Questions have been swirling about when the rumored reveal of Sarah’s real name would happen, and now Ausiello gives us the answer:
Question: Yvonne Strahovski has said that we’ll find out Sarah’s real name on Chuck this season, which leads me to assume that we’ll have a Sarah-centric episode at some point in these first 13. Any clue when that’ll be? — Mary
Ausiello: Episode 8 — the first one back after those damn Olympics.
What do you know, the answer has been in front of us the whole time: episode 3.08 is titled “Chuck vs. the Fake Name”. This episode kicks off what was going to be the second half of the third season, before NBC ordered more episodes and extended the season to 19. Josh Schwartz and Chris Fedak have repeatedly said that they’ll treat those extra episodes like a separate mini-season, and according my sources, episode 3.13 is still season-finale levels of awesome. If you thought the first few episodes of season 3 were amazing, you’re going to need a thesaurus to describe the second batch of episodes!
Hahaha oh my word, it has been! Don’t think anyone really picked that up.. It’s a shame this episode is only airing after the olympics :(.
Look at it this way. If the OLD schedule were in place, we’d only be getting Pink Slip on March 1. This is MUCH better.
And I think Mel is being a little clever here. Once the episode name was changed months ago (it was fake nose or something) and we knew Ali Adler was writing it, it was clear e8 would be the show. Expect echoes of Wookie (Just tell me something real about you. Your real name, begs Chuck) and Cougars (I don’t need to know who you were, says Chuck).
Just to help everyone. Here are all of the Season 3 episode titles that we know of thus far: (One or two may have been changed since I started this list.)
3.01 Chuck Vs. The Pink Slip
3.02 Chuck Vs. The Three Words
3.03 Chuck Vs. le Angel de la Muerte (The Angel of Death)
3.04 Chuck Vs. Operation Awesome
3.05 Chuck Vs. First Class
3.06 Chuck Vs. The Nacho Sampler
3.07 Chuck Vs. The Mask
3.08 Chuck Vs. The Fake Name
3.09 Chuck Vs. The Beard
3.10 Chuck Vs. The Tic-Tac
3.11 Chuck Vs. The Final Exam
3.12 Chuck Vs. The American Hero
3.13 Chuck Vs. The Other Guy
3.14 Chuck Vs. The Honeymooner
We have to wait till March??? 🙁 Stupid olympics. All I want is CHUCK.
I know, but remember, it wasn’t that long ago that we weren’t going to get any Chuck until March 1.
Which one of the episodes is the finale for Superman, er I mean Shaw? Number 11?
I thought we found out her real name last year in the class reunion episode? Jenny Burton, I think it was… was that just another code name?
yeh,just a cover name her dad gave her, she used to change it at every knew place she went
I can hardly wait,Ithink this wiil be a big step in the Chuck/(insert real name here) relationship.
I am loving this new season of Chuck. It is different from the previous seasons, but in its own way I am finding it is just as good or better.
I wonder if we should start a pool over what her first name will be.
So any good guesses what Sarah’s real name is?
It’s not only finding out her real name that’s important it’s how we find out that’s important. Best case scenario would be that Sarah tells Chuck. Worst case is that she tells Shaw. Anything in between could involve a piece of paperwork, a flash, Shaw already knowing from info and taunting Chuck with it (hence the punch) .
I think the best joke would be that her real name is Sarah Walker.
I think Sarah’s real name is going to be Charlie.. Then they can be Charles and Charlie BFF’s!
jk.. It will be weird when Chuck does learn the real name (or is it just us that will learn the real name?.. like the middle name). It’s like when I learned Wolverine had other names before Logan.. it was awkward and to me he will always be Wolverine/Logan.. he just isn’t a James in my mind.
Sarah will always be Sarah to me.. or Agent Walker.
Maybe its an anagram that is a clue to who she really is..
Sarah Walker rearranges to: A Whalers Ark; A Walk Sharer, SHAW-LARK ERA!..
I guess we shall see..
Well its something about Lisa in season 1 Sarah tells Chuck that her middle name is Lisa … but what would be the rest of that????
What is Sarah’s last name is Carmicheal? I mean, A. it’s common, and B:
It would have some relavence to the whole I-don’t-want-you-to-be-a-spy-Chuck thing that she is going through. Her civilian real-life name is the Chuck’s spy cover name. Could be interesting, no?
Also, I hope that her 1st name is actually still Sarah. Once again it’s common, plus it would mess with the whole ch’arah’ thing.
But hey, whatever happens with this, I will still watch. Sarah will always be Sarah in my mind, and theres nothing Schwartz of Fedak can do to change that.
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