Chuck Season 3 Now on iTunes!

Finally! Chuck season 3 has landed at Chuck - Chuck, Season 3. All seven episodes are available, which I know will please our men and women serving overseas (I’m looking at you, Denise from Germany!).

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About Mel

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  1. Despite having the episodes stored on my PVR, I am definately purchasing the season. I don’t think it would hurt to demonstrate my support for the show, especially this week…

  2. Finally, now my train commute will be complete again.

  3. finally! this is a great way to show our support! 😀

  4. Yay. Thanks for the update. I can finally clear my DVR. 🙂

  5. I take it they are offering a season pass too? Grr, can’t wait to get home and get that bad boy!

  6. YAY!!!!!! Already on my way to buy them. 🙂

  7. No season pass, just a “buy all shows”. Of course, with rumors of TV shows dropping in price to $1/episode, that’s not necessarily a bad thing.

  8. Iseriouslydoubtthat

    Excellent news! Now season 3 is much more portable.

    Not as big a deal as iTunes, but Chuck is still missing from Amazon Video on Demand and they seem to have quite a few NBC shows

  9. Fine… that was what I’m waiting for… 🙂
    greetings from germany 😛

  10. I’m going to wait for the season pass, but at least it is finally on iTunes

  11. OMG ipissed my self when i read this. I’ve been waiting so long for this !!!!!!!!!!SEASON PASS !!!SEASON PAASSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

  12. I LOVE YOU CHUCK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sorry little too excited right now! go chuck