Vik Sahay is earning a reputation for giving a good interview, and his latest are no exception. First, he talks with The TV Addict (aka our buddy Daniel) and reveals that Lester is dealing with some developments of his own this season:
Are you as tired about talking about Chuck and his ‘journey’ as we are?
Vik Sahay: So bored of it!Honest, Chuck this, Chuck that, yadda, yadda, yadda. What’s in store for Lester this season?
If I had to sum up Lester this season I would say… grappling with his manhood.[Awkward Pause]
Not… not literally.[Nervous Laughter]
Lester is dealing with himself as a man, his male friendships, who he is, and the boundaries that he wants to create with the people around him. What I love about the show is that as the central character [Editor’s note: He who shall not be named!] grows up and starts to come into his own, to certain small degrees — as much as Lester can — all the characters start to feel that kind of personal growth so to speak.
Vik also opened up to Kidult about finding his roots and his experience in India:
Rumor has it you’re a self-proclaimed acting geek. Are there any Indian actors you studied or admired growing up?
When I was growing up, I wanted nothing more than to fit in. I think that’s normal. Looking back, I feel like I was running away from it all. It wasn’t until I went to India, and worked with Roshan Seth and Seema Biswas in particular, that I completely fell in love with their skill, depth, artistry and just ability to immerse themselves in their work.