Captain Awesome To Become Captain America!?

Here is an interesting little tidbit – over at IESB it has been reported that Chuck’s own Ryan McPartlin has read for the lead in the upcoming Joe Johnston directed Captain America flick.

Details can be found HERE.

Captain Awesome America?
Captain Awesome America?

Another interesting factoid – Ryan McPartlin was up against Daniel Shaw aka Brandon Routh for the lead role in SuperMan Returns.

Can the world handle a Captain Awesome America? Who knows but it should would be great for Ryan and his fans to see him have the chance.

Best of Luck!

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  1. I don’t think Ryan was actually up against Brandon for the role of Superman, Lou. At least he was never seriuously considered for the role. He never even auditioned for it as far as I know. He was brought up constantly by some fans, though. Now, Mathew Bomer was MCG’s choice for the role.

    Any way, Ryan would make a fantastic Capt. America. He is a good enough actor and definitely has the look. 🙂

    • The SuperMan story is news to me too but IESB is a very reputable source so if they mention it, it is a safe bet.

    • Apparently Matthew Bomer was supposed to play Superman in Superman Returns, can’t remember why he didn’t end up doing so in the end.

  2. I’m a huge Captain America fan, and McPartlin has been my first choice for the role, so I think this is good news and hopefully he’ll be the one to wield the shield.

  3. Captain Awesome America? Where can I buy my tickets?!

  4. Hrmm. That story just said he read for it. I think he’d be fantastic in the part, but this doesn’t mean he will get it by any means.

  5. Quite so but at least he is in the running.