Chuck vs. the Podcast Episode 40 – Interview with Ryan McPartlin

Ryan McPartlin is always fun on Chuck, and this week he’s back on the podcast with an equally fun video interview. It’s also our longest video podcast yet, featuring news, listener emails, episode commentary, spoilers, and more!

Visit Chuck vs. the Podcast for the archives and vote for us at Podcast Alley. Next up: our Sarah Lancaster video interview

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  1. Wow. You guys were hard on Jeff and Lester. Maybe I missed something, but how was this any worse than the Mammary-cam from season 1? Or the stalker video of Anna from Tom Sawyer?

    I have to agree with your assessment of the Hannah character, though. So far, I am underwhelmed. Hopefully they giver her more of a raison d’être in the next episode.

  2. I can only speak for myself, DeanJohnson, but we were talking about an episode in this season, for one thing. I agree with you that we were hard on Jeff and Lester, but I have never liked it when they pull those womanizing stunts. I didn’t like it in S1 and I still don’t appreciate it now. I don’t care for many of the scenes with Jeff and Lester – it’s just not my flavor of humor. Many times, I find them gross and disgusting and not funny at all. While I love tha actors themselves, I’m not a Jeff and Lester fan.

    • ??? I realize you were talking about an episode from this season. Did I suggest otherwise?

      If you don’t like those characters, that’s fine. Their womanizing antics don’t send me into gales of laughter, either (and I’m not sure it’s supposed to). It just seemed to me that you were shocked and dismayed at their behaviour and I would argue that that’s who they’ve always BEEN. They’ve always been pervs, so I just found it odd that you would be upset about it now. If it has always bothered you, well… fair enough.

      I hope you don’t regard my comment as unfair criticism. This is my favourite Chuck related website and I appreciate that you guys go to a considerable amount of work and expense to bring it to us. I just didn’t understand where you were coming from.


      • We were pretty harsh on them in this episode. I think we’d all just reached our limit of tolerating that kind of behavior.

  3. please please tell me that shaw is going soon, ack, he was all over sarah nd it made me sick in the pit of my stomach 🙁
    i like hannah, she’s a sweet character buut i think she’d b better with morgan somehow XD
    i love sarah nd chuck together nd the talk scene in episode 3.07 made me cry, just the look on sarahs face when he walked away;(
    the clip of sarah kissing shaw ten the whole scene where shaw tells him that he had his chance and that he blew it, i was so glad chuck boxed him, but im waiting to see what type of reaction comes from sarah, all that it shows is her in a state of shock,it will be very interesting to see what storyline follows that!is this where she decides enough is enough chuck is the one for her nd that he is worth the risk, and thats where the rolemodels come in XD
    they help the couple see that it is possible to live a happy life together
    lol this comment is a lot longer than i thought it would be XD
    im 15 nd i kinda agree wit u on jeff nd lester, they can go a lil far sumtimes but i think thats just who they are, buymoria wuldnt b the same without them lol.i honestly dont know how im going to survive without chuck for two weeks! im an irish gal nd its just going to be an empty 2 weeks without it *cries* im going to drive my friends mental goin on bout it =]
    you guys are awsome, your podcast is legendary and i looooooooooooooove your spoilers, they make me happy and excited, true buymorians are ye XD lol is there going to be a season 4? ive heard rumours but i dont know if they are true! im havin a hard tym thinkin that chuck is ending on the 24th of may,
    sorry for asking so many questions lol XD oh btw ye are all pretty XD xxxxxxxxxxxxx

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  5. Thanks for another great podcast. As a mother with children I agree that some parts of the episode were not family friendly. I watched with my teens and fast-fowarded in a couple of places. I hope our Buy More squad finds more things that are truly funny and not just cheep innuendo. PS – Where is the next podcast? Can’t wait to hear your take on the Mask!