Friday Five: Cities That Watch Chuck Most, Least

Do you know which cities have the most Chuck viewers? How about the least? You might be surprised by the results! For this week’s Friday Five, we have the list of the five cities that have the highest percentage of viewers and the five cities with the lowest percentage of viewers, courtesy of research from Warner Bros. and Nielsen.

Cities With the Highest Percentage of Chuck Viewers:

  1. Knoxville, TN
  2. Fort Meyers, FL/ Indianapolis, IN (tie)
  3. West Palm Beach, FL
  4. Jacksonville, FL
  5. Columbus, OH

These cities all rank at least 20% above the national average for viewers who watch Chuck. Knoxville is 83% above average!

Cities With the Lowest Percentage of Chuck Viewers:

  1. New York
  2. Chicago, IL
  3. Boston, MA
  4. Atlanta, GA
  5. Orlando, FL

Looks like Floridians are torn – with three cities in the top 5, they also have one in the bottom five. C’mon, Orlando! Are you a fan in one of these cities? Spread the word and get people watching!

P.S. Are you in San Diego, Seattle, or Chicago? Join the flash mobs!

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  1. Oh, no. I live in Atlanta. I try to get people I know here to watch the show every week.

    Now, I’m going to have to try harder.

    That bottom five are some of the largest markets in America. We’ve got to build the viewership up more there.

  2. Percentages don’t impress me. If you have city of 10 and 5 people watch that’s 50%. If you have a city of 3 million and 500,000 watch that’s only 16.7%.

    Yvonne Strahovski….now she’s impressive.
    I couldn’t imagine Sara Walker being played by anyone else!

  3. Now I’m curious as to where my and other cities rank. Is the list available?

  4. omg I live in Fort Myers!!!

  5. Hmm, I live in Orlando and while I have several people from the office who are big fans, the Magic playoff game was on both TNT and one of the local cable stations opposite Chuck on Monday. I watched Chuck and then caught the 2nd half of the game but a lot of people went out to sports bars.

  6. I’m from Jacksonville, FL. WOOHOO! 🙂

  7. OOOOOHHH! Not so great, Boston. Maybe it has to do with the Celtics and the Bruins both being in the playoffs, but still…. If I watch the episode 19 times, would that help? 🙂

  8. Whats Dallas Tx ranked???

  9. I drive 2.5hr everyday on major highways in the Boston area – maybe my new Chuck bumper stickers will help? (They say: “CHUCK Monday 8pm NBC”)


    • hey, i sit in the same traffic! did you make the bumper sticker or is it available somewhere? ill look for ya and beep 🙂

      • I had the stickers made at:

        They cost about 4 footlongs (~$20.00 US) for 5 stickers. Ordered on Thursday got ’em Tuesday. A little expensive but when it comes to Chuck I’m not rational. I advise keeping it very simple.

      • I’ll keep an eye out for you on the highway

    • Chuck fan in Finland

      Hey that’s a GREAT idea! In Helsinki, if you drive around there one day about 100 000 people will have seen the car and then also the stickers (this has been tested) – One drive in somewhere in the US and who knows how many ppl will see the Chuck stickers!

      Now that I think about it, every Chuckster in the states should have Chuck stickers on their cars (please?)! This would be an AWESOME way to promote the show 😀

      What do you guys think?

      • i LOVE the idea! i suppose we would have to make our own, but that should be easy enough.

  10. Fans from the botton 5, now you know you have to try harder!!! Flash mobs sounds great!

    where can i see a list with more cities?

  11. Let’s hear it for Ohio!! Woo hoo!!

  12. Where does New Haven, CT rank?

  13. Numbers can be deceiving. As windfarmer explained, it’s easier to have a higher percentage in smaller cities. The lowest five cities are some of the largest cities in the U.S.

    The other factor is probably the demographics. I would bet that, percentage wise, the demographics in West Palm Beach are significantly different than those in Atlanta! I don’t mean to be a pessimist, but I live in the Atlanta area, and I’m pretty sure that there’s nothing about Chuck that would appeal to over 50% of Atlanta residents.

    That being said, why don’t we have a flash mob planned for Atlanta? There are a few places in Atlanta where it would have an impact. If you had one on the Georgia Tech campus, it would have an impact.

  14. lol i live in Knoxville TN. that is so random that we are #1 in viewers.

  15. That a way Knoxville, TN! I’m a Knoxville native, and I’m very proud to see we are the city with the highest percentage of Chuck viewers. Who would have thought it? I would like to think that my own Chuck campaign to get all my family and friends to watch Chuck has helped. That is so AWESOME! 🙂

  16. Wow I live in New York and I’m the biggest Chuck fan you will ever meet.

  17. Yay Knoxville 🙂

  18. I’m from Boston and I’m a loyal viewer. It really sucks that my city is in the lower percentage. Massachusetts really has a lot uptight crowd of people who don’t take much consideration for upbeat lightheartedness…which is Chuck. The general population of MA are considered “massholes”

    • Or it could just be that the large migratory student population is underrepresented in the Nielsen ratings.

  19. Yay Ohio! I’m a Clevlander but I’m still proud.

  20. Du-val! Yeah! I’m from Jacksonville! We should have a flash mob if there’s so many fans…

  21. Hmm, I would have thought that the Bay Area, and LA areas would have a spot in the top 5. I’m from the Bay and I support Chuck all the way.

    And wow that totally rhymed, and I totally did not try to pull a chuck reference there.

  22. so sad i live in NY and i can’t believe we have so little viewer.

  23. I am a real chuck fan in florida. i want to know why there is a flash mob here. because there isn’t I can go to a flash mob. NOT COOL!

  24. wooo I live in Indy! Yall are welcome.

  25. Is there any way to help?
    I’m fan frokm greece and would do anything to help!:)

  26. Wow! I’m in Jacksonville! And I honestly don’t know that many people who watch Chuck. I do have one co-worker that watches it and we talk about it a lot at work, and people are always asking us about what we’re talking about. We’re trying to spread the word!

  27. Lies… All lies… I tell you. The the fundamental theory behind Nielsen ratings is uniform distribution. The only way it works is if the percentage of viewership is uniformly distributed in all markets. If it varies from market to market, the data provided by Nielsen is inaccurate. How can that be?

    I’m being sarcastic…