chuck to drop sarah etc.. Lets see what chuck does.

  3. Clever wording indeed – do we think the dance card reference is from the promo where we see Shaw & Sarah dressed to the nines at what looks like a pary & him kissing Sarah’s neck? And might that act have sparked the tension spoken about here? If I remember correctly, the tension didn’t look like “good” tension….
    Just sayin’

  4. Translation:

    Shaw’s going to dance with Sarah on a mission while Chuck’s away.

    Chuck’s solo mission is tense, and Sarah gets ticked at Shaw for allowing Chuck to go alone into harm’s way.

    Now, even though I’m pretty certain no romance is going to take place between Shaw and Sarah, spoilers like this don’t exactly make me want to run out and watch the show.

  5. I completely agree with the rest of the fans. This roller coaster ride that sarah and chuck are on is actually quite irritating. The writers know that to keep viewers they need to end up with those two together. But the way in which they are postponing their inevitable “hook up” only seems to detract from the believability and chemistry that was so strong between the two in the first two seasons.

    C’mon writers! you know the show is on the bubble, it’s time to listen to the fans!

  6. wat does ‘fill the dance card mean’
    and weres the video of shaw kissing srah’s neck?

    • “Fill the dance card” could mean anything from literally dancing at a fancy party as Chuck and Sarah did in “…Operation Awesome” to the figurative keeping each other company while Chuck is absent. Knowing the writers and knowing Ausiello, it’s probably some combination of both. Ausiello’s probably just trying to make things sound racier than they actually will be.
      I agree with most that say Shaw has a bigger purpose and is testing Chuck and Sarah in some way. IMO this will lead to a stronger, more stable relationship between them.

  7. YEAH!! I agree with the rest of you CHUCK fans…this see-saw Chuck/Sarah “relationship” is really becoming irritating and annoying which, for me, anyway, has distracted from Season 3. It’s almost like something’s missing even though there’s been lots of action and comedy going on in the beginning of this season. Disappointing to some degree!! Although I did think the last “AWSOME” episode was pretty close to the CHUCK seris we’ve all grown to love. I just hope the writers/producers don’t get too far away from their “COLONEL” moment by employing the Shaw/Sarah and Hanna/Chuck variable trying to add some type of romantic triangular suspense for viewership.

  8. Well, I’m not irritated, but I’m annoyed. Seriously, Chuck and Sarah allmost had intercourse and suddenly they find themself new relationships? Thats complete and utter bullshit. Instead of puting the Chuck/Sarah relationship to the next level they are desperately trying to put some triangle relationship into the show. Again. That’s rubbish!

    • “Suddenly”? It’s been 6 or 7 months since the events of Colonel.

      • Sure, but previous to these 6 months there had been over 2 years of sexual attraction between Chuck and Sarah. That Chuck dumped her in Episode 1 of Season 3 was already implausible but another triangle relationship with Shaw makes the whole thing even more unbelievable.

  9. I do agree one hundred percent. The fact that Chuck decided to train as a spy instead of going away with Sarah was completely unbelievable, especially beacause the entire first two seasons it was all about her trying to decide if she should leave to be with him. And he wanted her to! And then he comes up with the lame excuse of wanting to make a difference in the world, if i remember correctly. The fact that they are now bringing shaw and hannah into this is even more annoying. Why is it that i find that Kristen Kruek always plays very irritating characters? I love this show, but it is becoming increasingly frustrating.

  10. I can’t see the love and affection between Sarah and Chuck anymore. With Shaw and Hannah, there seems to be now four main characters. An integral part of the show that is Chuck and Sarah has been stolen and I can no longer feel anything with the two of them. A bad sign. It’s one thing to not advance a relationship between two main characters too fast because you want the story to be interesting and exciting for the viewer. But it’s a whole different thing once you betray what’s true to the characters. Who is Chuck in season 3? Who does he care for anymore? Let’s stay true to the characters!

  11. i dont like it….its not suppose to be chuck and hannah and sarah and shaw….its suppose to be chuck and sarah…..

  12. I really hope the writers have set this story up for a real twist. I agree with most if the fans, having chuck an Sarah moving on to new loves so quickly really does cast a negative light on both characters. I lived the small ways Sarah demonstrates her care for chuck. If she can just up and go for shaw, what type of person will Sarah be? Here’s hoping to a strong twist in the story’s direction. Keeping my finger’s crossed here.

  13. The love triangle will work its way out because Sarah’s past relationship (ie bryce) ended with the guy taking a dirt nap. My opinion Shaw will get close to sarah then is some event his dead wife returns not so dead as a Ring double agent and Kill shaw point blank, leaving him in a pool of blood. Sarah kills the double agent and feeling sad rebounds to Chuck. Same writer stuff crammed by hollywood before. Get more original writers.

  14. **************WARNING: POSSIBLE SPOILERS********************
    While being clearly troubled by the route the show is taking, I feel that this is completely planned by the writers of the show. While looking around for some source of happiness, as mine got crunched with all of the love triangle nonsense, I found this preview for Season 3 on YouTube.


    Look specifically at 0:28 for the following like 2-3 seconds.
    You have what looks like Chuck swinging Sarah to dropkick Hannah. While Casey and someone I can’t identify are tied up on the floor. Plus Hannah came on really strong – maybe too strong?!

    There may be hope for this season just yet.

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