I get a lot of emails, PMs, and comments from Chuck fans. Many are fairly mundane, like requests for assistance navigating the forums or asking if I know when new episodes will be on iTunes (I don’t), but scattered here and there are more interesting questions. After a couple of years of this, it finally hit me: why not share some of these questions, and their answers, with the fans at large? Yes, sometimes I am slow on the uptake.
In this inaugural Friday Five I’ll tackle some questions I’ve received recently. Future Friday Fives may feature other content, but if you have a question you’d like answered, feel free to email me. (Do I even need to say that I won’t be revealing big fat spoilers? Yes? OK: I won’t be revealing big fat spoilers.)
- Where do you stand on some of outfits or situations that the writers seem to put Sarah into? Do you think it fits within the context of the show, or do you think it is gratuitous at times and the writers are trying to take advantage of Sarah’s/Yvonne’s good looks for ratings? -pendragon
For the most part, I think her outfits and situations are within the context of the show. I also think they’re pretty good about balancing suggestive situations and clothing for her with similar ones for, say, Devon. Is it sometimes gratuitous? Absolutely! It’s part of the espionage conceit to have a gorgeous but deadly woman scantily clad and/or in a suggestive situation. It doesn’t bother me as an adult (I do talk to my young nieces about these scenes before they can see them, or I fast forward) because “scantily clad” is not all we’re given for Sarah, unlike most women in Bond movies. She’s a three-dimensional character with so many other facets to explore. - How many episodes will Hannah appear in? - eleventy-billion fans
I’m pretty sure it’s 3, but in a recent interview Kristin Kreuk said 4. I’m still pretty sure it’s 3, though. But it might be 4. How’s that for a non-answer? - How many episodes will Shaw appear in? -Â eleventy-billion-and-thirty-six fans
Let’s go with 8. At least. - I was wondering what your thoughts were on a possible relationship between Hannah and Chuck? – aidan
I understand why Chuck appears to be smitten by Hannah, she’s adorable. If I were him, though, I’d be a little uncomfortable if a girl I just met moved halfway around the world to work at a low-paying job to be around me. Is she a Ring agent? CIA? A stalker? We’ll have to watch and see. - What do you know about Scott Bakula’s return to the show? -srh_brtwski
I know that he won’t return until after the original 13-episode arc is completed, but other than that all I have is speculation based on what I know about the next 8 or so episodes. I hope it will involve Mama Bartowski, but at this point your guess is pretty much as good as mine.
That’s our Five for this week! Got questions? Send ’em my way and I’ll try to answer them in future Friday Fives. Don’t forget, you can also email Chuck vs the Podcast with your queries and get three opinions instead of one.
According to IMDB, Kreuk will be in 5 episodes
IMDb is not reliable because anyone can submit information. My intel has her arc concluding in 3.07.
and I hope so 🙂 even if her character isn’t so bad
*Spoiler haters don’t read my comment.*
IMBD said that ep 15 is called “Chuck vs the Little Blue Pill.” Is that true Mel or is still “Chuck vs the Role Models.”
Per Ali Adler, it’s still “vs the Role Models”. Proving my point about IMDb info. 😉
Thanks Mel! Wonder who thought it was “vs the Little Blue Pill?”
I can’t wait for Bakula’s return. Would be wonderful if Gary Cole were to reappear also.
It would be too awesome if Gary Cole returned around the same time that Scott Bakula is returning… You know, the fathers meeting each other and all.
Great Idea! And, I am kind of honored that you led off with the question I asked you earlier this week- yeah!
Hey, it was a terrific question!
I disagree with that. Of course it’s gratuitous and all I can say about that is more please. But why does anyone care? It’s not even close to the worst offender on TV. If you don’t want to look at the characters in their underwear for half a second then avert your eyes or change the channel orrrrr go outside to your local mall and see a lot more revealing outfits.
I’ve always thought that the writers/creators of Chuck consider that the show takes place in a world that’s kinda like a comic book. That’s how I explain away the ridiculous coincidences; the fact that Chuck, Sara & Casey regularly has conversations about the spy world while walking through the Buy More without really attempting to lower their voices; the fact that no one ever notices Chuck talking into his wristwatch; and all of Sarah’s over-the-top sexy costumes and even her makeup sometimes. The world of Chuck is like a brighter, more colorful, more intense version of our world.
That’s how I see it, anyway. 🙂
Great idea to do the Friday Five, Mel! I look forward to future installments.
Duh, that should of course read, “…regularly HAVE conversations…”
“I’ve always thought that the writers/creators of Chuck consider that the show takes place in a world that’s kinda like a comic book.”
That certaintly would explain a lot. If I saw some guy talking to his watch I would be a little concerned. Maybe even a LOT concerned.
I never thought about it being like a comic book, but that’s a very interesting concept, and quite an accurate depiction now that I think about it.
Yeah, I see it the same way, bethany. It’s like hyper-reality.
Love this idea, Mel. Bethany makes a great point about the whole show being a live action comic book. Think about the primary colors used in the Buy More for example.
Great questions. Looking forward to the next installment.
What if General Beckman was Chuck’s mother?
I know she was going to have him killed once or twice?
But she also told Sarah “that he’s worth it.”
only 3?noooooo
i want more Hannah,KK ZL have great chemistry,and she`s so hot.
Make sure you don’t announce were you live any time soon or you might a swarm of crazy shippers at your door. LOl Hannah is an interesting character. Hope she is not a spy.
Hannah is a stalker. 😛 😉
LOL Nice one Stargazer. $10 say Hannah is a stalker. Whos with me?
Hi! all chucks’ fans. I assumed we all have watched all 5 episodes of season 3 and some promo that sarah kiss shaw and chuck kiss hannah and they might have make love in other scenes not yet known to us. It looks like teenager love drama like gossip girls and oc. Not matured romantic spy comedy that we all expected. The writer and director forgot that more than 70% of the audience are from matured audiences (ie. >25 yrs old). If this style of stories continues, chuck may loss its fans and the rating will be low. This time, we chuck fans will not support for chuck season 4. Ends of chuck. In order to boost the rating of Chuck, Chuck needs NEW WRITER AND DIRECTOR.
You know I know your name is “diehardfan,” but are really a fan? Seriously man. Your the one acting like a freakin’ teenager. Just relax and trust the writers. S3 has been great thus far and will continue to get better with every episode. Enjoy the journey. I know I am (though I don’t like Shaw’s character. Hes interesting but theres something totally off about him). 🙂
I’m with you C F. I think, other than the very first episode, that this has been the best season so far. And I, for one, never expected a “matured romantic spy comedy”. And I don’t appreciate someone speaking for all Chuck fans and saying we won’t support it for a 4th season. This is my favorite show on TV and I don’t see any problem with the storylines and never have. It’s looking great to me and bring on the 4th, 5th, 6th years.
Yvonne WOULD make a good Bond girl, not the old school type there mainly for eye candy but someone like Jinx from Die Another Day.
thanks for the Q&A Mel. I appreciate the lack of spoilage. I don’t spend much time in Chuck fandom which reminds me i never finished all the comments on last weeks ep over at Alan’s. eekk! It’s Monday again! Chuck at 8 and Scott at 10!
Hannah I think is a spy, shaw has had two resons one is to train Chuck the other is to suduce Sara. Hannah maybe works for Shaw to help put a wedge between Chuck nad sara.