SPOILERS: Official Synopsis for Chuck Season Finale

NBC has released the official synopsis for the two-episode Chuck season 3 finale, airing May 24:

THE RING TARGETS CHUCK AND HIS TEAM–SCOTT BAKULA (“QUANTUM LEAP”) GUEST STARS- The Ring is closing in on Chuck (Zachary Levi) and Operation Bartowski. Fortunately, Chuck’s dad Steven (guest star Scott Bakula) is working hard to save his son. Meanwhile, Casey (Adam Baldwin) must secretly protect his daughter from the Ring, and Big Mike (Mark Christopher Lawrence) receives some serious news about the Buy More. Yvonne Strahovski, Joshua Gomez, Ryan McPartlin, Scott Krinsky and Vik Sahay also star.

The two episodes, “Chuck vs. the Subway” and “Chuck vs. the Ring: Part II” will air back-to-back beginning at 8/7c on May 24.

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  1. Mel, any idea why Sarah Lancaster isn’t listed in 3.17-3.19? Ausiello said Ellie and Awesome are in the the finale.

  2. Ooh…Casey’s daughter will be back…This is an interesting development…

    I wonder how papa b’s going 2 help chuck…

    I just cant wait for this eps but i dont want chuck to end either…Waah! I hope they announce a season 4 renewal soon…

    • it said he was working. working on what? to get the intersect out of chuck’s head again? to fix what ever glitch is causing chuck problems? I’m going for #3 to fix a glitch. He better hurry up cause his and his teammates are out there risking their lives and the clock is ticking.

  3. mistake of the tptb to not list SL. check it out on the imb (sp?) she’s there.

    Subway I know is not going to involve the sandwich, Underground train came to my mind. I think that would be cool.

    I’m wondering if anything happens to Kathleen,that’s why she isn’t listed. and her’s and Casey’s daughter is. I think Casey watches out for Alex for a short while in hiding, if and when the danger gets too close, that’s when father and daughter have to run. I can see that happening. and I’m looking forward to some nice moments between them. Can’t wait to see what happens next. 🙂

    • I’m not sure if the “secretly protect his daughter” means it’s a secret from Team Bartowski or a secret from Alex herself. I’m really curious to see if/when she finds out that Casey is her father, because it may be something Casey is doing without her knowledge.

      Alex would be 20-21 years old, I think, so perhaps she’s at college, allowing Kathleen to not be included. Maybe the Ring will try to actively recruit her similar to what happened to Chuck at Stanford, and that’s what Casey must prevent. Regardless, this plot will be very interesting, and I’m so glad they brought his family back into the story.

      • I bet it’s a secret from her as well as the Ring as the synopsis said the bad guys will be hunting our heroes down, so Casey would be a wanted man. But eventually she’ll find out. And the actress who plays Alex I can see as being 20 or so. but she’s supposed to be playing a young teenager sixteen or seventeen at least. Can’t wait. 🙂

      • Didn’t the flashback say 1989? That would make her 21 and about to graduate. Interesting idea if she’s in Stanford and the team needs to attend the graduation ceremony.

      • or it’s a mistake that writers made, screw ups happen. People can go for different ages in the characters. I’ll just go with sixteen or seventeen for now, and some like you can go for a little older. I can buy that.

  4. Sounds awesome.

  5. I really hope that Papa B doesn’t remove the intersect from Chuck’s head since then he would not be a spy anymore and therefore he and Sarah either break up or run together which wouldn’t be as fun as the current situation between them especially the breaking up part…

  6. I don´t think they would remove an Intersect from Chuck´s head. It is the basic premise of the show – Chuck having an Intersect in his head. I think the Intersect will just start to act unpredictably and papa B will have to help Chuck to control it. Removing Intersect wouldn´t probably mean that Chuck would be fired from CIA but he would have to learn all the fighting skills by himself. Otherwise what he knows about being a spy is all him, so it wouldn´t mean such a big problem. It would be pointless to remove the Intersect and I don´t even think it´s possible.

  7. OK, I’m fine with this either way because I would love to go back to the Casey-as-dad scenario. But the phrase “Casey (Adam Baldwin) must secretly protect his daughter from the Ring,” is a little confusing given the previous sentence about Papa B coming to Chuck’s rescue. Could they actually mean that the daughter Casey’s been assigned to protect is Ellie? I mean, we’ve seen preview material with Ellie smacking Casey with the frying pan and essentially saying he’s a perv, so could they mean Ellie instead?

    • it’s Casey’s daughter Alex that he’s protecting. Because Alex is listed in the cast.

  8. I hope that morgan somehow saves Alex (casey’s daughter) and that is the new romance. Morgan needs a girl and if it were casey’s daughter that would just make the comedy between morgan and casey even better

    • nope not seeing it, and it would be totally gross.

      • Morgan would die by Casey hand before he got anywhere near Alex. lol Not seeing this happening.

      • Not if Morgan somehow plays a role in saving her, thus proving himself to Casey (and to Beckman). Maybe Casey _has_ to use Morgan in some way so that he doesn’t ‘blow his cover’ as her Dad, and therefore has to then begrudgingly accept the romance that ensues. LOTS of potential comedic value there, plus a good romance story too now that Chuck+Sarah are official. LOL, too – this would be an interesting twist!

    • ohh my gosh that would be hilarious…i would so watch that!!

  9. Hold up. Yvonne isn’t a main part of the show? Since when? I really don’t like how it says “Yvonne Strahovski…also guest stars.” Don’t ask me why, but what couldn’t possibly (in the season finale) either ruin/corrupt Chuck and Sarah’s relationship? hmmmm. something to think about.

  10. Someone (and I don’t know who to give credit to, sorry) previously mentioned the possibility of the Buy More shutting down or something along those lines. It’s becoming harder for the Buy More plots to be integrated into the storyline since even Morgan is a member of Team Bartowski now. I’m wondering if they’re going to try to close up that chapter of Chuck’s life, though it would be a crying shame. I’ve also been thinking that Big Mike might be the character to die. I could see him going down in flames (hopefully not literally) in a final act to protect BuyMoria. Don’t know what would happen to Jeff and Lester, though.

    I just watched vs. the Colonel and vs. the Ring, and was reminded that TPTB know how to make an awesome finale. Can’t wait for this one!

    • Jeff and Lester could go on tour and begin a singing career. In S2 I would have thought this a joke, but after hearing their awesome cover of “Leaving on a Jet Plane,” I believe they could easily fill a nightclub. Now that Zachary Levi is singing in real life maybe he could do a song with them?

      Big Mike does love the Buy More. If the Ring attacks I could see him going down with the ship and making sure all the staff gets out okay. How weird would Chuck be without the Buy More though? I would miss Casey’s green polo and Chuck’s standard Nerd Herd uniform!

    • the buy more could go up in flames. Fedek said if we thought The Ring part 1 was crazy prepare for the 2 hour finale of this season. After seeing what they did for Colonel and Ring part 1, they really know to work the tension, suspense, drama, and thrills nessisary (sp?) for an excellent ending.

  11. *hyperventilates* Gah, I can’t wait.

  12. sounds very exciting episodes.looking forward to them and to a season 4.

  13. what if the writers wrote the season 3 finale as if chuck gets a renewal,and theh the nbc canceled the show?so many questions will remain unanswered…

  14. Is the season finale (3.19) supposed to be 2 hours or is it getting split between 3.18 and 3.19?

  15. Maybe the significant death is the Buy More….

  16. lauren_bartowski

    Sounds great!!!

  17. Cant wait for the finale!!!

  18. lets only hope that this will be the season finale and not the series finale.

  19. i think that the big surprise is that chuck is going to break up with sarah because he don’t want her to suffer with the fact that he could get crazy if the intersect doesn’t get fix

  20. Okay call me crazy but I just had a thought.

    What if the new romance is General Beckman?

    I know it sounds nuts, but unless I’m mistaken I’m pretty sure the guy moving around in the background while Chuck is telling her about his dream in “Tooth” is the same guy who played General Bauer, who was coming out of Beckman’s office when Chuck went to see her in D.C. in episode 12.

    Admittedly it isn’t a lot to go on, but I’ve heard theories based on a lot less.

    • I was actually wondering if Beckman wouldn’t be the death. On the IMDB page for vs. the Subway, there’s a General Merriweather in the credits, but Beckman is absent.

  21. it took chuck and sarah 3 years to get together and admit their true feelings to one another. and it takes 3 episodes to see that the intersect is messing with chuck^s brain and puts a huge pressure in their relationship.come on you guys….please keep the love alive…don´t destroy it just yet.

  22. My thoughts are. 1 There will be a season 4. 2 In the next fews episodes Chuck’s dad will help him gain better control over the intersect. This will help Chuck and Sarah allowing them to become a great spy(lovers)team and also live a nornmal life style together. I also belive the death also to be the Buy More. I feel they will be moved out of Calif. along with Casey and stationed in Washington DC for the 4th season. IT WOULD BE A DAM SHAME TO BREAK THOSE TWO UP……………………………….

  23. 13 episodes ordered and a back 9 option according to WB. Should be official Thursday or Friday.

  24. Had A Couple of Musings:

    1. So awesome that we have been renewed. Bring on Season 4!

    2. I’m thinking, that Casey will save Alex from The Ring, but maybe he has to save Ellie as well, after all, they are trying to turn her over to them.

    3. This is just me at work, maybe the reason Chuck’s mother ran away from them, was because she also is a spy. And with the director locked up, and this is just my sub-concious at work, maybe she had been turned and is now the new director of The Ring.

    That would be one hell of a way to end this season. I can see it: Chuck and a shadow are standing in the Ring chamber, a female voice says “Hello Charles” and steps out of the shadows, then the camera turns back to Chuck before we see her, and he says “Mom?”

    • That’s exactly how Season 1 of Alias ends, though, and Chuck writers have been fairly good at separating themselves from those plots.

      Do we know for sure that Mama B is even going to be involved? Is it merely speculation, or have there been some spoilers that indicate she will play a part in some way?

  25. chuck is going to die like in prison break where micheael scofield died…gonna be sad ending

  26. I personally seriously hope that they bring back one of Chuck’s old-time squeezes in the season finale or in the fourth season. By that, I am referring to Jill, or perhaps Hannah?
    That could be quite interesting…
    And Shaw could return in Season 4 as the main antagonist?

  27. If the writers kill off Sarah, they have made a terrible mistake. But, I do believe this will be the cliff hanger at the end of the season. Is she alive or not?

  28. So I was thinking, the significant death that will affect Chuck’s life has got to be the Buy More. And if you are to believe certain other websites, the 2nd significant death could possibly be Shaw. I don’t think that the PTB would kill major characters off and go for the dark tone to set up season 4. Tonally, it would be much darker than Season 3, which I think would erode the fanbase even more. And (knock on wood) if there is hope for a season 5, tonally you would be better served using The Honeymooners as a blueprint. I’m not saying that it shouldn’t be as intense as vs. The Ring last year, but if you remember, there was quite a bit of “feel good” in that episode.

    Also the new romance that Auisello speaks of has got to be Big Mike and the Subway Sandwich.

  29. Clearly Stephen is going to die + Shaw

  30. I think or maybe they make like season three never happen we are still at the wedding chuck and sarah are still dancing she tell him everything start to finish

  31. charahlover101

    Just a thought…. You know how they ended the first two seasons with something weddingy? well, maybe they will keep with the trend! im all for seeing a Mrs. Charles bartowski