Friday Five: Cover Identities

The promos for Monday’s episode, “Chuck vs. the Honeymooners”, reveal a brand new cover to the pantheon of fake identities we’ve seen on Chuck so far. I’m pretty sure Mr. & Mrs. Charles are going to vault to the top of my favorites list, so let’s see which of my current favorites might get unseated:

  1. Rafe Gruber – Chuck has to don the identity of an assassin to first discover his target, then protect Shaw, in episode 3.08, “Chuck vs. the Fake Name”. Not only was this a showcase for Zac’s acting skills, it showed us that Chuck could step up and be a tough guy, quick on his feet, and committed to a cover when necessary.
  2. Uncle Johnnie – Casey goes undercover as Carina’s uncle  in episode 3.02, “Chuck vs. the Three Words”. From his insistence that he is her father’s “much younger” brother, to the bickering banter with Carina, to the mustache, to being forced into speech, this cover provided us with a lot of fun moments courtesy of Adam Baldwin.
  3. Mr. & Mrs. Charmichael – Playing young marrieds in episode 2.13, “Chuck vs. the Suburbs” gave Sarah and Chuck (and the viewers) a glimpse at what normal life could be like for them. Well, as normal as living on a cul de sac full of FULCRUM operatives building another Intersect can be. Still, it was a sweet picture.
  4. Agent Awesome – In episode 3.04, “Chuck vs. Operation Awesome”, Devon has to go undercover as an agent to find out what the Ring is up to. It gave us a chance to spend more time with Devon and see him not only out of his element, but appreciating the job his brother-in-law had been doing for the past 2 years.
  5. Girlfriend/Boyfriend – Chuck and Sarah’s ultimate cover since the beginning has been as girlfriend and boyfriend. What was meant to make it easy to explain Sarah in Chuck’s life turned into a mass of emotions that went much deeper, turning their cover relationship into a real relationship and back again.

I was tempted to add an honorary mention under “Bartender” for Casey, but that would be cheating. So what are your favorite covers?

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  1. Casey as the DJ in Chuck vs. the Cougars.

    I know he’s only there for about 10 seconds but him getting the crowd going to some 90’s hits was hilarious.

  2. Another runner up: Casey as Jonathan the maître d’ in 2.6- Chuck Versus The Ex. That wig, the goatee, and the gentle slap on the face was hilarious.

  3. What about Casey and Sarah as nerds in Chuck vs the Dream Job ? 😛
    fun times

    • Forgot about that one but yeah that’s a great one too! Chuck walking right by and doing a double take and making the comment about them having some weird side hobbies 😉

  4. The obvious
    Sam Lisa Burton as Sarah Walker
    Alex Colburn as John Casey
    Chuck Bartowski as Charles Carmichael
    Chuck Bartowski as Jorge Carmichael
    Sarah Walker and Bryce Larkin as the Andersons
    Morgan Grimes as Morgan

  5. ANH beat me to it… I loved DJ Casey!

  6. Here’s mine.

    1. Chuck as Hans Lichtenstein in Chuck Vs. the Delorean. They had to help Sarah’s con-man father pretend to sell the Nakatomi building to an Arab Sheikh.

    2. Sarah as the sexiest Nerd Herder ever to get Chuck and Casey past security in Chuck Vs. Tom Sawyer.

    3. Casey as a Costa Gravan soldier trying to protect the Premier he tried to kill many times. So convincing that Awesome tackles him thinking he’s an assassin in Chuck Vs. the Angel de la Muerte.

    4. Chuck as a suave playboy trying to hit on the Black Widow, Sasha Banacheck in Chuck Vs. the Black Widow.

    5. Any episode from Season 1 that had Sarah in her Weinerlicious uniform.

  7. Absolutely have to put a nod in for Casey as the DJ at Sarah’s reunion. “Great I’ll tell the DJ.” “The DJ what?” cut to Casey workin’ the crowd and spinnin’ the tunes. Cut back to the priceless looks on Chuck and Sarah’s faces for him being so into it 🙂

  8. Definitely Casey as the DJ in vs. the Cougars!

  9. Sarah as a nerd herder 🙂

  10. DJ Casey.

    Another short-but-good one: bellhop Casey.

    Slutty Sarah in Nacho sampler. Do guys think that kind of thing would really happen? 😉

    Butt-Kicking Nurse Sarah, particularly because of Yvonne’s “I’ve-got-it-covered” superior look followed by Devon’s reaction and Chuck’s reply.

    Bioscientist Sarah because we finally got to hear her Australian accent.

    Any disguise with glasses, especially the black horn-rimmed ones.

  11. Loved Chuch as a mariachi singer/guitarist when looking for the assasin. His facial expressions were hysterical, especially when he uploads the ability to play guitar.

  12. Did anybody ever notice that if you listen carefully to the background in the Pilot that Bryce was referred to as Morgan (“Morgan is on the roof”)?

  13. What about Casey’s day-in-day-out cover: the “I’m about to move a Beastmaster” greenshirt? Whatever the cover, do it to the best of your ability!

    I loved “Chuck vs the Undercover Lover”, when Chuck thought they were going to attend the party as guests, then he was drafted as a server, then was “recognized” as a cousin and had to dance.

    And absolutely Sarah & Casey as nerds at the Rios launch in “Chuck vs the Dream Job”, especially Casey’s bucktoothy grin as he hops with excitement in line.

  14. Any cover Casey does is comedy gold courtesy of the great Adam Baldwin. You gotta love him 😉

  15. Sarah and Bryce!
    Mr. and Mrs. Anderson!

  16. How about Scnook/Lichtenstein for our beloved Chuck? LOVED that one! But I think my favorite will be Mr. and Mrs. Charles once Monday rolls around!

  17. Sarah as a callgirl in “the Fat Lady”
    Sarah as Jenny Burton in “the Cougars”
    Sarah as the gun-toting nurse in “Angel de la Muerte”
    Sarah as Mrs Charles in “the Honeymooners”
    Sarah as the waitress (black wig!) in “the Ex”
    Sarah as Ellie (black wig again!) in “the Truth”
    Sarah as the airhead in “the Wookie”
    Sarah as the seductress in “the Nacho Sampler”
    Sarah as the Nerd Herder in “the Dream Job”
    Sarah as Mrs Carmichael in “the Suburbs”
    Sarah as Wendy Applebaum in “the DeLorean”
    Oh Oh I’m beginning to see a pattern here.

  18. Casey as the DJ takes it for me, I fell back out of my chair laughing so hard…

    Also anything Sarah does is gold as everyone has pointed out.

  19. Chuck as Hans Lichtenstein
    Sarah as the sexy NerdHerder
    Casey as the DJ at Sarah’s high school reunion
    Chuck as Rafe Gruber the assassin
    Sarah as the BSG fangirl in the bar picking up Manoosh
    Casey as Carina’s dad’s “much younger brother”, Uncle Johnny

    …but I’m sure that “Mr. & Mrs. Charles, the charming newlyweds with the thick Southern accents” will be my ultimate faves once Monday evening rolls around.

  20. Did no one like Tipsy Texan Sarah?