Chuck fans are nothing if not thorough in our examination of all things related to the show. NBC is well aware of this, as evidenced by the easter egg we got in the promo for the season finale. We got a kick out of that, and now it’s time to do what we do best: parse every bit of that promo possible to see if we can guess what’s coming up on Monday. Many thanks to snickrz who once again provided us with screencaps.
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I am so pathetically excited for this episode.
Mee tooo! though I think that something will happen to sarah bcuz they especially showed her giving chuck her spy will. I dont want anything but to be wrong!
peplz need to stop saying its Sarah because its not. Trust me. I have friends who work at NBC. So I know a lot of things.
Love people who say trust me, love people who namedrop and know people even more.
Trust me I cant wait for the next episodes… I have friends who work at AT&T. So I know alot of (shipping related)things amoungst other (non-shipping related) things.
the buymore exploding?
Ellie’s expression says it all
Jeffster’s music video looks epic.
Oh my gosh, Chuck’s face in the 20th pic is so heartbreaking. 🙁
I need a good cry right now….
Oh, man. I’m starting to think Morgan’s a goner.
Yeah, I know what you mean. I had exactly the same reaction when I first saw the promos as well.
I don’t think it’s Chuck choking Shaw in photo 16. The arm is too muscular. I think it’s Casey, maybe?
muscular?!? lol what arm are u lookin at. that is so Chuck’s arm. U can tell. Casey has bigger triceps then that.
Ain’t no two ways about it–this finale is gonna be a BEAST!! 😀
I love the “Thanks Chuck fans” in the picture of Chuck getting off the couch. And I don’t think they would kill off Morgan. Chuck and Morgan is the greatest TV love story of all time. There is no way that they could get rid of him. He is the one who keeps Chuck sane.
Thanks for the screencaps, although they pose more questions about the Finale than we had before, but wasn’t it fun trying to figure it all out? Only one way to find the actual answers; NBC (The Nothing But Chuck network) Monday night, 8 – 10 Eastern!
There are very few TV shows that I am attached to, CHUCK is the exception. Spys, drama, comedy, Yvonne and Jeffster, CHUCK got it all. I only hope NBC releases the season three DVD’s in a timely manner, unlike the last time.
Can’t wait for the season finale, although it sucks, in the space of a week my 2 favourite shows are ending, the first being ashes to ashes and then Chuck 🙁 What will i do in the summer?
Well you could always watch the first 3 seasons over again thats what im gonna do
By the looks of Chucks very emotional face my guesses are that is Morgan?……or i think what many fans are predicting it is probably Papa B…..I quite honestly think in the end of the finale we are gonna see Chucks mom emerge as the Ring leader (That would be awesome in my opinion cuz’ it might get more viewers that way?)……..
I was checking some sites and I found one with some clips from the season finale and the way one of the scenes sounds is that chuck’s dad dies and shaw has the governor. Its the scene where he tell’s sarah the truth about what’s going on with the intersect destroying his mind. From the clips it looks like it’s going to be very enjoyable monday night!
I can’t begin to describe my excitement for this finale. Though afterward we have to suffer the agony of waiting four months till the fourth season. Oh boy, I hope the gang will come out ok All hell’s gonna break loose and it doesn’t look good 🙁
In pic 22 what is that in morgan’s hand? Closest I can make out seems to be a dead-man’s switch… but I don’t see a reason why he would have one. I can’t make out what it is… maybe one of you can.
It looks like a dead man switch to me too but it looks like shaw is behind him holding it ….could be someone else but that wouldnt make any sense lol
Picture 16: Is that shaw dead and chuck checking his pulse? Or is chuck choking him? Or is it chuck thats all beat up and shaw choking him? Personally I like my first prediction.
it sort of looks to me like its chuck thats being choked in pic 16.
But Chuck has a white t shirt on in the battle and Shaw is in black. Very archtypical hero versus villan.
I’m from Brazil and we loooove Chuck.
Thanks ChuckTV! That’s the BEST site about Chuck!
Love ya!
Kisses ;*
Everyone I figured it out……… the Buy More doesn’t burn down its Jeff and Lester’s music video we all know how they don’t like working at the Buy More and as we saw in the picture there is fire behind them sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo this must mean something. 😀
but what about the bomb?, I hope you are right.
When does Chuck season 3 finale in Canada air?
I’ve checked the CityTv schedule and Chuck is no where to be found?
i think that sarah gets shot or something bad happens to her, because otherwise why would they bring up the spy wills , and they especially showed her giving chuck hers. Nothing would make me happier to be wrong.
I think the spy will storyline sends a clear message that nobody is safe and the stakes really high . The cast and creators have been teasing it all season.
Aw, no cap of the “GOING OUT” (…of business) banner above Chuck’s head while he’s standing in between the Buy More shoplifting sensors!
I think Awsom will be a gonner, which means I think Awsome might die.
I don’t want anyone to die!!! it’s just all too sad!!!! please don’t let it be Sarah or Awesome!!!! they pretty much make the show what it is! Next season won’t be as fun to watch!!!!
I think Shaw kills Papa Bartowski and Team Bartowki flips out for justice.
I also believe that Papa Bartowski will be killed. Ellie and Chuck will relive a specific moment from there past and that is why we have a young Chuck and Ellie scene.
I love this show, the only show I watch on NBC…Very happy for a sesson 4 and hopefully more…
My money’s on Chuck’s dad. I’m betting Shaw kills him, which Ellie witnesses, and then Chuck comes in too late and finds him dead (or about to die).
I’m still thinking the flashback is more about how Chuck became such a good canidate for the intersect in the first place. The one shot in the promo of young Chuck sitting in front of an old style Mac makes me think he walked in while his daddy was expirimenting and accidentally “uploaded” something. Maybe that’s why Mama B left. She couldn’t bear to watch her son being turned into some kind of guinea pig by her half crazy husband.
Doing my “I was right” interpretive dance again.
I think that Dad Bartowski will die and Justin will kill him and that is what Ellie witnesses. I don’t think that the flashback will be about him uploading something because then wouldn’t his sister have known about his special circumstances? Also, I think maybe Casey’s girlfriend from when he was younger will have something to do with it all because it shows him telling his daughter that he is her father but maybe it is actually her mother and her mother is in the ring. Cause later it has a picture of him getting punched by a woman that looks a lot like the girl he said, “I am your father” to. I don’t know. This is just too exciting. Haha.
Who is Justin?? I am so excited for this episode, I have been telling random people ALL day about it!
man that was the best episode ever, i was completely taken aback at the level of infiltration of the ring in the CIA. that was awesome and cant wait till the next season to start!!
What a show! My jaw was wide open when it over. The best show of all of them. I can’t wait to watch it again tomorrow on NBC and now I really want season 4 to start! What a show, what a show.
Wow I love Chuck, and this finale just brought not only this show to a whole new level, but television itself…Amazing twists and turns, sad to see Chuck’s father killed, but that emotion/comedy/action is what keeps this show alive. I can’t wait for season 4! Hope to see all the same characters back again. By the way, was it just me or was anyone else expecting Rachael (from earlier in the season) to have a larger role overall in the show? Maybe we’ll find out in Season 4, anyways fantastic finale, Chuck forever!
wow! Chuck just keeps getting better[the show & the man ;)]…the finale left us with some interesting things to speculate about…i can’t wait 😀